3724-2024 License & Regulate Short Term Rentals
Passed by Council June 24, 2024
AMENDED July 15, 2024 by By-Law 3726-2024
BY-LAW NUMBER 3724-2024
WHEREAS Section 10(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides that a municipality may pass By-Laws respecting: health, safety and well-being of persons; protection of persons and property, including consumer protection; and business licensing; and
WHEREAS Section 151(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides that, without limiting Sections 9, 10 and 11 of the Act, a municipality may provide for a system of licenses with respect to a business and may:
- prohibit the carrying on or engaging in the business without a license;
- refuse to grant a license, or revoke or suspend a license;
- impose conditions as a requirement of obtaining, continuing to hold, or renewing a license;
- impose special conditions on a business in a class that have not been imposed on all of the businesses in that class in order to obtain, continue to hold, or renew a license;
- impose conditions, including special conditions, as a requirement of continuing to hold a license at any time during the term of the license;
- license, regulate or govern real and personal property used for the business and the persons carrying it on or engaged in it; and
WHEREAS Section 429(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides that a municipality may establish a system of fines for offences under a By-Law of the municipality passed under the Act; and
WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Augusta considers it necessary and desirable to regulate Short-Term Rentals;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Augusta hereby enacts as follows that:
“Accommodation Room” means a room offered for short-term rental accommodation intended primarily for overnight occupation, which conforms to the standards for a bedroom, as set out in the Ontario Building Code.
“Bed and Breakfast” means a private dwelling designed to be used in part for the accommodation of the traveling or vacationing public, containing therein six (6) or fewer suites or guest rooms;
“Boarding or Lodging House” means a dwelling or portion thereof containing 5 or fewer rooms in which the proprietor supplies for gain, lodging with or without meals, but does
not include a bed and breakfast establishment, a hotel, a hospital or other establishment otherwise classified or defined in the Zoning By-law;
“Building Code Act” means the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c.23;
“Building Code” means Ontario Regulation 332/12 established under the Building Code Act;
“Council” means the Council of the Township of Augusta;
“Dwelling Unit” means a building occupied or capable of being occupied as the home or residence of one or more persons, where food preparation and sanitary facilities are provided, but shall not include a boarding house, hotel, motel, rental cottage or cabin or similar commercial use of a private or semi-private institution;
“Fees and Charges By-Law” means the Township of Augusta’s current By-Law for Fees and Charges to be Collected by Various Municipal Departments;
“Fire Department” means the Fire Department, Fire Service or contractor that provides Fire Protection and Inspection Services to the Corporation of the Township of Augusta;
“Fire Protection and Prevention Act” means the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4;
“Fire Code” means Ontario Regulation 213/07 established under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act;
“Hotel” means a building designed or used for the accommodation of the traveling or vacationing public, containing therein (5) or more guest rooms served by a common building entrance. Accessory uses may include accommodation for permanent staff and one or more beverage rooms, dining rooms, meeting rooms, or similar uses;
“Licence” means a licence issued under this By-Law;
“Manager” means the Manager of By-Law Enforcement Services for the Township of Augusta, or his or her designate, or, in the event of organizational changes, the Manager of the appropriately titled department;
“Market” means to offer, promote, canvass, solicit, advertise, or facilitate a Short-Term Rental accommodation, and includes placing, posting or erecting advertisements, either physically or online and “Marketing” has the corresponding meaning;
“Motel” means a building or buildings designed or used for the accommodation of the traveling or vacationing public, containing therein three (3) or more guest rooms, each guest room having a separate entrance directly from outside and may include an accessory eating establishment;
“Municipal Act” means the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25;
“Officer” shall mean the By-Law Enforcement Officer for the Township of Augusta as appointed by Council, Police Officer, any other person or company directed by the Clerk to enforce parts of this By-Law, agents and all other Enforcement Officers as may be appointed by the Province of Ontario;
“Operator” means any Person who operates or permits the operation of a Short-Term Rental;
“Owner” means the registered Owner of the land and or property;
“Person” means an individual, a corporation, a partnership, a sole proprietorship or an association;
“Rental Property Standards By-Law” means Township of Augusta By-Law, enacted under Section 15.1 of the Building Code Act that prescribes minimum standards for the maintenance and occupancy of rental property within the Municipality;
“Rental Property Standards Committee” means a committee duly appointed by By-Law that will conduct hearings under this By-Law;
“Secondary Suite or Additional Residential Unit: means a self-contained accessory unit having cooking and sanitary facilities which is located within a Single Detached, Semi-Detached, Townhouse dwelling unit or located in a separate individual dwelling unit on the same lot or located within an accessory building on the same lot as the main residential use. A secondary suite is a subordinate residential use to the existing primary dwelling unit;
“Short-Term Rental” shall mean a dwelling unit that is;
- Is marketed or brokered by a short-term rental platform;
- Is not a Bed and Breakfast, Boarding or Lodging House, Motel, Hotel, Tourist Establishment, Tourist Lodge, Tourist Outfitters Establishment or Tourist Trailer, as defined in the Zoning By-law, which definitions may be amended from time to time;
“Short-Term Rental Platform” means any person who, for compensation, markets or brokers the booking, reservation, rental or listing of a short-term rental on behalf of a host by means of a website or digital application;
“Tourist Establishment” means premises or buildings to be used for the purpose of sleeping accommodation on a temporary basis by tourists or vacationers, including a hotel, motel, lodge or bed and breakfast, and rental cottage or cabin where more than 3 such rental units occupy the same property, including accessory uses such as dining, meeting and beverage rooms and similar uses;
“Tourist Lodge” means a building or buildings designed or used for the accommodation of the traveling or vacationing public and may include self-contained cabins, cottages or housekeeping units as well as camping facilities;
“Tourist Outfitters Establishment” means an establishment which operates throughout all or part of a year which may or may not furnish overnight accommodation and facilities for serving meals and furnishes equipment, supplies or services to persons in connection with angling, hunting, camping or other similar recreational purposes;
“Tourist Trailer” means a trailer capable of being used for the temporary living, sleeping or eating accommodation of persons (despite that its running gear is or may be removed), but does not include a mobile home.
“Township of Augusta” means the geographic boundaries of Augusta Township, Ontario;
“Township” means the Corporation of the Township of Augusta;
“Zoning By-Law” means Township of Augusta By-Law, enacted under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13.
2. Administration
2.1. Every application for a new Licence or a renewal of an existing Licence shall be
accompanied by the full fee paid by the Owner, as set out in the Fees and
Charges By-Law.
2.2. An Owner whose application for a New Short-Term Rental Licence or a Short-
Term Rental Licence Renewal which has been refused, or an Owner whose
Licence which has been suspended or revoked, may, within fourteen (14) days
of being notified of the refusal, suspension or revocation, submit an application
to appeal to the Rental Properly Standards Committee for a review of the
decision using Short Term Rental License Appeal Application.
2.3. An appeal application shall be accompanied by the full fee paid by the Owner, as
set out in the Fees and Charges By-Law.
2.4. On appeal, the Rental Property Standards Committee has the power to affirm
the decision to refuse, suspend or revoke the Licence, or to direct the Township
to issue, renew or reinstate the Licence.
2.5. The Rental Property Standards Committee may, when reviewing a denied,
suspended or revoked Licence, impose such terms or conditions on the Licence
as the Rental Property Standards Committee considers appropriate.
2.6. Decisions of the Rental Property Standards Committee are final.
3. Interpretation
3.1. This By-Law shall not be interpreted as exempting any Person, Operator, or
Owner from the requirement to comply with any other Township By-Law or
Federal or Provincial legislation.
3.2. Any reference herein to any By-Law or Act of any government shall be construed
as a reference thereto as amended or re-enacted from time to time or as a
reference to any successor thereto then in force.
4. Prohibitions
4.1. No Owner or Operator shall Market or permit the Marketing of a Short-Term
Rental without holding a valid Licence issued under the provisions of this By
4.2. No Owner or Operator shall operate or permit to be operated a Short-Term
Rental without holding a valid Licence issued under the provisions of this By
4.3. No Owner or Operator shall knowingly submit an application for a Licence that
contains false, misleading or deceptive information.
4.4. No Owner or Operator shall market, provide or operate a Short-Term Rental in:
4.4.1. An accessory building;
4.4.2. a motor vehicle or trailer;
4.4.3. an unlawful residential unit;
4.4.4. community housing;
5. Licensing Requirements
5.1. An application for a License shall include documentation dated within twelve (12)
months confirming the following:
5.1.1. The premises conforms to the Fire Protection and Prevention Act and its
regulations as they relate to the operation and use of the premises for
Short- Term Rental purposes.
5.1.2. The premises conforms to all Technical Standards and Safety Authority
(TSSA) codes and standards as they relate to the operation and use of the
premises for Short-Term Rental purposes.
5.1.3. The premises conforms to all Electrical Safety Authority (ESA)
requirements and provisions of the Electrical Safety Code as they relate to
the operation and use of the premises for Short-Term Rental purposes.
5.1.4. The septic system if any, on the premises conforms to all acts, regulations
and standards that apply to septic systems.
5.1.5. A copy of the transfer/deed evidencing the Ownership of the premises or, if
the premises are rented, proof that the Owner consents to its use as a
Short-Term Rental.
5.1.6. Proof that the applicant has and maintains insurance in accordance with
section 7 of this By-Law.
5.1.7. An interior floor plans drawn to scale of the Short-Term Rental premises
and all structures on the property depicting the use of the premises and
structures including the proposed occupancy of each room; occupant load
for sleeping purposes of each room: location of smoke, heat, and or carbon
monoxide alarms and detectors, fire extinguishers, fire and security panels
and related site amenities including building services, and utilities shut offs.
5.1.8. Provide a site plan drawn to scale, detailing all buildings, structures,
parking, outside utilities and shut offs, and continuous access for
emergency vehicles.
5.1.9. a declaration signed by the applicant confirming that they are aware of and
will comply with the requirements of this By-Law.
5.2. The applicant is responsible for obtaining the necessary information or plans
required by section 5.1, at the applicant’s sole cost.
6. Consideration of Applications:
6.1. The Township is authorized to receive and consider applications for a License
or a License renewal and to conduct all investigations necessary to ensure that
a License is issued in accordance with this By-Law, and to issue a permit in
accordance with this By-Law.
6.2. The Township shall refuse to issue a License or refuse to renew a License if
the application requirements of section 5 have not been met.
7. Insurance and Indemnification:
7.1. Each holder of a License under this By-Law shall have and maintain
Homeowners Insurance, Condominium Insurance, or Renters Insurance, as
appropriate, that includes the following:
7.1.1. a coverage for short-term rental activity that is appropriate for the
nature of the property;
7.1.2. a limit of liability of not less than Two Million Dollars
($2,000,000.00) inclusive per occurrence for personal injury,
bodily injury, death, damage to property and;
7.1.3. a provision that the Township will be notified with no less than
thirty (30) days of any cancellation.
7.1.4. The insurance provided in accordance with section 5.6 shall be to
the satisfaction of the Township solicitor
7.1.5. The Township solicitor is authorized to approve alternative but
equivalent insurance coverage to what is required in section 5.6.
7.2. No person who is required under this By-Law to maintain insurance shall fail to
keep the policy in force for the period for which the permit or registration, as
applicable, is in effect inclusive of any renewal period.
7.3. Any lapse in maintaining the insurance coverage required by this By-Law
invalidates any License issued under this By-Law.
7.4. Any person holding a permit or otherwise registered under this By-Law shall
indemnify and save harmless the Township from any and all claims,
demands, cause of action, loss, costs, or damages that the Township may
suffer, incur or be liable for resulting from the performance of the person as set
out in the By-Law whether with or without negligence on the part of the person,
the person’s employees, directors and agents.
8. Information Collection;
8.1. The collection, use, disclosure, transmission, retention, and destruction of
personal information by any host, property manager or short-term rental
platform must be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the
Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
9. Licence Issuance
9.1. Subject to this section, the Township shall issue or renew a Licence to any
Owner who meets the requirements of this By-Law.
9.2. The Township may refuse to issue or renew a License for a Short-Term Rental if
the investigations conducted pursuant to section 6 disclose any reason to
believe that the issuance or renewal of a License may result in a breach of this
By-Law or another By-Law, or be adverse to the public interest or to public
health and safety.
9.3. The Township shall refuse to issue a License or renew a License if:
9.3.1. the Owner or Operator of the land or property on which the Short-
Term Rental is situated is indebted to the Township by way of fines,
penalties, judgments and or outstanding (past due) property taxes
9.3.2. The land or property on and/or building in which the Short-Term
Rental is situated is subject to an order, or orders, made pursuant to, or
(a) any By-Law passed by the Township.
(b) the Building Code Act or any regulations made under it, including the
Ontario Building Code.
(c) the Fire Protection and Prevention Act or any regulations made
under it, including the Ontario Fire Code.
(d) any authority having jurisdiction to regulate septic system.
(e) the South Nation Conservation Authority.
(f) the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority.
(g) the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit; or
(h) any and all Federal or Provincial Acts or Regulations made
under them.
9.3.3. The use of the premises as a Short-Term Rental contravenes the
Zoning By-Law.
9.4. A decision by the Township to refuse or issue a License or a License Renewal
with conditions shall be in writing and shall inform the applicant of the reasons
for the refusal.
9.5. The Township may, when issuing or renewing a Licence, or at any time the
Township deems appropriate, impose such terms or conditions related to the
health, safety, and well being of persons, the protection of persons or property,
and the control of noise or other nuisances.
9.6. An Owner shall notify the Township, in writing, within fourteen (14) days of any
change to the information or documentation submitted with the application, and
as soon as is practicable, provide such updated information or documentation as
may be required.
9.7. The Township may revoke a License if it was issued on mistaken, false, or
incorrect information or if the Township is of the opinion that the continued
operations of the Short-Term Rental is:
9.7.1. Adverse to public health;
9.7.2. Poses a risk for the health and safety of the public; or
9.7.3. Is likely to cause a significant public nuisance due to excessive
noise, violations of applicable property standards or property
9.8. A License issued under this By-Law is valid on the date of issue and for the
balance of the calendar year in which the License is issued unless suspended or
9.9. A Licence issued under this By-Law shall expire if it is not renewed by the date
required in Section 9.8 above.
9.10.Any License issued pursuant to this By-Law is not transferable.
10. Regulations
10.1.Maximum Occupancy shall be determined by the number of Accommodation
Rooms in the Short-Term Rental and confirmation by the applicant that the
septic system is adequately sized for the number of Accommodation Rooms.
The Maximum Occupancy shall not exceed two (2) Occupants per
Accommodation Room, up to a maximum often (10) Occupants per property.
10.2.The Owner shall ensure the Short-Term Rental complies with all appliable By
Laws including:
10.2.1. all By-Laws passed by the Township
10.2.2. the Building Code Actor any regulations made under it, including the
Ontario Building Code;
10.2.3. the Fire Protection and Prevention Act or any regulations made under it,
including the Ontario Fire Code;
10.2.4. any regulations or law pertaining to septic systems;
10.2.5. all policies and requirements of the South Nation Conservation
10.2.6. all policies and requirements of the Rideau Valley Conservation
10.2.7. any requirements of the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health
Unit; or
10.2.8. any and all Federal or Provincial Acts or Regulations made under them.
10.3. Every holder of a License shall provide all guests with an information package for
each Short-Term Rental:
10.3.1. Electronically at the time of booking; and
10.3.2. Within the Short-Term Rental unit, in a printed document that
is visible and accessible to all guests.
10.4. The information package prescribed by section 10.3 shall include:
10.4.1. contact information for the host or property manager who is
available to receive communications from any guest during
the rental period;
10.4.2. instructions for the use of the 9-1-1 emergency system;
10.4.3. the name and address of the nearest two (2) hospitals or
emergency medical services providing emergency care;
10.4.4. instructions for accessing municipal services;
10.4.5. non-emergency contact information for the Ontario Provincial
Policy (Grenville County — Prescott);
10.4.6. a floor plan for the residential unit indicating emergency
evacuation routes and the location of safety equipment;
10.4.7. notice to guests of the presence of any system onsite that is
making video or audio recordings or photographs;
10.4.8. instructions for solid waste disposal, to include information on
applicable waste collection and instructions for
composting and recycling;
10.4.9. instructions for legal parking onsite and in the vicinity of the
property, as applicable;
10.4.10. instructions for smoking and vaping;
10.4.11. a copy of the License including the License number,
occupancy limits and any conditions imposed on the License.
10.5. The Owner or Operator shall post a copy of the Licence in a conspicuous
place near the entry to the Short-Term Rental at all times.
10.6. The Owners or Operator shall provide parking spaces for all guests on the
property and require all guests, visitors, staff, contractors, operators and
owners to park in the provided parking spaces on the property.
10.7.The Owner of a Short-Term Rental shall allow, at any reasonable time, the
manager, an Officer, designate, or agent of the Township to inspect the
premises used for the purposes of Short-Term Rental to determine compliance
with all applicable Township By-Laws or other applicable law.
10.8.The Owner shall, at all times, maintain the Short-Term Rental premises in a
clean and sanitary condition.
10.9.The Owner shall maintain adequate measures for the storage and disposal of
waste and recycling consisting of an enclosed building, structure, or a container
with tight fitting lid, which is of a sufficient size that will store the waste and
recycling generated by the Short-Term Rental until such waste and recycling is
properly disposed of.
10.10. The Owner shall ensure that all waste and recycling is removed from the Short-
Term Rental and disposed of properly after every rental or at a minimum,
11. Provision of Data:
11.1. No Owner, Operator or Short-Term Rental Platform shall fail to create and
maintain records of the following information in a format accessible by the
Township, for a period of not less than three (3) years following the first day of
the listing or the last day of the rental period for the property in question,
whichever occurs last:
11.1.1. the municipal address of each Short-Term Rental listing for
which it has provided Short-Term Rental Platform services;
11.1.2. the total number of nights each short-term rental listing has
been rented in each calendar year, or part thereof;
11.1.3. the total amount of revenue collected for accounts associated
with each short-term rental listing in each calendar year, or
part thereof;
11.1.4. the total number of complaints received by the Short-Term
Rental Platform in respect of each short-term rental in each
calendar year, or part thereof.
11.2. No Owner, Operator or Short-Term Rental Platform shall fail to make available
to the Township the records or information required pursuant to subsection (1,
for a specific municipal address within forty-eight (48) hours following a
request to do so.
11.3. Every Owner, Operator or Short-Term Rental Platform shall have and maintain
a system for receiving and responding to complaints from guests or the public.
12. Fire Safety:
12.1. No License holder shall fail to have and maintain a functioning smoke alarm
where required by the Ontario Fire Code.
12.2. Where the residential unit is equipped with one or more fireplaces or fuel
burning appliances, no permit holder shall fail to have and maintain a
functioning carbon monoxide alarm where required by Ontario Fire Code.
12.3. No License holder shall fail to have and maintain a functional ABC class fire
extinguisher on each floor of the residential unit in a location that is accessible
to guests.
13. Exemptions:
13.1. This By-Law does not apply to:
13.1.1. a group home as defined in the Zoning By-Law.
13.1.2. a Bed and Breakfast, Boarding or Lodging House, Motel,
Hotel, Tourist Establishment, Tourist Lodge, Tourist Outfitters
Establishment or Tourist Trailer, as defined in the Zoning By
13.1.3. a charitable, non-profit philanthropic corporation organized as
a shelter for the relief of the poor or for emergency.
13.1.4. accommodation supplied by employers to their employees in
Dwelling Units operated by the employer.
13.1.5. a hospital referred to in the list of hospitals and their grades
and classifications maintained by the Minister of Health and
Long-Term Care under the Public Hospitals Act, R.S.O 1990,
C. P.40, and a private hospital operated under the authority of
a licence issued under the Private Hospitals Act, R.S.O. 1990,
c. P.24.
13.1.6. a home for special care operated under the authority of a
licence issued under the Homes for Special Care Act, R.S.C
1990, cH.12.
13.1.7. a long-term care home operated under the authority of a
licence issued under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007,
S.O. 2007, c8.
13.1.8. dwelling unit that is the owner(s) / operator(s) primary
residence and is occupied by the owner(s) /operator(s) when
the dwelling has been rented or is in use by other person(s).
13.1.9. a retirement home operated under the authority of a licence
issued under the Retirement Homes Act, 2010. 5.0.2010,
c.11. and
13.1.10. the whole of a secondary suite or additional residential unit)
provided that the main residential unit) located on the same
legal property, is the owner(s) / operator(s) primary residence
and is occupied by the owner(s) / operator(s) when the
additional residential unit/secondary suite has been rented
or is in use by other person(s).
14. Offenses and Penalties:
14.1. Each day on which a person contravenes sections 4.1 or 4.2 of this By-Law
shall be deemed to constitute a separate offence under this By-Law as
provided for in section 429(2) of the Municipal Act, S.D. 2001, c. 25.
14.2. Every person who contravenes any provision of this By-Law is guilty of an
offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine as provided for by the Provincial
Offences Act, R.S.0. 1990, Chapter P.33, as amended.
14.3. Any person who hinders or obstructs a person lawfully carrying out the
enforcement of this By-Law is guilty of an offence.
14.4. Every person who is convicted of an offence under this By-Law is liable to a
minimum fine not less than $500 $900 and to a maximum fine not exceeding
$100,000 for each day that the offence occurs or continues pursuant to
subsection 429(3) of the Municipal Act) 2001, and all such offences are
designated as continuing offences as provided for in subsection 429(2),
paragraph (a), of the Municipal Act) 2001.
14.5. In addition to subsection (1), the total of all daily fines for a continuing offence
is not limited to $100,000 as provided for in subsection 429(3), paragraph 2, of
the Municipal Act, 2001.
14.6. In addition to any other penalty imposed under this By-Law, a person who is
convicted of an offence under this By-Law is liable to a special fine that may
exceed $100,000 as provided for in subsection 429(2), clause (d), and
subsection 429(3), paragraph 1) of the Municipal Act, 2001.
14.7. When a person has been convicted of an offence under this By-Law, the
Ontario Court of Justice or any court of competent jurisdiction may, in addition
to any penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order:
14.7.1. prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the
person convicted; and
14.7.2. requiring the person convicted to correct the contravention in
the manner and within the period that the court considers
15. Enforcement
15.1. This By-Law shall be enforced by a By-Law Officer.
15.2. A By-Law Officer is authorized to enter on any land at any reasonable time for
the purposes of conducting an inspection of any portion of the property that is
not actually being used as a residential unit.
15.3. During an inspection conducted under Section 15.2, a By-Law Officer may
himself or herself or with the assistance of any other person:
15.3.1. require the production for inspection of any document or thing
relevant to the inspection
15.3.2. inspect and remove documents or things relevant to the
inspection for the purpose of making copies or extracts;
15.3.3. require the production of information relevant to the
inspection; and,
15.3.4. make examinations or take tests, samples or photographs
necessary for the inspection.
15.4. No person shall hinder or obstruct a By-Law Officer or any person assisting
them during an inspection conducted under Section 15.2 or activities
undertaken under section 15.3.
15.5. For the purpose of investigating compliance with this By-Law, a By-Law Officer
may audit or examine any documents or electronic records held by a Short-
Term Rental Platform, property manager, or License holder that relates or may
relate to information that is required under this By-Law.
16. Service of Documents
16.1. The Township may serve any document under this By-Law, within thirty (30)
days of becoming aware of the alleged offence, personally to the Person
named on the notice, by registered or regular mail addressed to the Person to
whom the document is to be given at the Person’s last known address, and by
email transmission to the Registers email address given with the most recent
application received by the Township.
16.2. Service by registered or regular mail under subsection 16.1 shall be deemed to
have been made on the fifth day after the day of mailing.
16.3. A Person’s last know address includes the address provided by the Person to
the Township as identified in the property tax file.
17. Severability
17.1. Where a If any provision of this By-Law or application thereof to any person or
circumstance is held invalid by any Court, other provisions or applications of
the By-Law which can given effect without the invalid provision or application
shall not be affected, and to this end the provisions of this By-Law are declared
to be severable.
18. Other
18.1. Schedule “A & B” shall constitute parts of this By-Law.
19. Short Title of By-Law
19.1. This By-Law may be referred to as the “Short-Term Rental By-Law”.
20. Commencement
20.1. THAT By-Law 3650-2023 is hereby repealed and all other By-Laws
inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
20.2. This By-Law shall come into force and take effect at the time of passing.
Read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this 24th day of June 2024.
Signed by Mayor Jeff Shaver and Clerk Annette Simonian
BY-LAW 3724-2024
Note: The general penalty provision for the offences listed above is Section 14 of By-Law
3724-2024, a certified copy of which has been filed.
BY-LAW 3724-2024
NOTE: Short-Term Rental Forms/Applications may be amended from time to time
for administrative mailers and changes to legislation/policies.