3623-2023 ZBLA 2965 (Correct Zoning Error, 9613 CR 18 & 9625 CR 18)
BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW NO. 2965, AS AMENDED 9613 COUNTY ROAD 18; ROLL 0706 000 030 03000 AND 9625 COUNTY ROAD 18; ROLL 0706 000 030 02400)
Passed by Council March 13, 2023
BY-LAW NUMBER 3623-2023
(9613 County Road 18; Roll 0706 000 030 03000 and
9625 County Road 18; Roll 0706 000 030 02400)
WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act, Section 34, the Council of a
Municipality may enact By-Laws to regulate the use of land, buildings or structures for
any purpose set out therein that is otherwise prohibited;
AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 2965, as amended regulates the use of land and the use
and erection of buildings and structures within the Township of Augusta;
AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Augusta
deems it desirable to amend Zoning By-Law No. 2965, as amended, under Section 34
of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Augusta hereby
enacts as follows:
1. THAT Schedule B of By-Law 2965, as amended, is hereby amended by changing
the zone symbol of the subject lands located at 9625 County Road 18 from
Agricultural — A zone to Institutional — I zone, as shown on Schedule A of this By
2. THAT Schedule B of By-Law 2965, as amended, is hereby amended by changing
the zone symbol of a portion of the subject lands located at 9613 County Road 18
from Institutional — I zone to Agricultural — A zone, as shown on Schedule A of
this By-Law.
3. THAT Zoning By-Law 2965 is amended hereby to give effect to the foregoing, but
Zoning By-Law 2965 shall remain in all other respects, in full force and effect
save as may be amended otherwise or deafl with hereafter.
4. THAT this By-Law shall come into force on the date it is passed by the Council of
the Corporation of the Township of Augusta subject to:
(a) The expiration of the time period specified for the filing of objections by the
Notice of Passing of this By-Law, provided that no Notice of objection has
been filed within the time period specified; or
(b) The approval of the By-Law by the Ontario Land Tribunal, where an objection
to the approval of this By-Law has been filed within the time period specified
in the Notice of Passing of this By-Law.
Read a first second, and third time and finally passed this 13th day of March, 2023.
Signed by Mayor Jeff Shaver and Clerk Annette Simonian
SCHEDULE A to BY-LAW 3623-2023
To amend Schedule B of Zoning By-Law 2965, as amended
Applicable to Current Roll No. 0706 000 030 02400
9625 County Road 18
(A zone to be I zone)
Applicable to part of Current Roll No. 0706 000 030 03000
9613 County Road 18
(I zone to be A zone)