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Fire Rescue

augusta fire rescue's logo

Augusta Fire Rescue strives to deliver an innovative all hazard emergency response, public education and prevention services in an effective, efficient manner with utmost pride, professionalism and respect.

Our Fire Department is made up of part time fire fighters and a full time Fire Chief.

Our values provide the guiding principles as to how we work together to deliver our mission and achieve our vision.  Our values include:

Excellence: We are committed to continuous improvement, learning and innovation.

Teamwork: We understand the importance of cooperation and working together, valuing the contribution of each other and recognize the value of diversity.

Respect: We are respectful of each other and those we serve.

Safety: In all we do, our first priority is the safety of the public, our community and ourselves.


Burn Permits

camp fire, chimneas, burn pile, burn drum

As per Township By-Law 3583-2022, a permit is required for ALL open air fires each calendar year. This applies to all campfires, chimineas, brush piles, burn drums, incinerators, agricultural burns etc.

Registered landowners can obtain their FREE burn permit online on the Augusta Fire Rescue Burn Permit website.

For special events or campground permits, please call Fire Station 1 at 613-925-4231 ext 202.

NOTE: Occasionally there is an glitch with the Burn Permit site if you received a paper permit the year previously.  Should this happen, please call the Fire Department Coordinator at 613-925-4231 ext. 202 or email atrickey@augusta.ca and she can assist in unlocking the site.

Fire Station Locations:


fire station 1
Fire Station 1 – Maitland (1022 County Road 15)
fire station 2
Fire Station 2 – North Augusta (8112 Mills Street)











Tanker Shuttle Insurance Rates

Augusta Fire Rescue is Tanker Shuttle Service Certified.  As such, Augusta residents may be eligible for lower fire insurance rates if they live within 8 to 10 kilometers of Station #1 in Maitland or Station #2 in North Augusta (see map below).  Residents who live within 5 km of an approved water supply (see map below) may also qualify for a discount.

Contact your insurance agent for more information.  They may request that you print this Tanker Shuttle Service Certificate for their records.  *Please note: this document is not in an accessible format.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

map of township with green circles around the 8 km radius around each of the fire stations
8 km Range near Fire Station #1 & #2
5 km Range near Approved Water Supply Stations












Combination Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarms

You can purchase smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms at the Reception desk at the Township Office in Maynard.


Augusta Township Master Fire Plan


firefighters needed


If interested, please email atrickey@augusta.ca for more information.


facebook logo Augusta Fire Rescue

x logo @AugustaFire

instagram logo augustafirerescue

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