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Contact Us

Thank you for visiting the Township of Augusta website. Should you have any questions or requests for service, please feel free to email us using the form below.  Select the appropriate department/person from the list on the left hand side of the page.  To assist you, examples of topics that each person looks after are shown in blue italics.

Mailing Address:
3560 County Road 26
Prescott, ON
K0E 1T0

Phone: 613-925-4231

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Quick Reference Policies

By-Law Infractions & Enforcement Policy

Public Complaints Procedure Policy

Staff Directory


Shannon Geraghty
Chief Administrative Officer
(Municipal Operations)
Extension: 102
Email: sgeraghty@augusta.ca

Vikki Werner-Mackeler
Deputy Clerk
(Delegations to Council, Commissioner of Oath, General Inquiries, Website & Facebook Content, Dog Tags, Kennel Licenses)
Extension: 100
Email: officeclerk@augusta.ca

Public Works/Operations

Jon Stadig
Public Works Manager/Drainage Superintendent
Extension: 301
Email: jstadig@augusta.ca

Madison Moore
Public Works & Recreation Coordinator
(Road Conditions, Culverts, Drainage, Road Signs, Street Lights, Garbage & Recycling, Transfer Stations)
Extension: 301
Email: mmoore@augusta.ca

Finance/Tax Department

Stephen Lunn
Finance Coordinator
(Property Taxes, Accounts Payable, Payroll)
Extension 101
Email: slunn@augusta.ca

Ann Shorey
Deputy Treasurer 
(Property Taxes, Tax Certificates, Drainage Bills)
Extension: 117
Email: ashorey@augusta.ca

Mark McDonald
Extension: 118
Email: mmcdonald@augusta.ca

By-Law Enforcement, Canine Control

Rob Bowman
Manager of By-Law, Fire Chief & CEMC 
(By-Law Questions & Complaints, Dog Complaints, Dogs Running at Large, Found Dogs, Lost Dogs)
Extension: 201
Email: rbowman@augustafire.ca

Planning & Building

Karen Morrell
Chief Building Official
(Building Questions, Building Permits, Inspections)
Extension: 106
Email: kmorrell@augusta.ca

Melissa Banford
(What’s allowed/not allowed on a Property, Property Zoning, Severances)
Extension: 104
Email: mbanford@augusta.ca

Jessica Linn
Planning & Community Development Coordinator
Extension: 110
Email: jlinn@augusta.ca

Parks, Recreation & Facilities

Kathleen Cole
Parks, Recreation & Facilities Manager
(Township Facilities, Parks)
Extension: 302
Email: kcole@augusta.ca

Madison Moore
Public Works & Recreation Coordinator
(Township Facilities & Parks)
Extension: 301
Email: mmoore@augusta.ca

Fire & Emergency Management

Rob Bowman
Fire Chief, CEMC & Manager of By-Law
Extension: 201
Email: rbowman@augustafire.ca

Chad Davis
Deputy Fire Chief
Extension: 203
Email: cdavis@augustafire.ca

Phillip Lawson
Fire Prevention Officer
Extension: 205
Email: plawson@augustafire.ca

Ashleigh Trickey
Fire Department Coordinator
(Burn Permits, Burn Bans, Smoke/Burning Complaints, 911#’s)
Extension: 202
Email: atrickey@augusta.ca


Jeff Shaver
Phone: 613-925-2306
Email: jshaver@augusta.ca

Adrian Wynands
Deputy Mayor
Phone: 613-213-1971
Email: awynands@augusta.ca

Michele Bowman
Phone: 613-213-3060
Email: mbowman@augusta.ca

Tanya Henry
Phone: 613-802-3731
Email: thenry@augusta.ca

Hendrik Pape
Phone: 613-340-6241
Email: hpape@augusta.ca


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