Home > OUR COMMUNITY > Drive By Christmas Parade

Drive By Christmas Parade

drive by christmas parade saturday, december 18, 2021 from 6-8pm poster

Santa is Coming to Augusta!!

Santa Claus has chosen to come to Augusta Township for a ‘Drive By’ Christmas Parade!

Instead of driving along a crowd of people, Santa has suggested doing it the other way around.  Decorated trucks/floats will be parked along MERWIN LANE at the north end, starting at McIntosh Road and then proceeding down to County Road 26.

Parade viewers can enter at the McIntosh Road end and slowly drive by to enjoy the parade!

Come and check it out from 6pm to 8pm on Saturday, December 18, 2021.


We are also looking for participants/floats.


If you are interested in participating or if you have questions, please contact Matthijs van der Veen, Community Development and Recreation Coordinator at mvanderveen@augusta.ca.

Parade Rules and Regulations – a list of rules for all participants.

Parade COVID Sign In Form – COVID-19 screening and contact tracing form to be completed by participants and handed in at the parade.

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