Our Township is a wonderful place to live and raise a family. We offer country living at its best and strive to provide our residents with the services and support necessary to enhance the experience of living, working and playing in such a beautiful community.
For more information on living in our Township, residents can access the following links:
AFTER HOUR HAZARD LINE-Ext. 311 – has further information on who to call if you see a hazard on a township road.
BURN PERMITS – land owners can apply for a permit to burn. Renters need to have the landowner apply on their behalf. If you have any issues using this site, please contact the Fire Coordinator at 613-925-4231 x 202 or by email at atrickey@augusta.ca.
DOG OWNER & KENNEL OPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES – outlines the responsibilities of dog owners, the requirements for operating a kennel and the contact information for the Canine Control Officer.
DRAINAGE – features information on the various drains within the Township, includes a map.
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS – are you prepared to look after yourself and your family for 72 hours in case of an emergency? This page has what you need to know.
FENCES, FENCE VIEWERS & LIVESTOCK EVALUATORS – features information on fencing, fencing disputes and the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program.
FIRE RESCUE – information on Augusta’s Fire Department.
FOOD CYCLER – information regarding Augusta’s pilot program for the food cycler machines.
HIGH (FLOODING) & LOW (DROUGHT) WATER CONDITIONS – a current look at flooding risks and high water conditions as well as drought and low water conditions within the township and surrounding area.
PRIVATE ROAD GRANTS – information and application forms for those wishing for help regarding private road maintenance.
PUBLIC WORKS & OPERATIONS – features information on our roads, entrance ways/culverts, mailboxes, noxious weed management and more.
RECREATION LENDING LIBRARY – information on the recreation items residents can borrow from the Township library.
WASTE MANAGEMENT & RECYCLING – lists the transfer site’s hours, prices for non-baggable waste, what is and is not accepted for recycling and more.