The FoodCycler Food Waste Diversion Municipal Pilot Program

The Township is seeking input from residents of Augusta Township on their interest in participating in the FoodCycler pilot program and their willingness to purchase the appliance at their own expense at a subsidized cost.
The purchase of the FoodCycler is dependent on available future funding/grants.
The Food Recycler is a tabletop appliance about the size of a bread maker and can be placed on a countertop in the kitchen. The appliance accepts most food waste and converts it into nutrient rich organic material that can be used to enrich your soil.
The FoodCycler is designed to reduce your household's carbon footprint by further reducing food waste at home and the amount of organic materials being transported to landfills.
Visit their website for more information:
All information received will be compiled and considered by staff for use under the purposes of this site. Information will be collected and used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and other relevant privacy legislation. All comments made on this site are available to the public and may form part of public records.
Activity Feed
Survey Results Received
January 22, 2024
48 out of 50 people who signed up for the pilot program filled out the online survey. We have received the results from FoodCycler. Thank you everyone who participated.
Details50 Units Spoken For, Pick Up/Payment to Begin August 30
August 23, 2023
All 50 FoodCycler units are now spoken for. FoodCycler is sending an email to all of those eligible to pick up their unit starting August 30, 2023. Units can be picked up at the Township office in Maynard (3560 County Road 26) during regul ...
DetailsThe Township of Augusta Approves the FoodCycler Pilot Program
July 25, 2023
At a meeting held on July 10, 2023, Council declared the approval of the FoodCycler Pilot Program an innovative food composting solution to its residents to test in their homes.A FoodCycler is a small appliance about the size of a home bread machine. ...
DetailsSurvey posted
May 25, 2023
Great initiative. Now if we can figure out a way to keep people from throwing garbage out the windows of their vehicles
July 22, 2023
I would like to participate. I heard Prescott was already launching this!
June 25, 2023
I think this is a great idea. Anything that helps the environment is a win. Hopefully the price is reasonable.
June 20, 2023
As a community we have quite the recycling program based on some neighboring communities and once you get the hang of it seems second nature. We compost as much as we can and if affordable would definitely like to take it the next step
June 20, 2023
Would love to try this and am willing to pay. I don’t mind recycling, but not a fan of composting. Keep me posted!
June 14, 2023
Received a LOMI as a Christmas gift! (I hated the waste of produce, tea bags, egg shells etc) while it does an excellent job of breaking everything down, I would not at all say it produces nutrient rich compost! PS our dog freaks out at the shrill tone of the start button! ((Lomi)
June 13, 2023
would like to try this if reasonably priced - composting is not an option for everyone
June 13, 2023
Diverting food scraps away from the landfill is commendable. There are far less expensive solutions to achieving this goal, such as worm composting and backyard composters. Two solutions that don't take up counter space or have ongoing electricity costs. The township should consider the promotion and provide incentives for those solutions.
January 10, 2024