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Council & Delegation Requests

L-R: Councillor Tanya Henry, Councillor Michele Bowman, Mayor Jeff Shaver, Deputy Mayor Adrian Wynands, Councillor Hendrik Pape
L-R: Councillor Tanya Henry, Councillor Michele Bowman, Mayor Jeff Shaver, Deputy Mayor Adrian Wynands, Councillor Hendrik Pape


Regular council meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, with the exception of only one meeting in July, August and December.  They are usually held in the Council Chambers at the Township office (3560 County Road 26, Prescott).  All residents are welcome to attend Council meetings.

We encourage our community to take an active interest in their governance, and invite you to contact your elected officials with any questions or concerns.

The Council consists of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and three Councillors. The current Council was elected in 2022 for a term beginning on November 15, 2022 and ending November 14, 2026.

Our Council

Mayor Jeff Shaver
Mayor: Jeff Shaver
Phone: 613-925-2306
Email: jshaver@augusta.ca
Deputy Mayor Adrian Wynands
Deputy Mayor: Adrian Wynands
Phone: 613-213-1971
Email: awynands@augusta.ca


Councillor Michele Bowman
Councillor: Michele Bowman
Phone: 613-213-3060
Email: mbowman@augusta.ca
Councillor Tanya Henry
Councillor: Tanya Henry
Phone: 613-802-3731
Email thenry@augusta.ca
Councillor Hendrik Pape
Councillor: Hendrik Pape
Phone: 613-340-6241
Email: hpape@augusta.ca



Delegation Protocol at Council Meetings

If you wish to address Council, please adhere to the following format:

Prior to the meeting you must:

  • Advise the Clerk no later than 4:30 p.m., on the Wednesday before the meeting

  • You must provide a DELEGATION REQUEST FORM stating the nature of business to be discussed

  • Provide copies of any relevant information

At the Meeting:

  • You will have ten (10) minutes to address Council and five (5) minutes for questions

  • Only one spokesperson is allowed per delegation

  • Only items on your DELEGATION REQUEST FORM can be addressed

  • Decisions regarding your discussion will not be made at the meeting


  • Delegations on an agenda shall be determined on a first come, first served basis
  • No more than two (2) delegations shall be heard at any meeting

The Delegation Request to Appear Before Council form can be picked up at the Township office or found HERE.

If you have any questions, or to arrange a time to see the Deputy Clerk regarding a delegation to Council, you can call (613) 925-4231 ext. 100.

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