3259-2016 Violence & Harassment in the Workplace By-Law
Passed by Council September 12, 2016
BY-LAW NUMBER 3259-2016
WHEREAS Changes to Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) has
legislated that every municipality in Ontario will prepare a policy and procedure to
address Violence and Harassment in the Workplace;
WHEREAS the Township of Augusta deems it expedient to strengthen protections for
workers from workplace violence and address workplace harassment;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Augusta hereby enacts the
1. THAT the Violence and Harassment in the Workplace policy, as outlined in
Schedule “A” attached hereto and made part of this By-Law be approved.
2. THAT this By-law shall not be interpreted to contradict or violate any statute or
regulation of the Province of Ontario.
3. THAT this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of its passing
and reviewed annually.
This by-law is to rescind by-law 2930 dated May 14, 2012.
READ a first time and second time this 12 day of September 2016.
READ a third time and passed this 12 day of September 2016.
Signed by Mayor Doug Malanka and Clerk Annette Simonian
Schedule A
Policy: Violence and Harassment in the Workplace
Coverage: All employees, contractors, elected officials, volunteers and consultants.
By-Law: 2930
Revision By-Law: 3259-2016
Revision Date: September 12, 2016
Violence and Harassment in the Workplace Policy
PURPOSE The Township of Augusta is committed to providing and maintaining a working
environment that is based on respect for the dignity and rights of everyone in the
organization. It is the Township’s goal to provide a healthy, safe work environment that is
free of any form of harassment or violence.
1. Scope
This policy applies to all employees, contractors, elected officials, volunteers
and consultants.
It applies in any location in which you are engaged in work-related activities.
This includes, but is not limited to:
• the workplace
• during work-related travel
• at restaurants, hotels or meeting facilities that are being
used for business purposes
• in company owned or leased facilities
• during telephone, email or other communications;
• at any work-related social event
The policy also applies to situations in which you are harassed or subjected to harassment
or violence in the workplace from individuals who are not employees of the organization,
such as customers and suppliers.
2. Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the CAO (or delegate) to ensure that the employees and
Council have been adequately trained to meet the intent of this policy.
3. Definitions
Workplace discrimination includes any distinction, exclusion or preference based on
the protected grounds in the Ontario Human Rights Code, which nullifies or impairs
equality of opportunity in employment, or equality in the terms and conditions of
The protected grounds of discrimination are:
• race, colour, ancestry, citizenship, ethnic origin or place of origin
• creed, religion
• age
• sex (including pregnancy and gender identity)
• sexual orientation
• family, marital status (including same-sex partnership)
• disability or perceived disability
• a record of offences for which a pardon has been granted under the Criminal Records Act (Canada) and has not been revoked, or an offence in respect of any provincial enactment
Discriminatory Harassment
Discriminatory Harassment includes comments or conduct based on the protected
grounds in the Ontario Human Rights Code, which the recipient does not welcome or
that offends him or her.
Some examples of discriminatory harassment are:
• offensive comments, jokes or behaviour that disparage or ridicule a person’s membership in one of the protected grounds, such as race, religion or sexual orientation
• imitating a person’s accent, speech or mannerism
• persistent or inappropriate questions about whether a person is pregnant, has children or plans to have children; or
• inappropriate comments or jokes about an individual’s age, sexual orientation, personal appearance or weight
Domestic Violence:
Although there is no legal definition of domestic violence in the OH&S, it can be
characterized as a pattern of behaviour used by one person to gain power and
control over another with whom they have or have had an intimate relationship.
Poisoned Working Environment
Harassing comments or conduct can poison someone’s working environment,
making it a hostile or uncomfortable place to work, even if the person is not being
directly targeted. This is commonly referred to as a poisoned working environment
and it is also a form of harassment.
Some examples of actions that can create a poisoned work environment include:
• displaying offensive or sexual materials such as posters, pictures, calendars, web sites or screen savers
• distributing offensive e-mail messages, or attachments such as pictures or video files
• practical jokes that embarrass or insult someone; or
• jokes or insults that are offensive, racist or discriminatory in nature
Sexual Harassment:
a) Engaging in a course of vexatious comments or conduct against a worker in a
workplace because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender
expression where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought to
reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, or
b) Making sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation
or advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to
the worker and the person knows or ought reasonably to know that the
solicitation or advance is unwelcome.
Both men and women can be victims of harassment, and someone of the same or
opposite sex can harass someone else.
Some examples of sexual harassment are:
• sexual advances or demands that the recipient does not welcome or want
• threats, punishment or denial of a benefit for refusing a sexual advance
• offering a benefit in exchange for a sexual favour
• Jeering
• displaying sexually offensive material such as posters, pictures, calendars, cartoons, screen savers, pornographic or erotic web sites or other electronic material
• distributing sexually explicit e-mail messages or attachments such as pictures or video files
• sexually suggestive or obscene comments or gestures
• unwelcome remarks, jokes, innuendoes, propositions or taunting about a person’s body, clothing or sex
• persistent, unwanted attentions after a consensual relationship ends
• physical contact of a sexual nature, such as touching or caressing; and
• sexual assault
Workplace Harassment and Bullying:
Workplace harassment is a health and safety issue that is covered under the
Occupational Health and Safety Act.
The Occupational Health and Safety Act defines workplace harassment as:
a) Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker
in a workplace that is known or ought to be known to be unwelcome or
b) Workplace sexual harassment.
Workplace harassment may have some or all of the following components:
• it is generally repetitive, although a single serious incident may constitute workplace harassment if it undermines the recipient’s psychological or physical integrity and has a lasting harmful effect
• it is hostile, abusive or inappropriate
• it affects the person’s dignity or psychological integrity; and
• it results in a poisoned work environment
In addition, behavior that intimidates, isolates or discriminates against the recipient
may also be included.
Some examples of workplace harassment are:
• verbally abusive behavior such as yelling, insults, ridicule or name calling including remarks, jokes or innuendos that demean, ridicule, intimidate or offend
• workplace pranks, vandalism, bullying and hazing
• gossiping or spreading malicious rumours
• excluding or ignoring someone, including persistent exclusion of a particular person from workplace-related social gatherings
• undermining someone else’s efforts by setting impossible goals, with short deadlines and deliberately withholding information that would enable a person to do their job
• providing only demeaning or trivial tasks in place of normal job duties
• humiliating someone
• sabotaging someone else’s work
• displaying or circulating offensive pictures or materials
• offensive or intimidating phone calls or emails
• impeding an individual’s efforts at promotions or transfers for reasons that are not legitimate; and
• making false allegations about someone in memos or other work related documents
Workplace Violence:
Workplace violence is defined under the Occupational Health and Safety Act as:
• the exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker
• an attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker
• a statement or behaviour that is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker.
It is defined broadly enough to include acts that may be considered criminal.
Workplace violence includes:
• physically threatening behavior such as shaking a fist at someone, finger pointing, destroying property, throwing objects
• verbal or written threats to physically attack a worker
• leaving threatening notes or sending threatening emails
• wielding a weapon at work
• stalking someone; and
• physically aggressive behaviours including hitting, shoving, standing excessively close to someone in an aggressive manner, pushing, kicking, throwing an object at someone, physically restraining someone or any other form of physical or sexual assault
Violence that occurs outside the normal workplace but which has an impact on the
working environment, including working relationships, may also be considered
violence in the workplace.
Workplace violence may come from many different sources:
• strangers or people with no ties to the workplace
• clients, customers or patients
• other employees
• intimate relationships outside of work
4. The Test of Harassment
It does not matter whether you intended to offend someone. The test of harassment is
whether you knew or should have known that the comments or conduct were unwelcome to
the other person. For example, someone may make it clear through their conduct or body
language that the behavior is unwelcome, in which case you must immediately stop that
Although it is commonly the case, the harasser does not necessarily have to have power or
authority over the victim. Harassment can occur from co-worker to co-worker, supervisor to
employee and employee to supervisor.
What Isn’t Harassment
Workplace harassment should not be confused with legitimate, reasonable management
actions that are part of the normal work function, including reasonable action taken by an
employer or supervisor relating to the management and direction of workers or the
workplace is NOT harassment such as;
• measures to correct performance deficiencies, such as placing someone on a performance improvement plan,
• imposing discipline for workplace infractions; or
• requesting medical documents in support of an absence from work
It also does not include normal workplace conflict that may occur between individuals or
differences of opinion between co-workers.
5. Preventing Harassment and Violence
It is our mutual responsibility to ensure that we create and maintain a harassment (including
sexual harassment) and violence-free workplace and address harassment and violence
and/or the threat of harassment and violence from all possible sources (including customers,
clients, employers, supervisors, workers, strangers and domestic/ intimate partners).
The Township of Augusta will do its part by not tolerating or condoning discrimination,
harassment or violence in the workplace. The includes making everyone in our organization
aware of what behavior is and is not appropriate, assessing the risk of workplace violence,
investigating complaints and imposing suitable corrective measures.
Council, managers and supervisors are expected to assist in creating a harassment and
violence-free workplace and to immediately contact the appropriate person of authority if
they receive a complaint of workplace harassment or violence or witness or are aware of
harassing or violent behaviour. In situations where such behaviour involves an elected
official, the Mayor or the GAO should be immediately notified.
Employees are expected to report incidents of harassment or violence.
Council, managers and supervisors must also take every reasonable precaution to protect
employees from workplace harassment and violence, including evaluating a person’s history
of violent behaviour to determine whether and to whom this employee poses a risk. In
making this evaluation supervisors should consider:
• whether the person’s history of violence was associated with the workplace or work;
• whether the history of violence was directed at a particular employee or employees in general; and
• how long ago the incidence of violence occurred
In certain circumstances, senior management may have a duty to provide information about
a risk of workplace violence from a person with a history of violent behaviour if an employee
can be expected to encounter that person during the course of his or her work, and the risk
of workplace violence is likely to expose the employee to physical injury. Management will
only release as much personal information about the person with a history of violent
behaviour as it reasonably necessary to protect the employee from physical injury.
You must do your part by ensuring that your behaviour does not violate this policy and by
fostering a work environment that is based on respect and is free of harassment.
6. Complaint Procedure
Informal Procedure
If you believe that this policy is being violated, the first thing to do is to tell the person to stop.
Do so as soon as you receive any unwelcome comments or conduct. Although this may be
difficult to do, telling the person you don’t like their actions is often enough to stop the
Some of the things you can say that might stop the behaviour include:
• “I don’t want you to do that”
• “Please stop doing or saying ….. ”
• “It makes me uncomfortable when you ….. ”
• “I don’t find it funny when you ….. “
If the harassment continues after you have confronted the individual, you may want to
provide him or her with a written statement of the situation.
Include specific details of the behaviours you consider to be harassing, your request to the
harasser to stop and your expectations that he or she will stop. Provide details of the next
steps you plan to take if the harassment does not stop e.g., filing a formal complaint. Make
sure you keep a copy of this statement for yourself.
It helps to keep a record of any incident(s) that you experience. This includes when the
harassment started, what happened, whether there were any witnesses and what your
response was.
If you believe that someone who is not a member of the Township, e.g., a customer,
supplier, etc., has harassed or discriminated against you, please report the harassment to
your supervisor or manager. Although the Township of Augusta has limited control over third
parties, we will do our best to address the issue and prevent further problems from arising.
Formal Procedure
If the complaint cannot be resolved informally or if it is too serious to handle on an informal
basis, you may bring a formal complaint to senior management. If the alleged harasser is
the employer or immediate supervisor, the complainant may bring the complaint to the Mayor
or Ministry of Labour directly. . If necessary, the MoL may order an employer to bring in a
third party to investigate an incident or complaint at the employers expense.
If you initiate a formal complaint we will need as much written information as possible,
including the name of the person you believe is harassing you, the place, date and time of
the harassment, and the names of any possible witnesses.
It is important that we receive your complaint as soon as possible so that the problem
doesn’t escalate or happen again. Once we receive your complaint, we will initiate a formal
investigation, if it is necessary and appropriate to do so.
Discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment) and workplace violence are
serious matters. Therefore, if you decide not to make a formal complaint, we may still need
to investigate the matter and take steps to prevent further harassment. For example, we may need to continue with an investigation if the allegations are serious or if there have been
previous complaints or incidents involving the respondent
In the event of workplace violence, the employee has the right to refuse work. The
employee will be removed from the situation to a safe place as close as possible to their
normal work station or provided with reasonable alternative work during normal business
hours. In appropriate circumstances we may contact the police to assist.
Please note that it is the Township’s policy not to investigate anonymous complaints unless
there are extenuating circumstances.
7. Investigating Procedure
Augusta shall ensure that an investigation is conducted into incidents and complaints of
workplace harassment (including sexual harassment) and violence that is appropriate in the
An investigation will commence as quickly as possible. We may choose to use either an
internal or external investigator, depending on the nature of the complaint.
This investigation will include:
• interviewing the complainant and respondent to ascertain all of the facts and circumstances relevant to the complaint, including dates and locations
• Interviewing witnesses, if any
• Reviewing any related documentation; and
• Making detailed notes of the investigation and maintaining them in a confidential file.
Once the investigation is complete, the investigator(s) will prepare a detailed report of the
findings to the CAO/Mayor. A summary of the findings will also be provided to the
complainant and respondent.
It is our goal to complete any investigation and communicate the results to the complainant
and respondent within thirty days after we receive a complaint, where possible.
8. Confidentiality
We recognize the sensitive nature of harassment complaints and we will keep all complaints
confidential, to the extent that we are able to do so. We will only release as much
information as is necessary to investigate and respond to the complaint and/or take
corrective action with respect to the incident or complaint, or is otherwise required by law.
Out of respect for the relevant individuals, it is essential that the complainant, respondent,
witnesses and anyone else involved in the formal investigation of a complaint maintain
confidentiality throughout the investigation and afterwards. Individuals involved will not be
disclosed unless the disclosure is necessary for the purposes of investigation or corrective
9. Corrective Action
The CAO or Mayor, in consultation with the JHSC will determine what action should be taken
as a result of the investigation.
The complainant and respondent will receive a summary of the findings of the investigation
and of any corrective measures that has been (or will be) taken as a result of the
investigation, if any are necessary.
If a finding of harassment is made, the Township of Augusta will take appropriate corrective
measures, regardless of the respondent’s seniority or position in the Township.
Corrective measures may include one or more of the following:
• discipline, such as a verbal warning, written warning or suspension without pay
• termination with or without cause
• referral for counseling (sensitivity training), anger management training, supervisory skills training or attendance at educational programs on workplace respect
• a demotion or denial of a promotion
• reassignment or transfer
• financial penalties such as the denial of a bonus or performance related salary increase, and
• any other disciplinary action deemed appropriate under the circumstances.
If there is not enough evidence to support the complaint, corrective measures will not be
If you make a complaint in good faith and without malice, regardless of the outcome of the
investigation, you will not be subject to any form of discipline. The Township of Augusta will,
however, discipline or terminate anyone who knowingly brings a false and malicious
If you are experiencing domestic violence that would likely expose you, or other workers, to
physical injury that may occur in the workplace, we will take every precaution reasonable to
protect you and your co-workers in the circumstances. This may include some or all of the
• creating a safety plan
• contacting the police
• establishing enhanced security measures such as a panic button, code words, and access security measures
• screening calls and blocking certain email addresses
• setting up priority parking or providing escorts to your vehicle or to public transportation
• adjusting your working hours and location so that they are not predictable; and
• facilitating your access to counseling through the Employee Assistance Program or other community programs
If you are experiencing domestic violence that would expose you to physical injury in the
workplace or you are experiencing workplace violence or believe that workplace violence is
likely to occur, you may seek immediate assistance by contacting any member of senior
management, who will assist in preventing and responding to the situation.
We appreciate the sensitivity of these issues and will do our best to assist you as discreetly
as possible while maintaining your privacy.
The Township will not tolerate retaliations, taunts or threats against anyone who complains
about harassment or takes part in an investigation. Any person who taunts, retaliates
against or threatens anyone in relation to a harassment complaint may be disciplined or
Program will be reviewed by the CAO (or delegate) with the assistance of the JHSC at least
annually or as often as necessary to ensure the intent of the policy is being met. It will be
evaluated using a four part questionnaire:
• Did the legislation change?
• Were requirements of the standard being met?
• Was the goal of the standard met?
• Were there problems or concerns meeting the standard?
IMPORTANT: Give this form to your supervisor immediately upon completion.
Employee Name:________________________ Job Title: ______________
Date and time of incident: ____________ Department:. ______________
Location of Incident: _______________________________
Type of Assault: _________________________________
Medical Attention/First Aid Obtained? Yes or No
WSIB Forms Completed? Yes or No
Investigation Conducted? Yes or No
Police Called? Yes or No
Action(s) Taken: _________________________________
Delivery Person
Other- Please Specify:
Description (to the best of your ability)
Male or Female
Age:. _____ Complexion: ________ Height: ____ Weight: _____
Name (if known) _______________________________
Explain what happened:
Was the assailant involved in any previous violent incidents with staff? Yes or No
Are there any measures in place to prevent a similar incident? Yes or No
Please provide any other information you think is relevant:
Date & Time Reported: ___________ Signed: _____________
IMPORTANT: Manager to send copy of this form to the CAO.
This form is designed to help managers and employees conduct an assessment of the potential risks of violence associated with the activities carried out in their departments or areas, and to respond to any identified risks.
Part 1: Work Department/Area
Please describe your department/area and the types of activities/functions performed by employees in the department.
Part 2: History
1. Have there been incidents when employees in your department have experienced or been threatened with physical violence? 0 NO, 0 YES, please describe incidents.
2. Have there been incidents when employees in your department have experienced verbal abuse i.e. shouted at, obscene language, threats, or obscene phone calls? 0 NO, 0 YES, please describe incidents.
Part 3: Activities Which Might Expose Employees to Risk of Violence
3. Do employees in your department work with money or other valuables? 0 NO, 0 YES
4. Do employees in your department deliver or collect items of value? 0 NO, 0 YES, please describe
5. Do employees in your department deal with people who may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol? 0 NO, o YES
6. Do employees in your department deal with people who are deeply troubled or distressed? 0 NO, 0 YES
7. Do employees in your department monitor or regulate the activity of others or carry out procedures or make decisions which adversely affect others? 0 NO, 0 YES, please describe
8. Are employees in your department involved with activities that may elicit a negative or confrontational response? o NO, o YES, please describe
9. Are there other aspects of the work in your department that might spark a violent response? o NO, o YES, please describe
Part 4: Factors That Increase the Risk of Violence
Definition: A person works alone when he/she works in a situation where he/she is out of sight and out of hearing of other employees.
10. Do any of your employees work alone during normal working hours? o NO, o YES, please describe
11. Do any of your employees work alone after normal working hours? o NO, o YES, please describe
12. Please describe any precautions already taken to safeguard employees of your department who work alone.
13. Please describe other factors which you feel might increase the risk of violence.
Part 5: Reducing the Risk of Violence
14. Please describe policies or procedures already in place to reduce the risk of violence in your department.
15. In light of your responses to the questions in this assessment:
a) Do you consider that all reasonable steps have been taken to prevent or reduce the risk of violence? o NO, YES
b) What further steps would you recommend?
c) above steps? Specify:
Name: ________________ Department: __________________________
Date: ________________
Thank you for your co-operation and input!
Location:________________ Building: ____________
Name (optional):________________________
Parking Lot
Are the entrances and exits well marked?
Does the lot have signs with security reminders? (e.g., “Jock your car”, “security patrolled”)
Is there enough lighting?
Are alarms clearly marked?
Do pass cards control access to the Jot?
Are company vehicles parked on-site after hours?
If yes, is there a secured parking Jot for company vehicles after hours?
Have vehicles been stolen from the parking Jot?
Have vehicles been broken into?
Around the Outside of the Building (Perimeter)
Is your workplace near any buildings or businesses that are at risk from violent crime? (e.g., bars,
Do violent, criminal, drunk, or drugged persons ever come into your building?
Is your building located in a high-crime area?
Are there signs of vandalism?
Are you located in a dense manufacturing area?
Are you isolated from other buildings?
Is there graffiti on the building walls?
Is the building entrance well lit?
Are outside lights checked before dark?
Are garbage areas, external buildings, or equipment that employees use:
• In an area with good visibility?
• Close to the main building with no possible hiding places?
Is your building shared with other businesses?
If yes, is entry to your area(s) controlled?
Is there a system to alert employees if intruders enter?
Are offices designed so that public and private spaces are clearly identified?
Do you use coded cards or keys to control access to the building or to certain areas within the
Is there a system in place to limit the number of keys/entry cards given out?
Do you change locks/codes immediately if keys/cards are lost or misplaced?
Security System
Do you have a security system at your location?
If yes, is the system tested on a regular basis? (e.g., at least monthly)
Is the security system adequate?
Are there security guards/safety walking services available at your location?
Are signs posted indicating that there is a security system in use?
Is your reception area easily seen and easy to get to?
Can the receptionist/sales clerk clearly see incoming visitors/customers?
Is the reception area/sales counter visible to fellow employees or members of the public?
Is your reception area staffed at all times?
Can outsiders enter the building when there is no receptionist present?
Is the reception area the first stop for visitors?
Do you have a policy for receiving, escorting, and identifying visitors?
Does the reception area function as a security screening area for unwanted visitors?
Does your receptionist work alone at times?
Is there an emergency call button at the reception area?
If yes, have response procedures been developed?
Are there objects/tools/equipment in this area that someone could use as a weapon?
When you enter the building, are there signs to identify where you are?
Are there signs inside the building showing you where to get emergency assistance, if needed?
If no, what signs are needed and where?
Are visitor areas and private areas clearly marked?
Are rules for visitors clearly posted?
Are there exit signs?
Are there areas where exit signs are not present, but are needed?
If yes, where?
Can the posted signs be easily seen by everyone?
If no, where are these signs located?
Are the hours of operation clearly posted?
Impression of overall signage:
0 very poor 0 poor 0 satisfactory 0 good 0 very good
What other signs should be added?
Work Practices
Do you or any of your co-workers:
• work with the public?
• handle money, valuables, or prescription drugs?
• carry out inspection or enforcement duties?
• provide service, care, advice, or education?
• work with unstable or violent persons?
• work in workplaces where alcohol is served?
• work alone or in small numbers?
• work in community-based settings?
• drive a vehicle as part of the job?
• work during the late evening or early morning hours?
• use public transit during the workday?
• travel to other cities/countries?
• stay in hotels?
List areas where lighting was a concern (too dark, or too bright) during the inspection.
Is the lighting evenly spaced?
Are any of the lights out?
If yes, where are they located?
Can you access main light control switches?
If yes, where?
Stairwells and Exits
Do exit doors identify the exit location?
Could someone easily hide at the bottom of stairwells?
If yes, where?
Is the lighting bright enough?
Can lights be turned off in the stairwell?
Is there more than one exit route?
Are there any exit routes, which prevent you from getting away?
If yes, where?
Do stairwell doors lock behind you:
• during regular hours of operation?
• after regular hours of operation?
Possible Areas for an Attack
Are there empty rooms that should be locked?
If yes, where?
Places to Hide
Are there small areas where someone could hide, such as:
0 recessed doorways 0 unlocked storage areas 0 stairwells 0 elevators
0 other ______________________
What would make it easier to see if someone is hiding:
0 transparent materials like glass 0 mirrors 0 windows in doors 0 angled corners
0 less shrubbery 0 other__________________
Do members of the public enter from the front of the building only?
Working Alone
At the time of the inspection, did any areas feel isolated?
If yes, what areas?
In these areas, is there a telephone or a sign directing you to assistance?
In these areas, how far away is the nearest person who could hear calls for help?
Are alarms or panic buttons installed?
Are the alarms or panic buttons easily accessible?
Do you periodically check that the alarms or panic buttons are functioning?
How many people were around you at the time of this inspection?
Is it easy to predict when people will be around?
Patterns of Movement
Do you arrive and leave at the same time every day using the same route?
How easily could someone get to know your patterns of movements?
0 very easily 0 somewhat easily 0 no way of knowing
Is there another well-lit route used by a lot of people that you can take?
Can you easily tell what is at the other end of each walkway or corridor?
If no, where?
In walkway and corridors, are there corners or alcoves where someone could hide?
If yes, where?
Are you able to see if the elevator is occupied before entering?
Is there an emergency phone or emergency call button in each elevator?
Is there a response procedure for elevator emergencies?
Can the public use the same washrooms as staff?
Can the lights in the washrooms be turned off?
Are washrooms checked before building is vacated?
Interview and Meeting Rooms
Do you have a separate interview/meeting room?
If yes, can employees see inside?
Is there an alarm system in this room?
Is the furniture arranged to allow for emergency exits?
Individual Offices
Are employees at risk from workplace violence due to their office layout?
Has their furniture been arranged to:
• allow for a quick exit from the office?
• maintain a safe distance between employees and clients?
Are there objects that can easily be used as weapons?
Do these offices have good visibility i.e. shatterproof glass in walls/doors?
Emergency Assistance
Has an emergency contact number been established for use:
• during regular hours of operation?
• after regular hours of operation?
Are emergency numbers posted on phones?
Are emergency phones accessible in all areas?
If no, where is access needed?
Is there a designated “safe” room where employees can go during an emergency?
Does this room have a telephone and a door that can be locked from the inside?
Areas of Improvement
What improvements would you like to see?
How safe do you feel at work? Check the box that indicates how safe you feel in each area.
Very Safe Safe Neutral Unsafe Very Unsafe n/a
parking lot
perimeter of building
main/front entrance
on your floor
at your desk