3263-2016 Zoning By-Law 2965-2012 Amendment – Institutional to Institution Special Exception 1
Passed by Council October 11, 2016
BY-LAW NUMBER 3263-2016
WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act, RSO 1 990, c. 13, Section
34, the Council of a Municipality may enact by-laws regulating the use of lands and the
erection of buildings and structures thereon;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Augusta has
received an application to amend the zoning by-law to permit an exception to the
Institutional (I) Zone to permit a mixed use development.
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Augusta enacts
as follows:
1. That Schedule ‘G’ to By-law 2965 is hereby amended by rezoning certain lands
from Institutional (I) Zone to the Institutional Special Exception One (IX-1)
2. That the zone boundaries of the Institutional Special Exception One (IX-1) Zone
are shown on Schedule “A” to this by-law which zone boundaries and map are
hereby declared to form part of this by-law;
3. That the list of permitted uses set out in Section 7.1 0.1 shall be permitted in the
Institutional Special Exception One (IX-1) Zone as well as the following
additional uses:
a. Boarding or Lodging House
b. Cafe
c. Conference Room
d. Farmer’s Market
e. Office
f. Recreational Commercial Uses
g. A maximum of 19 Townhouse Dwelling Units
h. Workshop
4. That By-law 2965 is further amended by adding the following new definitions to
Section 5 of the by-law and such definitions shall be inserted in chronological order
in the By-law:
a. Cafe
Means a building or part thereof where food and/or light refreshment is prepared
and offered for sale to the public for consumption within or outside the building or
off the premises.
b. Conference Room
Means a room within a building, specifically set aside for and primarily engaged in
the operation of business conferences and meetings, and may include arts and craft
shows and exhibitions, trade fairs, fashion shows, public meetings, banquets, and
similar activities.
c. Recreational Commercial Use
Means a premise used for a recreational, social or cultural use operated
commercially for profit such as a health clubs, mini-putt, open or enclosed skating or
curling rinks, open or enclosed pools, open or enclosed badminton or tennis courts,
squash courts, bowling alley, gymnasium, band shell or open theatre, sports field
and other similar uses but shall not include a casino, bingo hall, golf course or
driving range.
5. That all other applicable provisions of By-law 2965 shall continue to apply.
6. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect subject to the requirements of
the Planning Act, , RSO 1990, c. 13, Section 34.
Read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this 11 day of October 2016.
Signed by Mayor Doug Malanka and Clerk Annette Simonian
Schedule ‘A’ to By-law No: 3263-2016