Septic Program within the Township of Augusta

Beginning Tuesday September 6, 2022, the South Nation Conservation Authority (SNC) will provide septic services to the Township of Augusta, and a number of neighbouring municipalities. 

The septic program relates to the inspection and issuance of septic permits when related to development projects, including those of severances, new construction and land development as required under the Ontario Building Code to ensure their proper operation. You can learn more about SNC’s septic program and fill out an application form online here:

The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit will continue to oversee applications submitted prior to September 6, 2022. 

The South Nation Conservation Authority has been dedicated towards watershed management and sustainable practices since 1947.  Already overseeing septic programs for 13 municipalities within their jurisdiction, the SNC recently expanded their list to include Augusta, Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, Elizabethtown-Kitley, and Front of Yonge Townships.

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