3111-2014 Social Media Policy By-Law
Passed by Council July 28, 2014
BY-LAW NUMBER 3111-2014
Being A By- Law To Establish A Social Media Usage Policy
WHEREAS the Township of Augusta recognizes that social media is increasingly
used as a customer service and communication tool to enhance and increase
public knowledge and engagement;
AND WHERAS the Municipality supports the development of sustainable
relationships with residents and stakeholders and encourages communication for
the benefit of the community;
AND WHEREAS Council deems it expedient to adopt a Social Media Policy;
Now Therefore The Council Of The Corporation Of The Township Of Augusta
Enacts As Follows:
1. That a Social Media Policy as attached hereto as Schedule “A” be adopted.
2. This by-law shall come into force and effect on the day that it is passed.
Read a first time this 28 day of July 2014
Read a second time this 28 day of July 2014
Read a third time and passed this 28 day of July 2014.
Signed by Reeve Mel Campbell and CAO/Clerk Pierre Mercier
Schedule A
Policy: Social Media Policy
Coverage: Staff, Elected officials, committee and board members, volunteers and any party who use social media on behalf of the Township
1.0 Purpose
The Township of Augusta recognizes that social media is increasingly used as a
customer service and communication tool to enhance and increase public knowledge
and engagement. This policy is intended to establish the rules, protocols and guidelines
for the professional use of social media applications employed by the Township.
2.0 Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the CAO to approve access to, and proper use of, all social
media sites and ensure that all persons that have access understand and follow the
procedures set forth in this policy.
This policy applies to all persons that use social media on the Township’s behalf.
4.0 Policy
It is deemed practical to establish the following concepts, practices, guidelines,
expectations and responsibilities for all Augusta social media sites.
1) Township social media sites will be used in an appropriate and secure manner
and operate within, and comply with, all applicable laws and regulations.
2) Social media sites will be established for the purpose of public notification for the
residents and stakeholders of Augusta Township.
3) Only posts furthering official Township business and safety will be posted with
the exception of charity or nonprofit group events that benefit the community.
4) Inappropriate posts or comments shall not be permitted on any Township of
Augusta social media site. These include but are not limited to:
i. Non constructive or negative comments
ii. Disseminating confidential and/or private Township, individual or Q organizational information.
iii. posts or comments containing any content that compromises the
Township’s image and integrity or individual privacy
iv. comments not related to the original topic, including random or
unintelligible comments
v. profane, obscene, violent, or pornographic content, in nature and/or
vi. Content that promotes fosters or perpetuates discrimination on the basis
of race, creed, colour, age, religion, gender, national origin, sexual
orientation or any human rights restricted group;
vii. Defamatory or personal attacks;
viii. Threats to any person or organization
ix. Comments in support of, or in opposition to, any political campaigns or
ballot measures;
x. Solicitation of commerce, including but not limited to advertising of any
non-Township business or product for sale;
xi. Conduct in violation of any federal, provincial or local law;
xii. Encouragement of illegal activity;
xiii. Information that may compromise the safety or security of the public or
public systems; or
xiv. Content that violates a legal ownership interest, such as copyright, of any
5) The Township reserves the right to determine the appropriateness and restrict
and/or edit any comments in violation of this policy or applicable laws and
regulations and will be at the sole discretion of the Clerk/CAO.
6) The Township shall not respond to any negative non-constructive comments.
7) All comments and posts will only be addressed during normal business hours.
After hour comments or posts will be addressed in a timely manner as soon as
8) The Township’s website shall remain the primary and predominant source for
internet information. Where possible, social media sites should drive traffic to the
website for more in-depth information.
9) Usage of social media or the creation of a social media site shall not in any way
negatively impact or compromise the performance or security of the Township’s
communications and technology systems.
10)A designate will be responsible to monitor and post content on social media sites
in accordance with this policy.
11)Content posted to the Township’s social media sites will be considered transitory
records and will not be retained by the Township.
5.o Review
This policy shall be reviewed from time to time as social media evolves by the Clerks
Department and recommendations made for any amendments deemed necessary to
ensure the Township’s requirements and expectations are being meet.
The Township is not responsible for comments made by subscribers or members
related to its social media applications and reserves the right to remove any content that
is inappropriate for any reason and at any time. Third-party social media sites are
private businesses with their own terms of service and privacy policies. The Township
does not accept any responsibility for the operation of third-party social media sites and
is unable to guarantee the privacy of individuals who access content provided to such
sites by the Township.
Comments posted by a member of the public on any Township social media site or
personal site is the opinion of the commentator or poster only and publication of a
comment does not necessarily reflect the opinion or imply endorsement of, or
agreement by the Corporation of the Township of Augusta and the Township assumes
no responsibility for such opinions.
Any content posted or submitted is subject to public disclosure.