Home > By-Laws > 3614-2023 Establish Committees of Council (EDTAC & PAC)

3614-2023 Establish Committees of Council (EDTAC & PAC)

3614-2023 Establish Committees of Council (EDTAC & PAC)


Passed January 9, 2023

BY-LAW NUMBER 3614-2023

WHEREAS Section 5 of the Act provides that a municipality’s power shall be exercised by

AND WHEREAS Council wishes to recognize and establish Committees of Council and
their Terms of Reference,

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Augusta enacts as

1. THAT pursuant to this By-law the following committees of Council are hereby

  • Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee
  • Planning Advisory Committee

2. THAT the Committees shall operate in accordance with the Terms of Reference
attached hereto as schedule A

3. THAT By-laws 3397 is hereby rescinded

4. THAT all other by-laws inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed

5. THAT this by-law shall come into force and effect on the date of passing.

READ a first and second time this 9 day of January, 2023.

READ a third time and passed this 9 day of January, 2023.

Signed by Mayor Jeff Shaver and Clerk Annette Simonian


Schedule A


The Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee (EDTAC) is a committee
of Council established to advise Council on matters associated with generating and
sustaining employment and business investment in the Township of Augusta while
supporting the overall objectives of the Economic Development Department and the
Strategic actions approved by Council.


The committee will:

• Advise Council on related matters and help to implement and advise on
approved actions
• Develop unified vision with goal setting/action items for endorsement by Council
• Report annually to Council at minimum
• Liaise with existing businesses and facilitate the development of new
enterprises through the support and provision of opportunities for new economic
• Seek out and identify opportunities to help the Township achieve economic•
sustainability as set out in Council approved strategic actions.
• Respect the confidentiality of information shared with the members and shall not
disclose to anyone outside of the Township, either during their tenure or any time
thereafter, any confidential information relating to the Committee’s business. A
Non-Disclosure Agreement may be required at the outset of a member’s


The Committee will:

• Function as a collective partnership
• Link to opportunities in the regional area
• Positively and constructively offer and build on ideas to take action within the
boundaries of strategic direction.
• Demonstrate willingness to work with local businesses, business groups and
associations in the Township and region. e.g., St. Lawrence Corridor Economic
Development Commission (SLCEDC), United Counties of Leeds and Grenville
Economic Development Department, Bio-industrial Innovation Canada (SIC)


The operational budget shall be prepared and managed by the Economic Development
Officer in consultation with EDTAC and CAO for approval by Council as part of the
budget procedure.
Recommendations adopted by Council will be incorporated into the operational or
capital budget in the appropriate area recommended by the Treasurer and approved by
Council. Council may consult with EDTAC prior to modifying any such approved budget
items. The Economic Development Officer may spend within the approved budget
without seeking further approval from Council.



• The committee shall be governed by applicable law including the
Township’s Procedural By-Law, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, The
Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. (A brief
orientation will be provided by the Clerk’s department at the start of
each term.)
• The Chairperson shall be appointed from the membership.
• The Vice Chairperson shall be appointed to act in the Chair’s absence.
• The Clerk’s Department will be the secretariat.
• Staff liaison wilt be the Economic Development Officer, or
designate. Other staff as appropriate will be invited on an as required
topical basis and their attendance will be based on availability.
• Recommendations to Council shall be in writing via motion and prepared
in advance with a supported report from the Economic Development Officer.
• Items to be included on the agenda shall be submitted to the Clerks
office by the Wednesday prior to the meeting with any supporting/background
material The items of business to be included on the agenda shall be developed
under the direction of the Chief Administrative Officer, the Clerk, and/or the
Committee Chair.
• Agendas will be distributed at minimum 48 hours prior to the meeting.
• Quorum required for meetings.

Membership and Appointment

Council will appoint members to the Committee at the beginning of their term. The
EDTAC will be composed of 5 to a maximum of 7 residents, taxpayers, or business
owners in the Township (except staff liaison) and may include members
of Council.

Meeting Schedule

Meetings shall be held on the first Monday of the month at 1:30 pm
with the exception of July, August and December unless otherwise decided
upon by the committee.

Meetings will be held in the Council Chambers, Township of Augusta Municipal Offices,
3560 County Road 26, Maynard, ON.
Established meeting dates and times will not be changed unless circumstances warrant
special consideration. The Committee will be provided with the annual meeting schedule
at the beginning of each year. Meetings may be cancelled at the call of the Chair.

Approved meeting minutes are circulated to Council for review.


Efforts will be acknowledged at a volunteer event.

Duties and Responsibilities

Committee Chair
The Chair shall preside at all meetings and exercises authority and performs duties as
required, provide guidance and leadership to the committee in the completion of its
mandate; and ensure that decorum is maintained at each meeting and that rules of
procedure and conduct are observed.

Vice Chair
The Vice-Chair acts in the Chairs absence and assumes the roles and responsibilities of
the Chair.

Council Representatives
The Council Representatives are participating voting members of the Committee

  • The Mayor may attend and participate in Committee meetings as ex officio and shall
    have voting rights and count as quorum in accordance with the Township Procedure

All Members
Committee members shall contribute time, knowledge, skill and expertise to the
fulfillment of the Committee’s mandate; research issues relevant to their Committee’s
mandate as required. Should any Member of a Committee fail to attend three
successive regular meetings without being authorized to do so by a resolution of the
Committee, the Committee should recommend to Council they declare the committee
seat vacant and Council may appoint another Member in the member’s place.

Working Groups
The Committee may establish working groups of EDTAC for a particular
purpose/mandate that are resolved upon the completion of the matter. Working Group
Chairs must be an EDTAC Committee member. The EDTAC chairperson will be an ex
officio member of all working groups. As a working group, formal agendas, minutes, or
staff support are not required.


The Township is committed to providing and maintaining a working environment that
is based on respect for the dignity and rights of everyone in the organization. It is the
Township’s goal to provide a healthy and safe work environment that is free from
any form of harassment or violence. All members and employees will retrain from
personal harassment and conflict behavior, including offensive remarks or other
actions that create intimidating, hostile or humiliating working conditions as per the
Township’s Respect in the Workplace Policy.


The term of the Committee shall run until the last day of January following the most
current election.



The Planning Advisory Committee is appointed by Council as required by Section 8(1)
of the Planning Act, 1990. for the purposes of providing Council with recommendations
specific to community planning mailers, development, and policies.

The mandate of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) is to provide Council and staff
with recommendations and guidance in areas related to land use planning.

The functions and duties of the Planning Advisory Committee are:

1. To review from time to time the provisions of the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law and
related municipal policies, and to recommend to Councfl amendments which would
be in the best interests of the Township;

2. To review and provide Council with recommendations on applications for Official Plan

3. To review and provide Council with recommendations on applications for Zoning
By-Law Amendment.

4. To review and provide Council with recommendations on applications for approval of
Draft Plans of Subdivision.

5. To review and provide Council with recommendations on applications for

6. To review and provide recommendation to Council on any other planning matters as
requested by Council, the Planner, the Chief Building Official, or the CAO; and

7. Any other planning matters as requested by Council by resolution.
The Committee will not be responsible for the following:

• Undertaking or directing the daily operations of the Township.
• Administrative matters including directions to staff.
• Reviewing staff structure, staff compensation, or other staffing related matters.
• Preparing, approving, or delivering the annual budget and capital projects.
• Performing project and program implementation, unless assigned by Council.
• Reviewing any matter that may be subject to the Township’s closed meeting
• Acting as a forum to debate decided matters of Council, or a forum to organize
political advocacy for Council to reconsider decided mailers.


• 2 Elected Officials as appointed by Council.
• 3 members of the public appointed by Council.
• Eligible members of the public are those who are entitled to be an elector in the
Township under section 17 of the Municipal Elections Act. For clarity, members
do not necessarily have to be Canadian Citizens, but must reside in the Township
or be a property owner (personal or business).
• Employees of the Township of Augusta are not eligible to serve on Township
committees. Immediate family members of employees are eligible, but only for
Committees where there is no potential for a conflict of interest.


The Committee is subject to the control and direction of Council.

The Committee is subject to the rules established in Council’s Code of Conduct and
Council’s Procedure By-Law.

All meetings of the Committee are open to the public, and rules governing the procedure
for Council meetings shall be observed by the Committee insofar as they are applicable.

All appointed members will be voting members, and a quorum of the Committee shall be
the majority of those appointed by Council as members of the Committee.

At the first meeting, the members shall determine the preferred day and time for
Committee meetings.

If the Committee refuses or neglects to give due consideration to any matter assigned to
it or before it, the Committee may, by Council resolution, be discharged of its


The Council Representatives are participating voting members of the Committee

  • The Mayor may attend and participate in Committee meetings as ex officio and
    shall have voting rights and count as quorum in accordance with the Township
    Procedure By-Law.


A committee Chair and Vice-Chair will be elected yearly from committee members to
preside over meetings and committee business.

The Chair’s role is to:

• In accordance with the Township’s Procedure By-Law, preside at all meetings,
and control proceedings and discussion to ensure smooth transition of the
business as listed on the agenda.
• Vote on all matters requiring a formal motion.
• Report on the activities of the Committee to Council as required.


The Committee Members shall:

• Report to the Chair any issues that they feel should be addressed by the
• Attend and participate in Committee meetings.
• Contribute time, knowledge, skill, and expertise during meetings in order to fulfill
the Committee’s mandate and report their concerns and issues to the Committee.
• Abide by the procedural decisions made by the Chair.
• Disclose any pecuniary interests per the requirements of the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act.
• Actively participate in carrying out the responsibilities of the Committee.
• Be considered to be voting members of the Committee.


• Corresponding with members of the Committee.
• Is without voting privileges.
• Act as the Committee Secretary, including meeting package preparation.
• Research reports and prepare meeting packages in co-operation with the Chair.
• Give notice of meetings and prepare all associated correspondence.
• Preserve all records and correspondence in accordance with the Township
Records Retention By-Law.
• Act as a resource personnel for Township policies and procedures.


Committee minutes are to be provided to the Clerk for insertion on the Council agenda.
Recommendations for Council’s consideration are to be presented to Council in a report
format under signature of the supervising staff member.


Members of the public serving on the Committee will be recognized at an event.
Reimbursement for travel and other expenses incurred in the performance of Committee
duties will be paid in accordance with the Township’s policies.
Any financial requirement of the Committee shall be approved by Council prior to


The Committee will meet monthly on the approved day and time or as required,
determined upon the volume of planning applications received.


The term of the Committee shall run until the last day of January following the most
current election.

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