3760-2025 Establish and Regulate a Fire Department
Passed by Council January 27, 2025
BY-LAW NUMBER 3760-2025
WHEREAS Section 2 of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S0 1997, c. 4
as amended requires every municipality to establish a program which must include
public education with respect to fire safety and certain components of fire prevention.
and to provide such other fire protection services as it determines may be necessary in
accordance with its needs and circumstances;
AND WHEREAS Section 5 of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997. SO. 1997,
c. 4 as amended authorizes the Council of a municipality to establish, maintain and
operate a fire department to provide fire suppression services and other fire protection
services in the municipality;
AND WHEREAS Sections 8 and 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S. 0. 2001, c. 25 as
amended authorizes a municipality to provide any service that the municipality
considers necessary or desirable for the public, and to pass by-laws respecting, inter
alia, health, safety and well-being of persons, protection of persons and property, and
services that the municipality is authorized to provide;
AND WHEREAS Section 391 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.0.2001. c. 25 as amended
authorizes a municipality to impose fees or charges on persons for services or
activities provided by the municipality, and for costs payable by the municipality for
services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of any other municipality;
AND WHEREAS Section 425 of the Municipal Act, 2001, SQ. 2001, c. 25 as amended
provides that the Council of a municipality may pass By-Laws providing that a person
who contravenes a by-law of the municipality is guilty of an offence;
AND WHEREAS Section 446 of the Municipal Act 2001, SQ. 2001, c. 25 as amended
provides that if a municipality has the authority under that or any other act, or under a
By-Law under that or any other Act, to direct or require a person to do a matter or
thing, the municipality may also provide that, in default of it being done by the person
directed or required to do it, the matter or thing shall be done at the person’s expense,
and the municipality may recover the costs of doing a matter or thing from the person
directed or required to do it by action or by adding the costs to the tax roll and
collecting them in the same manner as property taxes;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Augusta deems it
desirable, necessary and expedient to amend, consolidate, revise and update its By
Law to establish and regulate a fire department for the Township of Augusta;
1.1 In this By-Law, unless the context otherwise requires:
a) “Approved’ means approved by Council.
b) ‘Automatic Aid” means an approved agreement under which a municipality
that is capable of responding more quickly to an area agrees to provide an
initial response to fires, rescues, and emergencies in another municipality,
or where a municipality agrees to provide a supplemental response to fires,
rescues, or emergencies that may occur in another municipality.
c) “Auxiliary Member’ means a person who provides certain limited functions
in support of the delivery of Fire Protection Services voluntarily or for
nominal consideration.
d) “Corporation’ means The Corporation of the Township of Augusta.
e) “Council” means the Council of the Township of Augusta.
f) “Deputy Fire Chief” means a person appointed by Council to act on behalf
of the Fire Chief of the Fire Department in the case of absence or a
vacancy in the Office of the Fire Chief.
g) “Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act” means Emergency
Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.9 as amended, and
any successor legislation.
h) “Manager of Protective Services” means the person appointed by Council
to act as Fire Chief for the Corporation and who is ultimately responsible to
Council for the delivery of fire protection services as set out in the Fire
Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, SO. 1997, c. 4 as amended.
i) “Fire Department” means the Township of Augusta Fire Rescue.
j) “Fire Code” means Ontario Regulation 213/07, as amended, and any
successor regulation.
k) “Firefighter” means any person employed in or appointed to the Fire
Department to undertake Fire Protection Services, and includes Officers,
Part-Time, Volunteer, and excludes the Manager of Protective Services.
l) “Fire Protection and Prevention Act” means the Fire Protection and
Prevention Act. 1997, 5.0. 1997, c. 4 as amended, and any successor
m) “Fire Protection Services” includes fire suppression, rescue and emergency
services, fire prevention, public fire safety education, mitigation, prevention
and safety education of the risk created by unsafe levels of carbon
monoxide, communications, training of personnel involved in the provision
of Fire Protection Services, and the delivery of all those services.
n) “Limited Service” means a variation of service significantly differentiating
from the norm as a result of extenuating circumstances, such as
deployment of part-time Firefighters in insufficient numbers to safely carry
out the delivery of Fire Protection Services, environmental factors, remote
properties, impeded access, private roadways, lanes and drives.
obstructions, or extraordinary hazards or unsafe conditions.
o) “Member” means any person employed by, or appointed to, the Fire
Department and assigned to undertake Fire Protection Services, Fire
Prevention Services, Administrative Services, and includes Officers, Full
time, Part-time, firefighters, Auxiliary Members, and administrative staff and
excludes the Manager of Protective Services.
p) “Municipal Act” means the Municipal Act, 2001, SO. 2001, c. 25 as
amended, and any successor legislation.
q) ‘Mutual Aid” means a plan established pursuant to section 7 of the Fire
Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, SO. 1997, c. 4 as amended under
which fire departments that serve a designated area agree to assist each
other on a reciprocal basis in the event of a major fire or emergency
r) “Officer” means Manager of Protective Services, Deputy Fire Chief, District
Chief, Chief Training Officer, Captain, Acting Captain, Training Officer, Chief
Fire Prevention Officer, Fire Prevention Officer, and any person designated
by the Manager of Protective Services to supervise Firefighters.
s) “Part-time firefighters” means a person who provides Fire Protection
Services on a part-time basis or on a voluntarily on-call paid hourly basis.
2.1. A Fire Department for the Township of Augusta is to be known as the
Township of Augusta Fire Rescue is hereby established, and the head of
the Fire Department shall be known as the Manager of Protective Services.
3.1. Council shall appoint a Manager of Protective Services who shall be the
highest-ranking Officer and director of the Fire Department.
3.2. In addition to the Manager of Protective Services, Council shall appoint a
Deputy Fire Chief who shall report to the Manager of Protective Services as the
second highest ranking Officer of the Fire Department and who, in the absence
or vacancy of the Manager of Protective Services, shall have the powers and
perform the duties of the Manager of Protective Services.
3.3. In addition to the Manager of Protective Services and Deputy Fire Chief, the Fire
Department may consist of Fire Prevention Officers, Inspectors, Fire Safety
Educator, Officers, Firefighters, and other Members as deemed necessary and
appointed by the Manager of Protective Services to provide Fire Protection
3.4. The Fire Department shall be structured in conformance with the Approved Fire
Department Organizational Chart as set out in Schedule “A” attached hereto
and forming part of this By-Law.
4.1.The Fire Department shall provide such Fire Protection Services and programs
as approved by Council in accordance with Part II of the Fire Protection and
Prevention Act, 1997, SO. 1997, c. 4 as amended and set out in Schedule “B”
attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law.
5.1. In consideration of the reliance by the Fire Department on the response of Part
Time Firefighters, whose deployment to emergencies in sufficient numbers
cannot in all instances be guaranteed, adverse climate conditions, delays or
unavailability of specialized equipment required by the Fire Department, or
Other extraordinary circumstances which may impede the delivery of Fire
Protection Services, any approved service set out in Schedule “B” may from
time to time be provided as a Limited Service as defined in this By-Law, as
determined by the Manager of Protective Services, his or her designate, or the
highest ranking Officer in charge of a response.
5.2. The Corporation shall accept no liability for the provision of a Limited Service by
the Fire Department as reasonably necessary.
6.1.The Fire Department shall not respond outside the limits of the municipality
except with respect to a fire, rescue or emergency:
a) That, in the opinion of the Manager of Protective Services or designate,
threatens property in the municipality, or property situated outside the
municipality that is owned or occupied by the municipality;
b) In a municipality with which an Approved agreement has been entered to
provide fire protection services which may include automatic aid;
c) On property with which an Approved agreement has been entered into with
any person or corporation to provide fire protection services;
d) At the discretion of the Manager of Protective Services or designate, to a
municipality authorized to participate in any county, district or regional
mutual aid plan established by a fire coordinator appointed by the Fire
Marshal or any other similar reciprocal plan or program; or
e) On property beyond the municipal boundary where the Manager of
Protective Services or designate determines immediate action is necessary
to preserve life or property and the appropriate department is notified to
respond and assume command or establish alternative measures
acceptable to the Manager of Protective Services or designate.
7.1.The Manager of Protective Services shall be ultimately responsible to Council
as set out in subsection 6(3) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997,
SO. 1997, c. 4 as amended for the proper administration and operation of the
Fire Department, including delivery of approved services and programs.
7.2.The Manager of Protective Services shall be deemed to be the Chief Fire
Official of the municipality for the purposes of the Fire Protection and Prevention
Act, 1997, SO. 1997. c. 4 as amended and regulations enacted thereunder and
shall have all statutory authority and shall carry out all prescribed duties and
responsibilities in respect thereof.
7.3. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Manager of Protective
Services shall be authorized and responsible for:
a) Performing all statutory duties of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act,
1997, 5.0. 1997. c. 4 as amended, the Emergency Management and Civil
Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990. c. E.9 as amended and any other legislation
applicable to the administration or operation of the Fire Department;
b) Reporting to Council as required by the Fire Protection and Prevention Act,
1997, 5.0. 1997, c. 4 as amended and in accordance with the provisions
established by the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R. S. 0.
1990, c. E.9 as amended;
c) Enforcement of this By-Law and any regulations established under this By
Law, and the enforcement of any other By-Laws of the Corporation
respecting the administration and operation of the Fire Department;
d) Periodically reviewing this By-Law and any other By-Laws of the
Corporation respecting the administration and operation of the Fire
Department, and may establish an advisory committee consisting of such
Members of the Fire Department and other persons, possibly including the
general public, as may be necessary from time to time to assist in
discharging this duty;
e) Recommending to Council amendments to this By-Law, or any other By
Law of the Corporation, that the Manager of Protective Services considers
relevant and appropriate;
f) Developing, establishing, and implementing policies, operating procedures
and guidelines, general orders and department rules) and other measures
as the Manager of Protective Services may consider necessary for the
proper administration and efficient operation of the Fire Department;
g) Periodically reviewing, revising, or revoking as required, any policies,
operating procedures and guidelines, general orders, and rules of the Fire
Department, and the Manager of Protective Services may establish an
advisory committee from time to time to assist in discharging these duties;
h) Arranging for the provision and allotment of strategic staffing and proper
facilities, apparatus, equipment, materials, services and supplies for the Fi
i) Ensuring proper care and protection of all Fire Department property;
j) Arranging and implementing automatic aid, mutual aid and other negotiated
and/or Approved fire protection and emergency service agreements
between the Township of Augusta and other municipalities;
k) Determining and establishing the qualifications and criteria for employment
or appointment, and the duties and responsibilities of all Members of the
Fire Department;
l) Appointment, subject to hiring policies, of any qualified person as a
Member of the Fire Department;
m) The conduct and discipline of all Members of the Fire Department, including
disciplinary actions as required which may range from reprimand to
n) Keeping an accurate record of all fires, rescues and emergencies
responded to by the Fire Department, all fire safety inspections and fire
investigations, and other such records as may be required by Council in a
manner consistent with applicable records management policies of the
Corporation, and for retaining such records for a period prescribed by
Approved records retention policies and statutory requirements;
o) Enforcing the Fire Code, reporting all fires to the Fire Marshal, and
complying with all Fire Marshal’s directives as mandated by the Fire
Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, SO. 1997, c. 4 as amended;
p) Reporting to the appropriate Crown Attorney or other prosecutor, or law
enforcement or other officer, the facts upon the evidence in any case in
which there is reason to believe that a fire has been the result of criminal
intent or negligence, or in which there is reason to believe that an offence
has been committed under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997,
SO. 1997, c. 4 as amended, or other applicable regulation or statute;
q) Preparing and presenting annual and periodic reports to Council as deemed
necessary by the Manager of Protective Services, and any other specific
reports as directed by Council;
r) Preparing and submitting annual budget estimates for approval by Council,
and effectively administering, monitoring, and controlling the Fire
Department operating and capital budgets; and
s) Assisting other public officials in an emergency declared by the Head of
Council, the Premier of Ontario, or the Prime Minister of Canada.
8.1.The Manager of Protective Services shall exercise all powers and duties
prescribed by the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, 5.0. 1997, c. 4 as
amended and shall be empowered to take all reasonable and proper measures
for the prevention, control, and extinguishment of fires, and for the protection of
life, property and the environment, and for the management of emergencies
within the jurisdiction of the Township.
8.2. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Manager of Protective
Services and their designates shall be empowered and authorized to carry out
the following:
a) Enforcement of all municipal By-Laws in respect of tire safety and fire
b) Pulling down or demolishing any building or structure when necessary to
prevent the spread of fire;
c) Any necessary action to guard against fire or other danger, risk, or accident,
which may include boarding up or barricading of buildings or property,
when unable to contact the owner of the property;
d) Recovery of costs incurred by such necessary actions for the Corporation
in a manner provided by the MunicipalAct, 2001, 5.0. 2001, c. 25 as
amended and the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S. 0. 1997, c. 4
as amended; and
e) Taking any and all steps as set out in Parts V, VI, VII, and VIII of the Fire
Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, 5.0. 1997, c. 4 as amended.
8.3.As set out in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, 5.0. 1997, c. 4 as
amended the Manager of Protective Services may delegate any of their powers
or duties to the Deputy Fire Chief or any Officer or Member that the Manager of
Protective Services deems appropriate, subject to such limitations, restrictions
or conditions as may be set out in the delegation, and such Officer or Member
so delegated shall have all the powers and shall perform all duties as
9.1. If as the result of a Fire Department response to a fire, rescue, or other
emergency, the Manager of Protective Services, his or her designate, or the
highest ranking Member in charge determines that it is necessary to retain a
private contractor, rent special equipment, or use consumable materials other
than water in order to suppress or extinguish a tire, preserve property, prevent
a fire from spreading, remove hazardous materials, assist in or otherwise
conduct an investigation to determine the cause of a fire, or otherwise control or
eliminate an emergency situation, the Corporation shall recover the costs
incurred by the Township of Augusta for taking such actions from the owner of
the property on which the fire or other emergency occurred.
9.2.The Corporation may recover costs incurred by such necessary actions in a
manner provided by the Municipal Act. 2001, S. 0. 2001. c. 25 as amended and
the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, 5.0. 1997, c. 4 as amended in
accordance with the fees prescribed by the applicable Fees for Services By
Law of the Corporation from time to time.
9.3.A fee imposed upon a person under this By-Law, including any interest, penalty
charges and costs of collection, constitutes a debt of the person to the
Corporation, and a person who is charged a fee under this By-Law and fails to
pay the fee within thirty days of receipt of an invoice shall be charged interest
in accordance with the applicable Township Fees and Charges By- Law.
9.4. If a property owner who is charged a fee under this By-Law fails to pay the fee
within ninety days of receipt of an invoice, the Corporation may add the fee,
including penalty and interest, to the tax roll for any real property registered in
the name of the owner and collect the fee, including penalty and interest, in like
manner as municipal taxes.
10.1.The Manager of Protective Services may appoint, from time to time, any eligible
person as a member to maintain a sufficient complement of Firefighters in
accordance with the Approved Fire Department Organizational Chart as set
out in Schedule “A” attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law, and
subject to Approved hiring policies.
10.2.The employment of firefighters shall be governed by the Firefighter Terms
and Conditions of Employment as set out in Schedule “C” attached hereto and
forming part of this By-Law.
11.1. No person shall obstruct, hinder, or interfere with the Manager of Protective
Services or any Member of the Fire Department in the performance of his or
her duties in accordance with this By-Law and the Fire Protection and
Prevention Act, 1997. SO. 1997, c. 4 as amended.
12.1.Every person who contravenes any provision of this By-Law is guilty of an
offence and, upon conviction, is liable to a penalty established by the
Provincial Offences Act R.S.O. 1990, c. P.33 as amended from time to time,
and any successor legislation.
13.1. Schedule A, to this policy may be amended from time to time upon the
approval of the CAO and/or Manager of Protective Services to add or delete or
modify matters listed.
14.1. Should a court of competent jurisdiction find any section or provision, or part
thereof, of this By-Law to be invalid or to be of no force and effect, such
section or provision or part thereof shall be deemed to be severable, and all
other sections or provisions or parts of this By-Law shall be deemed to be
separate and independent there from and to be enacted as such.
15.1. By-Law 3427-2019, as amended, of the Corporation of the Township of
Augusta be and is hereby repealed.
15.2. Notwithstanding Section 15, the appointments of the Manager of Protective
Services, the Deputy Fire Chief, and all other Members of the Fire
Department who were appointed under the provisions of By-Law No. 3427-
2019, that existed and were in effect on the day on which the By-Law was
repealed shall survive and remain in force and effect after the By-Law is
16.1. This By-Law shall come into force and effect on the day on which it is passed.
READ a first time this 27th day of January, 2025
READ a second time this 27 day of January, 2025
READ a third time and passed this 27’ day of January, 2025
Signed by Mayor Jeff Shaver and Deputy Clerk Vikki Werner-Mackeler
BY-LAW 3760-2025
BY-LAW 3760-2025
The Fire Department shall provide the following services and programs:
1.1.Basic Firefighting Services:
1.1.1. The Fire Department shall respond to fire, alarms of fire, and pre-fire
conditions to provide fire suppression services, and shall exercise best
efforts to conform to the most recent edition of the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) 1720, Standard for the Organization and Deployment of
Fire Suppression Operations. Emergency Medical Operations, and Special
Operations to the Public by Volunteer Fire Departments as revised from time
to time.
1.2. Structural Firefighting Services:
1.2.1. For the purpose of this Schedule, “Structural Firefighting” shall have the
meaning defined by NFPA 1720, Standard for the Organization and
Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical
Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Volunteer Fire
1.2.2. Interior Search and Rescue – shall be provided when possible and as
appropriate in accordance with the following: Response shall be provided to search for and rescue endangered,
trapped or potentially trapped persons within the structure; and Response shall be provided only when, in the opinion of the
Manager of Protective Services or most senior Officer in Charge, all
or the following are true: A scene risk assessment has been completed, and the level of
risk reasonably justifies entry into the structure; Building integrity permits entry into the structure; Sufficient Trained Firefighter staffing is deployed at the fireground; Reliable water supply with adequate flow can be sustained; and Adequate fireground supervision and support is provided.
1.2.3. Interior Fire Suppression (Offensive Operations) – shall be provided when
possible and as appropriate in accordance with the following: Response shall be provided to contain the fire and prevent
further loss of property; and Response shall be provided only when, in the opinion of the
Manager of Protective Services or most senior Officer in
Charge, all of the following are true: A scene risk assessment has been completed, and level of
risk reasonably justifies Firefighter entry into the structure; Building integrity permits entry into the structure; Sufficient Trained Firefighter staffing is deployed at the
fireground; Reliable water supply with adequate flow can be
sustained; and Adequate fireground supervision and support is provided.
1.2.4. Exterior Fire Suppression (Defensive Operations) – shall be provided when
possible and as appropriate, in the opinion of the Manager of Protective
Services or most senior Officer in charge, in accordance with the following:
1.241. There shall be no expected rescue component with this service;
1.2.42. Response shall be provided to prevent fire spread to adjacent
areas; Response shall be provided when Interior Fire Suppression is not
possible or appropriate; and Response shall be provided as water supply permits.
1.3. Rural Firefighting Operations:
1.3.1. Rural firefighting operations using tanker shuffle service shall be provided
in area without municipal water supply and best efforts shall be exercised to
conform to NFPA 1142, Standard on Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural
1.3.2. The Fire Department shall maintain Superior Tanker Shuttle Service
accreditation by a recognized accreditation body.
1.4. Vehicle Firefighting Services:
1.4.1. Response shall be provided to control and extinguish vehicle fires.
1.5.Grass, Brush, and Forestry Firefighting Services:
1.5.1. Response shall be provided, and best efforts shall be exercised to conform
to NFPA 1140, Standard for Wildiand Fire Protection.
1.6. Marine Firefighting Services:
1.6.1. Marine firefighting response shall be limited to shore-based, defensive
firefighting operations only.
1.7. Automatic Aid Response Services:
1.7.1. Response shall be provided in accordance with any Automatic Aid
agreements approved by Council.
1.8. Mutual Aid Response Services:
1.8.1. Response shall be provided in accordance with the Mutual Aid Plan
established in respect to the municipalities within the United Counties of
Leeds and Grenville pursuant to clause 7(2)(a) of the Fire Protection and
Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 4 as amended
1.9. Tiered Medical Assistance Services:
1.9.1. Response shall be provided in accordance with the Emergency Medical
Tiered Response Agreement between The Corporation of the United
Counties of Leeds and Grenville represented by Leeds and Grenville
Emergency Medical Services and the Township of Augusta
1.10. Ambulance Assistance Services:
1.10.1. Response shall be provided to assist Emergency Medical Services with
emergency and non-emergency situations with respect to providing access
and/or the provisions of care to patients.
1.11. Police Assistance Services:
1.11.1. Response shall be provided to assist Police with emergency and nonemergency
situations for which the Fire Department has equipment
and/or specialized skills to assist in the mitigation.
1.12. Public Assistance Services:
1.12.1. Response shall be provided to assist the public with emergency
situations for which the Fire Department has the equipment and/or
specialized skills to mitigate the incident.
1.12.2. Response shall be provided to assist the public with non-emergency
situations for which the Fire Department has the equipment and/or
specialized skills to mitigate the incident as resources are available.
1.13. Public Hazard Assistance Services:
1.13.1. Response shall be provided to carbon monoxide alarms and
1.13.2. Response shall be provided to public utility incidents that pose public
hazard including: Electrical utility emergencies; and Natural gas and propane utility emergencies.
1.13.3. Response shall be provided to oil and combustible/flammable liquids/spills
and emergencies.
1.14. Common Passenger Vehicle Search and Rescue:
1.14.1. Response shall be provided to Common Passenger Vehicles to provide
the following services: Stabilizing the scene of the accident;
1.141.2. Stabilizing the vehicles involved in the accident; Providing aid to injured or trapped persons; Extrication of trapped persons; and Mitigating adverse effects to the natural environment.
1.14.2. Response provided to Common Passenger Vehicle incidents in any
body of water SHALL ONLY include shore-based response.
1.14.3. Common Passenger Vehicle Search and Rescue services, including
extrication, shall be provided at the Technician Level in accordance with
NFPA 2500 Standard for Operations and Training for Technical Search
and Rescue Incidents and Life Safety Rope and Equipment for
Emergency Services Chapter 8 (Vehicle Search and Rescue).
1.15. Heavy Vehicle Search and Rescue:
1.15.1. Response shall be provided to Heavy Vehicles to provide the following
1.151.1. Stabilizing the scene of the accident; Stabilizing the vehicles involved in the accident; Providing aid to injured or trapped persons; Extrication of trapped persons; and Mitigating adverse effects to the natural environment.
1.15.2. Response provided to Heavy Vehicle incidents in any body of water
SHALL ONLY include shore-based response.
1.15.3. Heavy Vehicle Search and Rescue services, including extrication, shall
be provided at the Technician Level in accordance with NFPA 2500
Standard for Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue
Incidents and Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services
Chapter 8 (Vehicle Search and Rescue).
1.16. Large Scale Transportation Incidents involving Vehicles, Trains, Aircraft,
1.16.1. Response shall be provided to large scale transportation incidents that
may involve large numbers of casualties, widespread damage to
property, and/or significant environmental impact.
1.16.2. Response provided to large-scale transportation incidents involving any
form of transportation in any body of water SHALL ONLY include shorebased
1.17. Highway Incident Services:
1.17.1. Fire Protection Services shall be provided to the Kings Highway and
other provincial highways.
1.17.2. Cost associated with Fire Department response to provincial highways
shall be recovered in accordance with applicable provincial fire service
1.18. Hazardous Materials Response Services:
1.18.1. Hazardous materials response services shall be provided at the
Operations Level in accordance with: NFPA 1072, “Standard for Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass
Destruction Emergency Response Personnel Professional
Qualifications”, 2017 Edition, ChapterS (Operations); and NEPA 1072, ‘Standard for Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass
Destruction Emergency Response Personnel Professional
Qualifications”, 2017 Edition, Chapter 6 (Operations Mission Specific):
6.2 and 6.6.
1.19. Surface Water Rescue Services:
1.19.1. Surface Water Rescues response services shall be provided at the
Awareness Level in accordance with NFPA 2500 Standard for Operations
and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents and Life Safety
Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services Chapter 16 (Surface Water
Search and Rescue) (Awareness).
1.20. Swiftwater Search and Rescue Services:
1.20.1. Swiftwater Search and Rescues response services shall be provided at
the Awareness Level in accordance with NEPA 2500 Standard for
Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents ano
Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services Chapter 17
(Swift water Search and Rescue) (Awareness).
1.21. Ice Search and Rescue Services:
121.1. Ice Search and Rescues response services shall be provided at the
Awareness Level in accordance with NFPA 2500 Standard for Operations
and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents and Life Safety
Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services Chapter 19 (Ice Search
and Rescue) (Awareness).
1.22. Dive Search and Rescue Services:
1.221. Response SHALL NOT be provided to Dive Search and Rescues as
defined in NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel
Professional Qualifications”. 2021 Edition1 Chapter 19 (Dive Rescue).
1.23. Floodwater Search and Rescue Services:
1.1.1. Floodwater Search and response services shall be provided at the
Awareness Level in accordance with NFPA 2500 Standard for Operations
and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents and Life Safety
Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services Chapter 22 (Flood Search
and Rescue) (Awareness).
1.24. Recovery Services:
1 24.1. Response SHALL NOT be provided for recovery services to retrieve
animals, property, or human remains by entering into or onto a body of
water, or onto ice over a body of water.
1.25. Structural Collapse Search and Rescue Services:
1.25.1. Structural Collapse Search and Rescue response services shall be
provided at the Awareness Level in accordance NFPA 2500 Standard for
Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents and
Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services Chapter 6
(Structural Collapse Rescue) (Awareness).
1.26. Confined Space Search and Rescue Services
1.26.1. Confined Space Search and Rescue response services shall be provided
at the Awareness Level in accordance with NFPA 2500 Standard for
Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents and
Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services Chapter 7
(Confined Space Search and Rescue) (Awareness).
1.27. Trench Search and Rescue Services:
1.27.1. Trench Search and Rescue response services shall be provided at the
Awareness Level in accordance with NEPA 2500 Standard for Operations
and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents and Life Safety
Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services Chapter 11 (Trench
Search and Rescue) (Awareness).
1.28. Cave Search and Rescue Services:
1.28.1. Cave Search and Rescue response services shall be provided at the
Awareness Level in accordance with NFPA 2500 Standard for Operations
and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents and Life Safety
Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services Chapter 13 (Cave Search
and Rescue) (Awareness).
1.29. Mine, and Tunnel Search and Rescue Services:
1.29.1. Mine and Tunnel Search and Rescue response services shall be
provided at the Awareness Level in accordance with NFPA 2500
Standard for Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue
Incidents and Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services
Chapter 14 (Mine and Tunnel Search and Rescue) (Awareness).
1.30. Farm and Silo Rescue Services:
1.30.1. Farm and Silo Rescue response services shall be provided at an
awareness level in accordance with NEPA 2500 Standard for Operations and Training for Technical
Search and Rescue Incidents and Life Safety Rope and Equipment for
Emergency Services Chapter 5 (Rope Rescue) (Awareness); and NFPA 2500 Standard for Operations and Training for Technical
Search and Rescue Incidents and Life Safety Rope and Equipment for
Emergency Services Chapter 7 (Confined Space Rescue) (Awareness).
1.31. Machinery Search and Rescue Services:
1.1.2. Machinery Search and Rescue response services shall be provided at
the Awareness Level in accordance with NFPA 2500 Standard for
Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents and
Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services Chapter 12
(Machinery Search and Rescue) (Awareness).
1.32. Tower Search and Rescue Services:
1.1.3. Tower Search and Rescue response services shall be provided at the
Awareness Level in accordance with NFPA 2500 Standard for
Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents and
Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services Chapter 23
(Tower Search and Rescue) (Awareness).
1.33. Rope Rescue Services:
1.1.4. Rope Rescue response services shall be provided at the Awareness Level
in accordance with NFPA 2500 Standard for Operations and Training for
Technical Search and Rescue Incidents and Life Safety Rope and Equipment
for Emergency Services Chapter 5 (Rope Rescue) (Awareness).
1.34. Animal Technical Rescue Services:
1.1.5. Animal Technical Rescue response services shall be provided at the
Awareness Level in accordance with NFPA 2500 Standard for Operations
and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents and Life Safety
Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services Chapter 9 (Animal
Technical Rescue) (Awareness).
1.35. Wilderness Search and Rescue Services:
1.1.6. Wilderness Search and Rescue response services shall be provided at the
Awareness Level in accordance with NFPA 2500 Standard for Operations
and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents and Life Safety
Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services Chapter 10 (Wilderness
Search and Rescue) (Awareness).
1.36. Community Emergency Plan Response Services:
1.36.1. Response shall be provided in accordance with the Approved Emergency
Management Program.
1.37. Assistant to the Fire Marshal Services— Fire Suppression:
1.37.1. Duties of Assistant to the Fire Marshal shall be carried out as prescribed
by the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.D. 1997, c. 4 as
1.38. Regional Response Teams
1.38.1. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Manager of Protective Services
shall be authorized to designate Firefighters to participate in Technical
Rescue, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives
Response Teams, and train and operate to the appropriate NEPA Standard
while deployed to incidents in conjunction with a regional response team,
under the provisions of an approved mutual aid or fire services agreement.
2.1.Fire Inspection Services:
2.1.1. Conducting complaints inspections;
2.1.2. Conducting vulnerable occupancy inspections;
2.1.3. Conducting requested inspections:
2.1.4. Conducting routine inspections;
2.1.5. Conducting licensing inspections;
2.1.6. Systems checking, testing and approval:
2.1.7. Enforcing code compliance;
2.1.8. Enforcing municipal By-Laws;
2.1.9. Issuing permits; and
2.1.10. Preparing reports and issuing written responses to requests.
2.2. Public Education Services:
2.2.1. Providing fire and life safety public education programs;
2.2.2. Facilitating smoke alarm and carbon monoxide alarm initiatives;
2.2.3. Distributing public safety messaging to the media; and
2.2.4. Delivery of specialized programs.
2.3. Fire Investigation Services:
2.3.1. Determining cause and origin of fires and explosions;
2.3.2. Assessing code compliance;
2.3.3. Determining effectiveness of built-in suppression features;
2.3.4. Determining compliance with building standards;
2.3.5. Interacting with police, fire investigators, and other agencies; and
2.3.6. Supporting criminal prosecutions, including appearances in court.
2.4. Plans Examination Services;
2.4.1. Reviewing and approving fire safety plans;
2.4.2. Examining and providing comment on new construction and renovation
2.4.3. Reviewing and providing comment on subdivision and development
2.4.4. Reviewing and providing comment on site plans; and
2.4.5. Inspecting sites of approved plans to determine compliance.
2.5. Risk Assessment Services:
2.5.1 Conducting community tire risk assessments;
2.5.2. Compiling, analyzing and disseminating functional statistics; and
2.5.3. Selecting appropriate fire service programs.
2.6. Consultation Services:
2.6.1. Consulting with families, schools, health professionals, and police with
respect to TAPP-C and other juvenile fire-starting programs;
2.6.2. Consulting with architects, engineers, planners, and builders;
2.6.3. Interacting with building departments;
2.6.4. Interacting with other government agencies; and
2.6.5. Providing input into fire prevention policy development.
2.7. Assistant to the Fire Marshal Services — Fire Prevention:
2.7.1. Duties of Assistant to the Fire Marshal shall be carried out as prescribed
by the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, 5.0. 1997. c. 4 as
3.1.Pre-Incident Planning Services:
3.1.1. Pre-incident plans shall be developed and maintained in accordance with
NFPA 1660, Standard for Emergency, Continuity, and Crisis Management:
Preparedness. Response, and Recovery.
3.2. Community Emergency Management Planning Services:
3.2.1. Collaborating with the development, review, revision, and implementation
of the Approved Emergency Plan.
4.1. Planning and Development Services:
4.1.1. Strategic planning;
4.1.2. Evaluating Fire Department programs and services;
4.1.3. Projecting station locations and reallocations;
4.1.4. Determining staffing levels and assignments;
4.1.5. Developing policies, procedures, operating guidelines;
4.1.6. Coordinating with other emergency services; and
4.1.7. Coordinating development with other municipal departments.
4.2. Financial Services:
4.2.1. Coordinating with the Township Finance Department for financial
4.2.2. Coordinating use of information and statistics from suppression and tire
prevention activities to determine funding requirements;
4.2.3. Providing input into levels of service based on available funding;
4.2.4. Developing and administering operating and capital budgets;
4.2.5. Identifying alternative sources of revenue and fees for services;
4.2.6. Initiating cost recovery measures; and
4.2.7. Purchasing.
4.3. Records Management Services:
4.3.1. Documenting Fire Department activities;
4.3.2. Maintaining Fire Department records in accordance with records retention
policies and applicable legislation; and
4.3.3. Complying with all applicable freedom of information legislation, including
the Municipal Freedom of in formation and Protection of Privacy Act,
R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45. as amended, or successor legislation.
4.4. Department Human Resources Services:
4.4.1. Recruitment, selection, promotion, and retention of members;
4.4.2. Performance evaluation;
4.4.3. Career development:
4.4.4. Job classifications; and
4.4.5. Discipline.
4.5. Customer Relations Services:
4.5.1. Situational awareness of community and social issues, anticipating
pressures and developing mitigation strategies:
4.52. Enhancing public image of the Fire Department and its members; and
4.5.3. Developing and maintaining inter-agency relationships.
4.6. Health and Safety Services:
4.6.1. Implementing a Fire Department health and safety program;
4.6.2. Implementing a joint health and safety committee for the Fire Department:
4.6.3. Implementing an occupational exposure guideline and polices; and
4.6.4. Establishing a Designated Officer with respect to communicable disease
4.7. Legal Services:
4.7.1. Carrying out mandated enforcement duties of the Fire Department in
accordance with applicable By-Laws, statutes and regulations;
4.7.2. Prosecuting offences under applicable By-Laws and statute; and
4.7.3. Coordinating the services of solicitors and legal counsel.
5.1. Dispatch Services:
5.1.1. Arranging for the provision of dispatch services from an external agency
to dispatch appropriate Fire Department resources;
5.1.2. Liaising with dispatch centers;
51.3. Providing current municipal information to the dispatch centers, including
response protocols, mapping, local streets, property, and water service
information, road closures, and caution notes; and
5.1.4. Monitoring Fire Department dispatch center performance and resolving
any service issues.
5.2. Technology Services:
5.2.1. Arranging for maintenance, repair, and technical support of the Fire
Department telecommunications and computer systems;
5.2.2. Developing specifications for Fire Department radios, communications
devices and systems, and computers; and
5.2.3. Arranging interface capabilities with other data systems.
6.1.Training Program Standards:
6.1.1. Providing a training program for Firefighters that conforms to NFPA 1001,
Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications 2019 Edition,
Chapter 5 (Firefighter II).
6.1.2. Providing a training program for apparatus drivers and operators that
conforms to NFPA 1002, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator
Professional Qualifications 2017 Edition Chapter 5 (Apparatus Equipment
with a Fire Pump).
6.1.3. Providing a training program for auto extrication technical rescue
operations that conforms to: NFPA 1006 Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional
Qualifications Chapter 8 (Common Passenger Vehicle Rescue); and
6.132. NFPA 1006 Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional
Qualifications Chapter 9 (Heavy Vehicle Rescue).
6.1.4. Providing a training program for Hazardous Materials Response that
conforms to:
6.1.41. NFPA 1072, Standard for Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass
Destruction Emergency Response Personnel Professional
Qualifications”, 2017 Edition, Chapter 5 (Operations); and NEPA 1072, “Standard for Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass
Destruction Emergency Response Personnel Professional
Qualifications”, 2017 Edition, Chapter 6 (Operations Mission Specific):
6.2 and 6.6.
6.1.5. Providing a training program for Tower Rescue that conforms to NFPA
1006, “Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional
Qualifications”, 2021 Edition, Chapter 4 (Tower Rescue) (Awareness).
6.1.6. Providing a training program for Rope Rescue that conforms to NEPA
1006. “Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional
Qualifications”, 2021 Edition, Chapter 5 (Rope Rescue) (Awareness).
6.1.7. Providing a training program for Structural Collapse Rescue that conforms
to NFPA 1006, “Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional
Qualifications”, 2021 Edition, Chapter 6 (Structural Collapse Rescue)
6.1.8. Providing a training program for Confined Space Rescue that conforms to
NEPA 1006, “Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional
Qualifications”, 2021 Edition, Chapter 7 (Confined Space Rescue)
6.1.9. Providing a training program for Animal Technical Rescue that conforms to
NEPA 1006, “Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional
Qualifications”, 2021 Edition, Chapter 10 (Animal Technical Rescue)
6.1.10. Providing a training program for Wilderness Search and Rescue
that conforms to NFPA 1006, “Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel
Professional Qualifications”, 2021 Edition, Chapter 11 (Wilderness Search
and Rescue) (Awareness).
6.1.11. Providing a training program for Trench Rescue that conforms to
NEPA 1006, “Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional
Qualifications”, 2021 Edition, Chapter 12 (Trench) (Awareness).
6.1.12. Providing a training program for Machinery Rescue that conforms to
NEPA 1006, “Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional
Qualifications”, 2021 Edition, Chapter 13 (Machinery Rescue) (Awareness).
6.1.13. Providing a training program for Cave Rescue that conforms to
NEPA 1006, “Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional
Qualifications”, 2021 Edition, Chapter 14 (Cave Rescue) (Awareness).
6.1.14. Providing a training program for Mine and Tunnel Rescue that
conforms to NFPA 1006, “Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel
Professional Qualifications”, 2021 Edition, Chapter 15 (Mine and Tunnel
Rescue) (Awareness).
6.1.15. Providing a training program for Surface Water Rescue that
conforms to NEPA 1006, “Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel
Professional Qualifications”, 2021 Edition, Chapter 17 (Surface Water
Rescue) (Awareness).
6.1.16. Providing a training program for Swiftwater Rescue that conforms to
NEPA 1006, “Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional
Qualifications”, 2021 Edition, Chapter 18 (Swiftwater Rescue) (Awareness).
6.1.17. Providing a training program for Ice Rescue that conforms to NFPA
1006, “Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional
Qualifications”, 2021 Edition, Chapter 20 (Ice Rescue) (Awareness).
6.1.18. Providing a training program for Floodwater Rescue that conforms
to NFPA 1006, “Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional
Qualifications”, 2021 Edition, Chapter 23 (Floodwater Rescue) (Awareness).
6.1.19. Providing a training program for Officers that conforms to NFPA 1021,
Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications.
6.1.20. Providing a training program for fire inspectors that conforms to NFPA
1031, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector and Plan
6.1.21. Providing a training program for fire investigations that conforms to NFPA
1033, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigators.
6.1.22. Providing a training program for fire and life safety educators that
conforms to NFPA 1035, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire
and Life Safety Educator, Public Information Officer, and Juvenile Fire
setter Intervention Specialist.
6.1.23. Providing a training program for fire service instructors and training
officers that conforms to NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Seivice Instructor
Professional Qualifications.
6.1.24. Providing a training program for incident safety officers that conforms to
NFPA 1521, Standard for Fire Department Safety Officer Professional
6.2. Providing Access to Training Facilities:
6.2.1. Coordinating access to appropriate training facilities; and
6.2.2. Delivering hands-on training to staff.
6.3. Providing Station Training:
6.3.1. Delivering curriculum specific to operational and strategic needs; and
6.3.2. Providing supervisory training drills.
6.4. Program Development Services:
6.4.1. Developing Instructors based on NFPA 1041;
6.4.2. Coordinating core curriculum;
6.4.3. Providing office training and development; and
6.4.4. Developing specialized members development programs.
7.1. Fleet and Equipment Maintenance Services:
7.1.1. Maintaining fleet and equipment (both routine and emergency);
7.1.2. Providing periodic inspection and testing programs;
7.1.3. Complying with the requirements of provincial regulations;
7.1.4. Providing annual pump capacity and certification testing;
7.1.5. Developing specifications for new apparatus and equipment;
7.1.6. Acceptance testing of new apparatus and equipment; and
7.1.7. Maintaining, testing, and calibrating specialized equipment.
7.2. Facilities Maintenance Services:
7.2.1. Providing routine cleaning and housekeeping of tire stations;
7.2.2. Arranging for maintenance and repair of fire station infrastructure; and
7.2.3. Providing input regarding design and construction of fire stations.
BY-LAW 3760-2025
The employment of Firefighters shall be governed by the following:
1.1 The employment of Firefighters shall be governed by the Employment Standards
Act, 2000. 5.0. 2000, c.41, as amended, and the Ontario Human Rights Code,
RSO 1990, cH.19, as amended.
1.2. To be eligible for appointment to the position of Firefighter, every candidate shaH
1.2.1. Be at least eighteen (18) years of age;
1.2.2. Produce a medical evaluation report to the satisfaction of the Manager of
Protective Services from a qualified medical practitioner which attests to the
candidate’s ability to endure the physical, emotional, and psychological
demands of performing the essential job tasks of Firefighter in accordance
with NFPA 1582, Standard on Comprehensive Occupational Medical
Program for Fire Departments;
1.2.3. Successfully complete a Physical Ability Test to the satisfaction of the
Manager of Protective Services;
1.2.4. Complete a Criminal Record Check which indicates no record of
unpardoned criminal or summary convictions for offences that would
adversely affect public trust, and a Police Vulnerable Sector Check which
indicates no record of sexual offences;
1.2.5. Reside in the Township and/or within proximity acceptable to the Manager
of Protective Services to a Township fire station in order to be able to
respond to emergencies in a manner consistent with the deployment criteria
of NFPA 1720, Standard for the Organization and Deployment of Fire
Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special
Operations to the Public by Volunteer Dire Departments;
1.2.6. Complete and successfully pass all written, oral, and physical
examinations to the satisfaction of the Manager of Protective Services;
1.2.7. Have the ability to attend an acceptable number of emergency calls on a
call-out basis: as determined by the Manager of Protective Services; and
1.2.8. Have the ability to meet the training attendance requirements of the Fire
Department, as determined by the Manager of Protective Services.
1.3. Every newly appointed Firefighter shall complete a term of probation of twelve
(12) months, during which time they shall successfully complete all training and
examinations and shall meet all attendance and performance expectations.
1.4. At the discretion of the Manager of Protective Services, a Probationary
Firefighter may be placed on an additional term of probation of up to twelve (12)
months at the completion of the initial probationary period should circumstances
warrant. And the Probationary Firefighters shall successfully complete all training
and examinations and shall meet all attendance and performance expectations
during the additional probationary period.
1.5. Following the successful completion of the term of probation, the Manager of
Protective Services may appoint a Probationary Firefighter as a qualified
Firefighter in accordance with approved hiring policies.
1.6. If a Probationary Firefighter fails to successfully complete any required training
or examinations or fails to meet any requirement of the Fire Department or any
obligations as may be agreed upon, or whose attendance or performance is
otherwise unsatisfactory, the Manager of Protective Services may dismiss the
1.7. The Manager of Protective Services may promote, from time to time, any
qualified firefighter in order to maintain a sufficient complement of Officers in
accordance with the Approved Fire Department Organizational Chart.
In consideration of the physical, emotional, and psychological demands associated with
performing the essential job tasks of a Firefighter, the recognition under the Workplace
Safety and Insurance Act, 1977 as amended, that certain cancers and other illnesses
are presumed to be occupational diseases due to the nature of Firefighters’
employment, and the Corporation’s responsibility to ensure the safety, health and
wellness of employees performing fire suppression and emergency response duties, the
Manager of Protective Services may:
1.7.1. Require every Firefighter to produce a medical evaluation report from a
qualified medical practitioner prior to appointment which attests to the
candidate’s medical fitness to perform the duties of Firefighter; and
1.7.2. If a qualified medical practitioner finds a Firefighter to be unfit to perform
the essential job tasks of Firefighter, the Corporation may take such actions
as it deems necessary in respect of the Firefighter’s employment subject to
the Corporation’s duty to accommodate pursuant to the Ontario Human
Rights Code.
2.1. The rate of remuneration for each Firefighter shall be commensurate with which
of the 4 classes the firefighters have attained based on their length of
employment, training and experience.
2.2.As of October 2024, a 4th class Firefighter will have an hourly wage of $17.20.
2.3. The remuneration for 4th class Firefighter shall never be lower than the Provincial
Minimum wage.
2.4. Firefighter wages shall be adjusted annually in accordance with the annual
increase awarded by Council to Augusta Township to non-union staff.
2.5.At a minimum, there shall be an 8% separation between each of the 4 classes of
2.6. In addition to renumeration based on their class, Officers shall also be paid a
lump sum, and the lump sums as of October 2024 shall be: Captains/Fire Prevention Officers/Secretary: $1,142.57. Deputy Chief: $5,712.84. These lump sums shall be adjusted annually in accordance with the
annual increase awarded by Council to Augusta Township to non-union
2.7. Firefighters shall be paid Vacation Pay at a rate of 4% of their gross earnings,
2.8. In accordance with the Employment Standards Act, 2000 or current version,
Firefighters shall not be eligible for public holidays or public holiday pay.
2.9. In accordance with the regulations enacted under the Employment Standards
Act. 2000, or current version, the rules governing daily and weekly limits on
hours of work, daily rest periods, time off between shifts, and weekly/biweekly
rest periods shall not apply to Firefighters.
3.1. For the purposes of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1007, and the
regulations enacted thereunder, Members of the Fire Department shall be
considered workers as defined by the Act, and the Corporation shall be deemed
employer in respect of Workplace Safety and Insurance Board coverage for
members of municipal volunteer fire brigades.
3.2. The Corporation shall maintain coverage for firefighters according to the annual
maximum insurable earning ceiling as may be established by the Workplace
Safety and Insurance Board from time to time.
4.1 All Members shall conduct themselves in conformance with the By-Law to
Establish and Regulate a Fire Department, all applicable policies of the
Corporations, and all policies, procedures, operations guidelines, general orders,
and rules of the Fire Department, and shall faithfully and diligently perform their
assigned duties to the best of their ability.
5.1.The Manager of Protective Services may reprimand, suspend, or take
disciplinary action up to and including dismissal of any Member for an infraction
of any provision of the By-Law to Establish and Regulate a Fire Department, any
applicable policy of the Corporation, or any policy, procedure operating
guideline, order, directive or rule of the Fire Department.
6.1. Firefighters shall be entitled to all statutory unpaid leaves of absence to which
they are entitled under the provisions of the Employment Standards Act 2000 or
current version.
6.2. Firefighters who have completed the twelve (12) month probationary period may
request a voluntary leave of absence from the Manager of Protective Services
without pay for a period of up to twelve (12) months, and such requests shall not
be unreasonably denied.
6.3.All requests for a voluntary leave of absence must be submitted in writing to the
Manager of Protective Services at least twenty (20) calendar days prior to when
the leave of absence is to commence. The Manager of Protective Services, at
their discretion, may waive this notice period.
6.4.A request for a second or subsequent leave of absence within twelve (12)
months of previous leave of absence shall be evaluated on a cases-by-cases
7.1. The employment relationship between a Member and the Corporation may be
terminated in the following ways:
7.1.1. Resignation/Retirement: A member may terminate employment by
providing written notice to the Manager of Protective Services or designate.
7.1.2. Termination with Just Cause: The Corporation may terminate the
employment of a member for just cause without notice or payment in lieu of
notice at any time during the course of employment.
7.1.3. Termination without cause: The employment of a member may be
terminated without cause at any time by the Corporation, at its sole
discretion for any reason, by providing the member with the minimum
amount of notice, or pay in lieu of notice, and severance pay if applicable to
which they are entitled under the Employment Standards Act, 2000, 5.0.
2000, c. 41 as amended.
7.1.4. In addition, the Corporation shall continue to pay its share of the members’
benefits, if any, for the duration of the notice of termination period, pursuant
to the Employment Standards Act, 2000, S.D. 2000, c. 41 as amended.