3253-2016 Accessible Customer Service Policy By-Law
Passed by Council August 22, 2016
BY -LAW NUMBER 3253-2016
WHEREAS Ontario Regulation 429/07 to the Accessibility for Ontarians with
Disabilities Act 2005 requires every provider of goods or services to establish policies,
practices and procedures governing the provision of its goods or services to persons
with disabilities;
WHEREAS the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario made updates to the customer
service standard as part of their required five year review;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Towns hip of Augusta enacts
as follows:
1. Schedule “A”, attached, shall from part of this by-law.
2. That by-law 2773 is hereby repealed.
3. This by-law will come into effect on the date of passing.
READ a first and second time this 22 day of August 2016.
READ a third time and passed this 22 day of August 2016.
Signed by Mayor Doug Malanka and Clerk Annette Simonian
Schedule A by-law 3253-2016
Providing Goods and Services
to People with Disabilities
Our Commitment
The Township of Augusta strives at all times to provide its goods and
services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of all
people. The Township of Augusta is also committed to giving people
with disabilities the same opportunity to access our goods and
services and allowing them to benefit from the same services, in the
same place and in a similar way as other customers.
Providing Goods and Services to People with Disabilities
The Township of Augusta will provide goods and services to people
with disabilities, with particular consideration to the following areas:
This Accessibility Customer Service Policy shall not apply during any
period where the Reeve, or the Reeve’s designate has declared a
“State of Emergency” as defined under the Emergency Management
and Civil Protection Act.
The Township of Augusta will communicate with people with
disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. All
employees, council and volunteers will be trained on how to interact
and communicate with people with various types of disabilities.
The Township of Augusta is committed to providing fully accessible
telephone service to our customers. Staff will be trained to
communicate with customers over the telephone in clear and plain
language, to speak clearly and slowly and to tailor their responses as
much as possible in support of the individual.
The Township of Augusta will offer to communicate with customers by
other means, including relay service or e-mail, if telephone
communication is not suitable to their communication needs or is not
Assistive Devices
The Township of Augusta is committed to serving people with
disabilities who use assistive devices to obtain, use or benefit from
our goods and services. Staff will be trained and become familiar with
various assistive devices that may be used by customers with
disabilities while accessing our goods or services.
The Township of Augusta will also ensure that staff know how to use
the assistive devices which are available on our premises, including
electronic door openers.
Correspondence, invoices and other documentation
The Township of Augusta is committed to providing accessible
information to all of our customers.
For this reason, correspondence, invoices and other documentation
will be provided in large print or by e-mail, upon request.
The Township of Augusta may provide a document, or information
contained in a document, in a format that takes into account the
person’s disability. The Township of Augusta and the person with a
disability may agree upon the format to be used for the document or
Any questions customers may have about the content of a document
will be answered in person, by telephone or e-mail.
The Use of Service Animals and Support Persons
Service Animals
The Township of Augusta is committed to welcoming people with
disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal, in the areas of
our premises that are open to the public and other third parties. All
staff, volunteers and others dealing with the public will be properly
trained in how to interact with people with disabilities who are
accompanied by a service animal.
An animal is a service animal for a person with a disability:
i) If it is readily apparent that the animal is used by the person for
reasons relating to his or her disability; or
ii) If the person provides documentation from a regulated health
professional confirming that the person needs the service animal
for reasons relating to the disability.
Support Person
The Township of Augusta is committed to welcoming people with
disabilities who are accompanied by a support person. Any person
with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be
allowed to enter the Township of Augusta’s buildings with his or her
support person. At no time will a person with a disability who is
accompanied by a support person, be prevented from having access
to his or her support person while on the Township premises.
A “support person” means, in relation to a person with a disability,
another person who accompanies him or her in order to help with
communication, mobility, personal care or medical needs or with
access to goods or services.
In certain cases, Augusta might require a person with disability to be
accompanied by a support person for health and safety reasons.
Before making a decision, Augusta shall consult the person with
disability to understand their needs, consider health and safety
reasons based on available evidence, determine if there is no other
reasonable way to protect the health and safety of the person or
others on the premises.
No admission will be charged to the support person for admission to
the Township of Augusta Recreation Facilities.
The Township of Augusta will recommend to groups that manage
buildings and/or events under the auspices of the municipality to
adopt a similar policy and not charge a support person who is
accompanying a person with a disability
Customers will be informed of this policy by a notice that will be
posted at each building and on the Township of Augusta’s website.
Notice of Disruption in Service
The Township of Augusta will provide customers with notice in the
event of a planned or unexpected disruption in the facilities or
services usually used by people with disabilities.
This notice will include information about the reason for the
disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternative
facilities or services, if available.
Notice may be given by posting the information at a conspicuous
place on premises owned or operated by the Township of Augusta,
by posting it on the Township of Augusta’s website or by such other
method as is reasonable in the circumstances.
The Township of Augusta will provide training to:
• Every person who participates in developing the policy, practices
and procedures under Ontario Regulation 429/07 – Accessibility
Standards for Customer Service
• Every person who deals with the public on behalf of the
Township of Augusta, including 3rd parties, i.e. employees,
agents and volunteers
• Current employees, volunteers and others who deal with the
public or other third parties on their behalf will receive training by
January 1 , 201 0
• All those who are involved in the development and approvals of
customer service policies, practices and procedures will receive
training by January 1, 2010
• Councillors of The Township of Augusta Council will receive this
training by January 1, 2010.
• New employees, volunteers, management, etc. shall receiving
training as soon as “practicable”, after commencing duties.
• Agents working on various projects for the municipality and who
have been approved by successful tender shall be responsible
for providing their own training to meet the requirements of
Ontario Regulation 429/07
Training will include the following:
• The purposes of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities
Act, 2005 and the requirements of the customer service
• How to interact and communicate with people with various types
of disabilities
• How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive
device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support
• How to use the automatic door openers at the Township of
Augusta’s premises
• What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in
accessing the Township of Augusta’s goods and services
• The Township of Augusta’s policies, practices and procedures
relating to the customer service standard.
Staff will be trained on policies, practices and procedures that affect
the way goods and services are provided to people with disabilities.
Staff will also be trained on an ongoing basis when changes are
made to these policies, practices and procedures.
Training Records
Training records shall be kept, including the dates when the training is
provided, number of individuals to whom the training was provided
and the signature of all those individuals trained on a particular date.
Feedback Process
The ultimate goal of the Township of Augusta is to meet and surpass
customer expectations while serving all people, including those with
disabilities. Comments regarding how well those expectations are
being met are welcome and appreciated.
Feedback regarding the way the Township of Augusta provides
goods and services to people with disabilities can be made by using a
feedback form, by mail, e-mail, or verbally and in alternate format,
upon request. All feedback should be directed to the Clerk.
Customers can expect a response within thirty (30) days.
Modifications to This or Other Policies
The Township of Augusta is committed to developing customer
service policies that respect and promote the dignity and
independence of people with disabilities. Therefore, no changes will
be made to this policy before considering the impact on people with
Any policy of the Township of Augusta that does not respect and
promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities will
be modified or removed.
Questions About This Policy
This policy exists to achieve service excellence to customers with
If anyone has a question about this policy, or if the purpose of this
policy is not understood, inquiries should be referred to the Clerk for
the Township of Augusta.
Providing Goods and Services to People
with Disabilities
Thank you for visiting the Township of Augusta.
We value all of our customers and strive to meet everyone’s needs.
Please tell us the date and time of your visit:
Staff Member, Department or Service Location you visited:
Did we respond to your customer service needs today? YES 0r NO
Was our customer service provided to you in an accessible manner? o YES 0 SOMEWHAT 0 NO (please explain below)
Did you have any problems accessing our goods and services?
0 YES (please explain below) o SOMEWHAT (please explain below) 0 NO
Please add any other comments you may have:
Please continue on back if more space is required.
Contact information:
3560 County Road 26, RR 2, Prescott ON KOE 1 TO
Phone: 613-925-4231 Fax 613-925-3499 www.augusta.ca
Township of Augusta
Service Disruption
There will be a scheduled service disruption at the ______
The disruptions will be from ____ until _____
These disruptions include:
On behalf of the Township of Augusta we would like to thank you for your
patience in this matter.
Should you have any further questions please contact:
Township of Augusta
Phone : 613-925-4231
Fax: 613-925-3499
www .augusta.ca
Township of Augusta
Unexpected Service Disruption
There has been an unexpected service disruption( s) at the _____
The estimated time of the service disruption(s) are from ____ until
These disruption(s) include:
On behalf of the Township of Augusta would like to thank you for your patience
in this matter.
Should you have any further questions please contact:
Township of Augusta
Phone: 613-925-4231 Fax: 613-925-3499
www .augusta.ca