2399-2000 Rental Property Standards By-Law
Passed by Council January 10, 2000
BY—LAW No. 2399
To prescribe standards for the maintenance and occupancy of residential rental
WHEREAS The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Augusta is empowered by Section
15.1 The Building Code Act, 1992, as amended, to pass a by—law for prescribing standards for
the maintenance and occupancy of residential rental property within the municipality, for prohibiting
the use of property that does not conform to the standards, and for requiring property that does not
conform to the standards to be repaired and maintained to conform to the standards;
AND WHEREAS the Official Plan of the Municipality includes provisions relating to property
1. This by—law may be cited as the Property Standards By-law.
2. In this by-law:
(a) “Accessory Building” means a building or structure, the use of which is incidental to the use
of a property and which is located in the yard around a building;
(b) “Basement” means that portion of a building between two floor levels which is partly
underground but which has at least one half of its height, from finished floor to finished
ceiling, above the adjacent finished grade level adjacent to the exterior walls of the building;
(c) “Building” means a combination of materials to form a construction that is adapted or readily
capable of being adapted to permanent or continuous occupancy for residential,
commercial, institutional, or industrial uses, but shall not be deemed to include a structure;
(d) “Building Code” means the Ontario Building Code as regulated under Section 34 of The
Building Code Act, R.S.0. 1992, c. 23, as amended;
(e) “Cellar” means any room in a building which is located so that more than one half of its
height is below the level of the ground adjacent to its exterior walls;
(f) “compliance alternative” means a substitute for a requirement in other parts of the Building
Code that is listed in Part 10 or Part 11 of the Building Code;
(g) “dwelling” means a building or structure, with or without kitchen facilities, or a part of such
building or structure which is, or is intended to be used for the purpose of human habitation,
and includes a building that would be, or would be intended to be used for such purposes,
except for its state of disrepair, whether that habitation be used for residential, industrial or
commercial uses;
(h) “dwelling unit” means one or more rooms located within a building used or intended to be
used for human habitation by one or more persons;
(i) “guard” means a barrier in conformance to section 9.8.8. of the Building Code;
(j) “habitable room” means any room in a dwelling or dwelling unit used or intended to be used
for living, eating, sleeping, cooking, working, or any combination thereof, and which
complies with the provisions of section 25 of this by—law;
(k) “human occupancy” means the use or intended use of a building or part thereof for the
shelter or support of persons;
(l) “medical officer of health” means The Medical Officer of Health for the Leeds, Grenville and
Lanark District Health Unit;
(m) “non—habitable room” means any room or space in a dwelling, or dwelling unit, other than
a habitable room and includes a washroom, bathroom, toilet room, laundry, pantry, lobby,
communicating corridor, stairway, closet, cellar, boiler room, garage, or space for service
and maintenance of the dwelling for public use and for access to and vertical travel between
(n) “residential rental property‘” means any property that is used or is capable of being used
as a domestic establishment in which one or more persons usually sleep and prepare and
serve meals, and includes any land or buildings that are appurtenant to such establishment;
where a rent is paid, as defined by the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 as amended; and
(a) a site for a mobile home or site on which there is a land lease home used
or intended for use as rented residential premises, and
(b) a room in a boarding house, rooming house or lodging house and a unit in
a care home;
(o) “sewage system” means a private sewage disposal system approved by the medical officer
of health and/or Ministry of the Environment;
(p) “standards” means the standards of physical condition and of occupancy prescribed for
property by this by—law;
(q) “stored” means allowed to remain for not more than one week;
(r) “structure” means a combination of materials to form a construction or fixed erection which
is not adapted to permanent or continuous occupancy, and shall include a tent, reviewing
stand, platform, staging, wall, retaining wall, radio or television antenna supporting
structure, shed, coal or garbage bin, fence, sign, and every other construction or fixed
erection that is not a building;
(s) “Township” means the Corporation of the Township of Augusta;
(t) “yard” means the land not occupied by any building or structure around and appurtenant
to the whole or any part of a building or structure and used or capable of being used in
connection therewith.
General Duties and Obligations
(1) No person shall occupy, use, permit the use of, rent, or offer to rent, any property
that does not conform to the standards.
(2) The owner of any residential rental property shall repair and maintain the property
in accordance with the standards.
(3) Where an officer has placed or caused the placing of a placard containing the terms
of an order upon any premises under the authority of section 15.2—(3) and 15.7—(2)
of the Building Code Act, R.S.0. 1992, c. 23, as amended, no person shall remove
such placard except with the consent of the officer.
(1) The provisions of Part 1 — Property Standards, except for section 21, and the
provisions of Part II — Fire Protection; apply to residential rental property in the
municipality of the Township of Augusta.
(2) The provisions in Part — section 21 apply to Mobile Home Parks and Land Lease
Communities in the Township of Augusta.
Exterior Structure
(1) In every building the exterior walls shall be sound, plumb, and tight.
(2) Every part of a building shall be maintained in a structurally sound condition and
so as to be capable of sustaining safely its own weight and any additional weight
that may be put on it through normal use.
(a) Every building shall have a sound and tight roof, adequate to carry the loads imposed thereon.
(b) The roof of every building shall be maintained in a watertight condition so as to
prevent leakage of water into the building.
(4) Every chimney, smoke pipe, and flue of a building shall be maintained so as to
prevent any gases from leaking into the building and maintained to prevent any
build up of creosote.
(5) All exterior exposed surfaces of a building shall be treated and maintained with a
protective coat of paint or other sealing or coating material to inhibit deterioration,
or be of a condition which is acceptable to the Township.
(6) Windows, exterior doors, and cellar hatchways shall be maintained in good repair
so as to prevent the entrance of wind and rain into the building.
(7) Windows, exterior doors, including a balcony door that is capable of being opened
and that is accessible from outside a dwelling unit shall be equipped so that it can
be secured from the inside.
(8) At least one exterior door in a dwelling unit shall be capable of being locked from
outside the dwelling unit.
(9) All balconies shall have a guard at least 106.7 cm in height around the perimeter of
the balcony.
Interior Structure
(1) Every building, unless of concrete slab—on—grade design, shall be upon either full
foundation walls or piers, and all footings, foundation walls, and piers shall be of
concrete, masonry, or other material acceptable to the Township and shall be
sound, plumb, and adequate to carry the loads imposed on them.
(2) In every building all joists, beams, studding and roof rafters shall be of sound
material and adequate for the load to which they are subject.
(3) Every basement and cellar shall have a concrete or other floor, acceptable to the
Township for purposes of water drainage and to guard against the entry of vermin.
(4) Every basement and cellar floor shall be adequately drained and slopes must not
exceed 2.54 cm in 1.83 m.
(a) Interior walls shall be finished so as to provide a surface which is reasonably
smooth, clean, tight, and easily cleaned.
(b) Every wall and ceiling in a building shall be maintained so as to be free of holes,
cracks, loose plaster, or other material which is in such a condition that it may
collapse, or which would permit flame or excessive heat to enter any concealed
(6) Every floor in a building, except as hereinafter provided, shall be maintained so as
to be reasonably level and smooth, and free of loose, warped, protruding, broken
or rotted material.
(7) All floor coverings shall be maintained in clean and hazard—free condition and any
floor covering which by reason of it‘s dilapidated or deteriorated condition retains dirt
or is hazardous shall be cleaned, repaired, or replaced.
(8) The floor, and the walls to the height of .91 m above the floor or bathtub of every
bathroom, shower room, and toilet room shall be so maintained as to be water
resistant and readily cleaned.
(9) Where an aperture such as a window, window—sash, skylight, or louvre is to be used
for ventilation or other purpose, such aperture shall be maintained in proper
working condition and shall have a locking device.
(10) Where a window is located on the second storey, a tenant may request that the
window be equipped with a safety device that would prevent the window from
opening so as to admit the passage of a sphere greater than 100 mm in diameter.
The safety device shall not make the window inoperable to an adult without a key
or use of a tool.
Kitchen Facilities
7. Except for a dwelling in which the occupants do not, and are not intended or permitted to
prepare food for their own consumption, and which is not required to have any kitchen
facilities, every dwelling and every dwelling unit shall be provided with each of the following:
(a) a kitchen sink with splash back which is water and grease resistant,
(b) a work surface at least 1200 mm long and 560 mm wide;
(c) kitchen cupboards or pantry for the storage of food, dishes, and cooking utensils
having a content of at least .65 cubic metres; and
(d) a space sufficient to accommodate a cooking range or a counter top cooking unit.
Stairs and Ramps
(1) Every stairway containing three risers or more and every ramp rising over 60 cm in
height or a gradient exceeding 1 in 10 shall be equipped with a safe, sturdy handrail
on the open side, and the open side or sides or every ramp, balcony, platform,
verandah, or landing over 60 cm above the level of the adjacent ground, shall be
equipped with a safe guard.
(2) An inside or outside stair and any porch, balcony, platform, verandah, or landing
appurtenant to it and any ramp shall be maintained so as to be free from holes,
cracks, ice and snow, and other defects which may constitute possible accident
hazards, and all treads, risers, or decking that show excessive wear or are broken,
warped, or loose, and all supporting structural members that are rotted or
deteriorated shall be repaired or replaced.
Washrooms and Bathrooms
(1) Every dwelling and every dwelling unit, except as otherwise provided in subsection (2) of this section, shall be provided with at least the following:
(a) a water closet;
(b) a wash basin; and
(c) a bathtub or shower.
(2) The occupants of two dwelling units may share a toilet, bathtub, or shower provided
(a) the dwelling units are occupied by a total of not more than 9 persons, and
(b) access thereto can be had without going through rooms of another dwelling unit or
outside the dwelling.
(3) All rooms containing a bathtub, shower, or water—closet shall be fully enclosed,
equipped with a door capable of being closed to secure privacy, and shall be
located within, and shall be accessible from within, the a dwelling or floor area served.
(4) There shall be a wash basin in the same room as the water—closet or in an adjoining
room, other than a kitchen.
(5) No water—closet or urinal shall be located in a room that is used for preparation,
cooking, storing, or consumption of food, or in a room used for sleeping purposes.
Plumbing, Drains, and Sanitary Facilities
(1) Where required by any Act, Regulation, or By—law that sanitary facilities be provided
in a building, every such building shall be provided with an adequate supply of
potable running water from a source approved by the medical officer of health.
(2) Every required, sink, wash basin, bathtub, or shower in a building shall have an
adequate supply of hot and cold running water, and every water—closet shall have
an adequate supply of running water.
(3) Each plumbing fixture shall be connected to the building drain through a water seal
trap. Every building shall have all drain, waste and vent piping, and all plumbing
fixtures connected to a sewage system.
(4) All plumbing, including every drain pipe, water pipe, water—closet, and plumbing
fixture in a building, and the building drain and building sewer, shall be maintained
in good working order, free from leaks and defects, and shall be protected from
(1) Every building in human occupancy shall be ventilated naturally by windows capable
of being opened or by mechanical ventilation capable of changing the air once each
hour in compliance with any act or regulation controlling the use and occupancy of
such building.
(2) Except as otherwise provided herein, every cellar, unheated crawl space, and
insulated roof space shall be vented to the outside air by means of openings
comprised of either a screened window or windows which can be opened, or by a
screened louvre or louvres. The area of such opening where only one is employed,
and the total area of such opening where more than one is employed, shall not be
less than 1 per cent of the floor area for a cellar, nor less than .09 m per 46.45 m*
of floor area for a craw! space and .09 m‘ per 27.87 m for an insulated roof space.
(3) An opening for natural ventilation may be omitted from the cellar, unheated crawl
space or roof space where a system of mechanical ventilation has been provided
which changes the air once each hour.
(4) Every bathroom or shower room and every room containing a water—closet or urinal
shall be provided with either a window of at least .09 m* of unobstructed area per
water—closet, or mechanical ventilation capable of changing the air once each hour.
12. Lighting equipment shall be installed throughout every Property to provide adequate
illumination for the use of each space, and such lighting equipment shall be capable of
illuminating to average levels of at least 50 Ix (5 foot—candles) at floor level all corridors,
stairways, and ramps, and at all Points such as angles and intersections, and at changes
of level in such corridors, stairways, and ramps.
Electrical Service
(1) Fuses or overload devices shall not exceed limits set by the regulations enacted
pursuant to The Power Corporation Act R.S.O. 1980, c. 364, and amendments
(2) Extension cords are not permitted on a permanent basis.
(3) The electrical wiring and all electrical fixtures located or used in a building shall be
installed in conformity with the regulations enacted pursuant to The Power
Corporation Act, R.S.0. 1980, c. 384, and amendments thereto.
(4) The electrical wiring, circuits, fuses, circuit—breakers, the electrical equipment in a
building shall be maintained at all times,
(a) in compliance with the regulations enacted pursuant to The Corporation Act
R.S.O. 1980, c. 384, and amendments thereto,
(b) in good repair and working order, and
(c) free from fire and accident hazards.
(a) Subject to subsection (4) of this section, every habitable room in a dwelling shall
have at least 1 electrical duplex convenience outlet in good working order,
for the first 11.1 m or less of floor area, and
(b) for each additional 9.29 m2 or less of floor area.
(6) A kitchen in a dwelling shall have at least 2 electrical outlets on individual 3—wire
grounded circuits in good working order, unless there is an existing duplex outlet on
an individual grounded circuit in good working order.
(7) Every laundry area in a dwelling shall have at least 1 electrical duplex convenience
outlet on an individual grounded circuit in good working order.
(8) An electrical light fixture shall be permanently installed and maintained in good
working order in every toilet room, bathroom, shower room, kitchen, kitchenette,
cooking space, laundry room, furnace room, cellar, hall, and stairway, in a dwelling.
Heating Equipment
(1) Every residential building shall be equipped with a heating system capable of
maintaining a room temperature of 21.1 °C from September 15 to May 15 when
weather conditions dictate, in any room occupied by persons, and in any room
containing a bathtub, shower, or water closet.
(2) Every fuel burning appliance shall be connected, used, and maintained in
accordance with the provisions of The Energy Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 139, and
amendments thereto and the regulations made thereunder.
(3) A space that contains a heating unit shall have natural or mechanical means of
supplying the required air for combustion, and adequate chimneys or vents for the
discharge of combustion gases to the exterior of the building.
(4) All self—standing stoves, airtight stoves, fireplaces, etc., will comply with the Building
Code regarding clearances.
(5) An approved Carbon Monoxide Detector shall be installed in every dwelling unit that
is equipped with a solid fuel heating appliance or a heating appliance that is at risk
of back drafting into the residence when the house is depressurized, and shall be
installed in accordance with the Building Code.
(6) In a dwelling containing more than 3 dwelling units, the central heating system, if the
dwelling is so equipped, shall be located in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code.
(7) Where practical a dwelling unit shall be provided with insulation conforming to the
requirements of the Building Code.
Vermin Control
(1) Every property shall be maintained so as to be free from vermin rodents and insects
at all times, and methods used for exterminating vermin shall be in accordance with
the provisions of the Pesticide Act R.S.0. 1990, c. P.11 and amendments thereto
and all regulations made thereunder.
(2) Any opening in a cellar, crawl space, or roof space used or intended to be used for
ventilation, and any other opening in a cellar, crawl space, or roof space which
might admit vermin, shall be screened with wire mesh or other such material in
order to effectively exclude vermin.
(1) Every property should be graded and drained in order to prevent ponding or the
entry of water into a building.
(2) Sewage shall be discharged only through a sanitary sewage system.
Walks and Driveways
(1) A walk shall be provided from the principal entrance of every building to a public
street, or to a driveway affording access to a public street.
(2) Every walk, driveway, and parking space shall be surfaced with stone, asphalt,
concrete or other material capable of providing a hazard free hard surface and shall
be maintained in good condition.
18. Every property shall be provided with sufficient receptacles to contain all garbage, rubbish,
and ashes, which receptacles shall be:
(a) of water tight condition,
(b) capable of being tightly closed,
(c) maintained in a clean condition, and
(d) disposed of regularly by private disposal in accordance with the provisions of By—
law No. 2312 and amendments thereto.
Yards and Parking Lots
(1) Every yard, parking lot, and vacant property shall be kept free of litter, debris,
salvage, refuse, and other physical hazards.
(2) Grass, plantings, and hedges shall be kept trimmed and neat. Trees and hedges
shall be kept trimmed so as not to overhang onto sidewalks. Every yard and vacant
property shall be kept free of noxious plants in accordance with the provisions of
The Weed Control Act R.S.O. 1990, chapter W.5, and amendments there to and the
regulations made thereunder.
(3) No machinery, vehicle, or parts thereof which are in a wrecked, discarded,
dismantled, partially dismantled, or abandoned condition, shall be stored or allowed
to remain in the yard of any property. The unlicensed, wrecked discarded,
dismantled or partially dismantled vehicles must be removed from the property.
(4) Wells and holes in any yard shall be filled or safely covered and the wells shall also
be protected from contamination
(5) The owner of any property used for multiple—dwelling shall install and maintain
around such property suitable fences, hedges, or screening where such property
is used for the parking of vehicles by tenants or employees, when used for the
storage of goods, or when used for any other purposes which may detract from the
quiet enjoyment and good appearance of an abutting residential property.
(6) An abandoned or inoperable icebox, refrigerator or freezer shall not be left in a yard
or common area of an apartment dwelling and all appliances as such should
immediately have their doors removed.
Accessory Buildings, Structures, and Fences
(1) Every Accessory Building, structure, or fence and every part thereof shall be of
material acceptable to the Township under the provisions of the Building Code.
(2) Every Accessory Building, structure, or fence shall be kept in good condition and
repair, and every part thereof shall be maintained in a structurally sound condition
so as to be capable of sustaining safely its own weight together with any load to
which it might reasonably be subject.
(3) Mail boxes provided by the landlord shall be properly maintained and capable of
being secured.
(4) All exterior exposed surfaces of Accessory Buildings or structures shall be treated
and maintained with a protective coat of paint or other sealing or coating material
to inhibit deterioration, or be of a condition which is acceptable to the Township.
Mobile Home Parks and Land Lease Communities
(1) The other sections of this By—law also apply to mobile home parks and land lease
(2) A supply of potable water and water pressure that are sufficient for normal
household use shall be available for each rental unit in a mobile home park or land
lease community.
(3) An adequate supply of water and adequate water pressure shall be available for fire
(4) Fire hydrants owned by the landlord shall be regularly tested and maintained and
kept free from accumulations of snow and ice.
(5) Roads within a mobile home park or land lease community shall be,
(a) kept free of holes and cleared of snow and obstructions;
(b) maintained to control dust, and kept passable.
(6) Excavations made for repairs shall be filled in and the ground returned to its
previous condition.
(7) Mailboxes and the approaches to them shall be kept free of snow and other
(8) Sewage holding tanks in a mobile home park or land lease community shall be
emptied whenever necessary.
(9) Electrical supply and connections in a mobile home park or land lease community
supplied by the landlord shall be maintained free of hazardous conditions
dangerous to persons or property.
Additional standards for Fire Protection in residential property
Smoke Alarms
22. In all residential properties three (4) storeys or less in building height having a building area
not exceeding 600 m?, every dwelling unit shall be provided with a listed products of
combustion detector or detectors of the single station alarm type, audible within bedrooms,
when intervening doors are closed. Such detectors shall be installed on the ceiling between
the bedrooms or sleeping area and the remainder of the dwelling unit, such as in a hallway
or corridor serving such bedrooms or sleeping areas. The products of combustion
detectors and alarms shall be,
(a) equipped with audible or visual indication that they are in operating condition, and
(b) if connected to the building‘s electrical supply, be permanently mounted to a
standard electrical outlet or junction box on the ceiling to a circuit without a
disconnect switch.
(c) located on the ceiling and at least 300 mm away from a wall or fixture, and within
5 m of bedrooms so that the alarm is clearly audible from within the bedrooms
when intervening doors are closed.
Non—Habitable Rooms
23. A non—habitable room shall not be used as a habitable room.
Fire Separation
24. Every dwelling unit shall be fire separated from each other in conformance to the Building
Code or a compliance alternative to the Building Code and with the provisions under the
Fire Code Act, 1997 O. Reg. 388/97, as amended.
Maximum Dwelling Occupancy
25. The number of occupants in a dwelling or a dwelling unit shall not exceed 1 person for
every 9.29 m of floor area of habitable rooms other than kitchens. Children, up to and
including those 6 years of age, shall be counted as half a person each for computing the
number of occupants in a dwelling unit.
(1) Every dwelling unit shall have two means of egress in conformance to the Building
Code or a compliance alternative to the Building Code and with the provisions under
the Fire Code Act, 1997 O. Reg. 388/97, as amended.
(2) In an apartment dwelling, each dwelling unit shall have at least one entrance door
that opens onto a common hallway, or to a private exit to the exterior at or near
grade level except that in an apartment dwelling of not more than three storeys in
height, the entrance to a dwelling unit may open off a stairway if a second entrance
is provided that opens onto a separate stairway or corridor leading to a second
means of egress.
(3) Each floor level of an apartment dwelling shall be provided with at least two
separate means of egress in compliance with the Building Code.
(4) A required means of egress from a dwelling unit shall not pass through an attached
or built—in garage, a room or dwelling unit not under the immediate control of the
dwelling unit served, a furnace room, a storage room, a laundry room or a similar
service area.
(5) All required means of egress shall be maintained so as to permit safe, continuous
and unobstructed passage at all times.
(6) Every exit in an apartment dwelling or means of egress for a dwelling unit shall be
fire separated from other dwelling units and non—habitable rooms as required by the
Building Code.
27. The administration and enforcement of this Bylaw is the responsibility of the Property
Standards Officer of the Township of Augusta who shall be appointed by the Council of the
Corporation of the Township of Augusta, together with such assistance as Council may
provide. The Property Standards Officer shall have the powers and shall follow the
procedures provided by Section 15.1 — 15.8 of The Building Code Act, 1997 as amended
from time to time.
Appeal of an Order
28. An owner who has been served with an order, made under section 15.2—(2) of the Building
Code Act, 1997, and who is not satisfied with the terms or conditions of the order may
appeal to the Property Standards Committee by sending a notice of appeal by registered
mail to the secretary of the committee within 14 days after being served the order.
Property Standards Committee
(1) A Committee to be known as The Property Standards Committee of the Township
of Augusta is hereby established and continued.
(2) The Property Standards Committee for the Township of Augusta shall consist of 3
ratepayers of the Township to be appointed by Council for terms of 1, 2 and 3 years
initially and thereafter for terms of 3 years. The members of the committee shall
hold office until their successors have been appointed. Any vacancy on the
Committee shall be filled forthwith by Council.
(3) The Committee shall elect a chair from among themselves and select a secretary.
They may, subject to section 15.6 of the Building Code Act, 1997, adopt their own
rules of procedure and any member may administer oaths.
Certificate of Compliance
30. Upon the issuance of a certificate of compliance at the request of an owner a fee is payable
in accordance with the following:
(1) a fee of $25.00 for a residential property containing 3 or fewer dwelling units;
(2) a fee of $10.00 per dwelling unit for any residential property containing more than
3 dwelling units, and
(1) Except as hereinafter provided, every person who contravenes any of the provisions
of this bylaw or of sections 15.1 to 15.8 inclusive of the Building Code Act, 1997, as
amended, is guilty of an offence and is liable to a fine of not less than $300.00 and
not more than $2,000.00 recoverable under the provisions of the Provincial Offences
Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.33, as amended.
(2) Every owner who contravenes an order that is final and binding and which has been
made pursuant to the terms of this bylaw and of sections 15.1 to 15.8 inclusive of The
1997, as amended, is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is
liable to a fine not exceeding $500.00 for each day that he is in contravention of such
Power of Corporation to Repair or Remove
32. If the owner fails to repair the property in accordance with an order as confirmed or modified,
the Township in addition to all other remedies, shall have a lien for any amount expended
by or on behalf of the Township under the authority of section 15.4 of The Building Code Act,
1997, upon the property. The amount shall be deemed to be municipal real property taxes
and may be added by the clerk of the municipality to the collector‘s role and collected in the
same manner and with the same priorities as municipal real property taxes.
33. Wherever a standard established by this By—law is different from a standard in relation to the
same matter established by any other item of legislation in force in the Township of Augusta,
the standard which provides the higher degree of protection for the health, safety, and
welfare of the occupants and of the general public, shall prevail.
Read a FIRST time this 10°” day of January, 2000.
Read a SECOND time this 10″ day of January, 2000.
Read a THIRD time this 10″ day of January, 2000.
Signed by Reeve Adrian VanSchie and the Clerk/Treasurer
BY—LAW No. 2399
Policy Statement
Township Policy regarding Property Standards Complaints…
It will be policy with the Township, that no action take place until the
complainant has signed a written complaint, and that the complaint be
in our possession. Emergency life safety issues that require
expediency may be acted upon at the Township‘s discretion.
In no case will the name of the complainant ever be voluntarily
Property Standards Bylaw …
Corporation of the Township of Augusta