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Accessibility Status Report 2018



This 2018 Accessibility Status Report provides an annual update on Augusta’s 2014-2019 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.

This Status report in conjunction with the Multi-Year Plan fulfills Augusta’s legal obligations for 2018 under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) to publish an annual status report on its multi-year plan.

This report and other accessibility documents can be found on the Augusta website at www.augusta.ca.

Augusta’s accessibility program is guided by the following commitment statement:

The Township of Augusta is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. The Township believes in integration and equal opportunity. The Township is committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Augusta is committed to:

  • ensuring the participation of people with disabilities in the identification and review of barriers;
  • considering recommendations from people with disabilities and the public with respect to accessibility of municipal buildings, facilities, operations and services; and
  • meeting the standards of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) thereby removing barriers creating a municipality where every person who lives or visits can participate fully.

Township Council and staff continue to show their commitment to creating a barrier free community for residents, businesses, and tourists by developing and implementing policies, procedures and practices to provide service to persons with disabilities.

Accessibility planning will help ensure that the Township services, policies, procedures and practices meet the needs of everyone with a disability, including Township residents, visitors, tourists and staff.

Augusta’s accessibility accomplishments for 2018 included the following:

Municipal Facilities (built environment)

Employees continue to find ways to improve accessibility at municipal owned facilities for both small and large projects.

Renovations at the Main municipal office was completed that included moving the tax department to the front for easier access for residents and wheel chair accessible service counters were installed.

Accessible Employment

Accommodations continue to be available throughout the recruitment process and employment life cycle.

Customer Service

2018 training continued to ensure all staff, including; Councillors, volunteers and new employees are aware of the accessibility accommodation requirements under the AODA.

Orientation package includes human rights, accessibility customer service and Integrated accessibility standard regulation.

Information and Communication

The Township offers all documents are available in an alternate format upon request.

2019 Accessibility Goals

Continue to improve the quality of documents on the website for increased accessibility
Move to ensure renovations at municipal facilities and parks do not create barriers and address barriers which may still exist in our buildings and facilities.
Update the Accessibility 5 year plan and communicate to staff and Council.

Availability of the Plan and Status Report

Multi-Year Plan and the annual accessibility Status Report can be accessed through Augusta’s website: www.augusta.ca

For more information contact the Clerk’s Department
Phone: 613-925-4231
Email: asimonian@augusta.ca
Augusta Township
3560 County Road 26
Prescott, ON K0E 1T0

Alternate format available upon request.

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