Home > Dog Owner & Kennel Operator Responsibilities

Dog Owner & Kennel Operator Responsibilities

golden doodle with a stick her mouth

Augusta Township has a By-Law regarding the regulation and control, protection and identification of dogs living within the township.

By-Law 3745-2024, which was passed by Council November 25, 2024, outlines the responsibilities of dog owners and for those operating kennels.


Here is a brief overview:

Dog Licenses

  • Owners must license and register their dogs EVERY year on or before the last BUSINESS day in March. When purchased before the end of March you will pay the discounted price of $15*.  Tags are available throughout the year should you forget, however you will be required to pay full price ($30*).2025 dog tag
  • New puppy Owners must license and register their puppy with the Township with 12 weeks of it’s birth.
  • New Township residents must license and register their dogs with the Township within 30 days after taking up residency in the Township ($15*).
  • Residents must license and register new dogs living within the Township within 30 days of taking up residency in the Township.
  • Dog tags must be WORN securely by the dog at all times**.
  • Owners could be fined for failure to purchase an annual license ($200) on top of still having to pay to then license & register the dog ($30).
  • Licenses & tags are required for service dogs and farm dogs even though there is no fee. These licenses however, can not be applied for online, as proof of training/registered farm number is required upon application

*Add $3 per dog to the price if applying for the license online to cover the cost of postage.


Dogs At Largeshepherd mix walking by herself not on a leash

  • Owners must ensure that their dog is secure and under control at all times.
  • A dog is considered to be ‘running at large’ if the owner/designate does not have immediate control of the dog and/or when it is found in ANY** place other than on the owner’s property.
  • If your dog is found running at large you may be fined ($200) and the dog could be seized or destroyed if it is found to be necessary for safety and/or humane reasons.
  • Anyone may capture a dog running at large and trespassing on his/her property and can notify the Canine Control Officer, who will then pick up the dog and either impound it or return it to the owner.

Canine Control Officer (Interim)
Chief Rob Bowman 
Phone:  (613) 925-4231 x 201 (please leave a message if after hours)
Or you can email him.

**The only exceptions being for Law Enforcement Work dogs, Service dogs, Farm Work dogs, and hunting dogs while the dog is actively fulfilling their duties.  It must still be under the care and control of the owner/designate at ALL times.


Noise and Nuisanceborder collie howling

  • Owners who do not clean up and dispose of any excrement left by the dog on ANY property whether private or public could be fined ($200) – in other words – you MUST scoop-the-poop!



  • A kennel is considered any premises, building, cage or pen, with 5 or more dogs.  In other words, if you have more than 4 dogs you will need a kennel license.
  • A “small” kennel is considered 5-10 dogs, and a maximum of 8 pups.
  • A “large” kennel is considered 11-30 dogs, and a maximum of 20 pups.  30 is the maximum number of dogs allowed to be kept.
  • Kennel licenses are to be purchased EVERY year on or before the last BUSINESS day in March at the Township office.  Licenses purchased before this date are available at the discounted price of $75 for small kennels and $130 for large kennels.  Licenses purchased on/after April 1st will be full price: $100 for small kennels and $220 for large kennels.
  • The Township can request that an inspection of any kennel be completed before issuing a license.
  • Kennel Owners are not required to purchase Township dog tags/licenses for each of the dogs, however they are required to supply each dog with a “Kennel Identifier Tag” or a kennel specific tattoo.  Similar in manner to the Township tag and unique to that kennel, Kennel Identifier Tags must be securely fixed to each dog while the dog is boarded or resides within the Township of Augusta.  A sample of this tag is to be shown to Township staff when applying for the kennel license.  A kennel specific tattoo means a Canadian Kennel Club registered marking on a dog which identifies the breeder/kennel.  A photo of the tattoo and proof of registration is to be provided to Township staff when applying for a kennel license.
  • Kennels can not be built/operate within 300m (984 ft.) of a dwelling on another lot, or where there is an abutting vacant lot within 300m (984 ft.) of the property line.  Abutting lands include lands located across a road, highway, or unopened road allowance.
  • All LARGE kennels are required to have their premises inspected by a Licensed Veterinarian at least once a year before a license will be granted.
  • Large kennels must have separate housing for the dogs from any other use on the property and it must conform to the Ontario Building Code.
  • Large kennels must also follow all requirements under the Zoning By-Law, therefore a site plan control agreement will be requested of all new large kennel applications.  Through the site plan process, the Township can ensure compliance with all the Township and/or agency requirements for proposed development are met and maintained (i.e. parking, setbacks, landscaping, lighting etc.).

    says dog and kennel licenses may be obtained at the reception desk at the township office. we accept cash, cheque or debit

  • Kennel licenses can not be applied for online.  


Important Links:

Dog License/Tag Online Application 2025 (Note: there is an addition $3 fee for applying online)

Kennel License Application – 2025 

New Kennel License Application Checklist (Small Kennel) – for those who did not have an active kennel license prior to August 14, 2023.  Must be completed along with the Kennel License Application.

New Kennel License Application Checklist (Large Kennel) – for those who did not have an active kennel license prior to August 14, 2023.  Must be completed along with the Kennel License Application.


3745-2024 Dog Owner & Kennel Operator Responsibilities By-Law

2965-2012 Zoning By-Law


Pit Bulls and Other Restricted Breeds

As per the Province of Ontario’s Dog Owner’s Liability Act of 2005 it is ILLEGAL to own any of the following “pit bull” breeds:

(a) a pit bull terrier
(b) a Staffordshire bull terrier
(c) an American Staffordshire terrier
(d) an American pit bull terrier
(e) a dog that has an appearance and physical characteristics that are substantially similar to those of dogs referred to in any of clauses (a) to (d); (“pit-bull”)

The Act clearly states that “no person shall,
(a) own a pit bull;
(b) breed a pit bull;
(c) transfer a pit bull, whether by sale, gift or otherwise;
(d) abandon a pit bull other than to a pound operated by or on behalf of a municipality, Ontario or a designated body;
(e) allow a pit bull in his or her possession to stray;
(f) import a pit bull into Ontario; or
(g) train a pit bull for fighting.”



Rabies is a virus that can be transmitted, through saliva, from an infected mammal to any other mammal, including livestock, pets, wildlife and humans.  Non-mammals, including fish, poultry, birds, reptiles, and amphibians (e.g. frogs and toads) can’t get rabies.  Rabies is almost always fatal. Once signs of rabies appear, the animal will die, typically within a few days.

Under Provincial law, dogs and cats (including those kept indoors) must be vaccinated for rabies as soon as they are 3 months old.  They then need a booster one year later and then, depending on the type of vaccine given by the veterinarian, they will need it again every 1-3 years after that for the remainder of its life.  You could be fined if your pet isn’t vaccinated for rabies.

For more information on rabies in pets, visit the Province of Ontario website.

Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit hold low-cost clinics which were open to all residents of Leeds, Grenville and Lanark.  These clinics are usually held at the Augusta Township Public Works Garage each September.  For more information about the next clinic, visit our website at the end of the summer.

For more information on what to do if you think an animal (domestic or not) has rabies, visit the Province’s website.


Animal Welfare

Cruelty to any animal is not tolerated in Ontario. If you think an animal is in distress or is being abused, call 1-833-9-ANIMAL (264625).  You can also visit the Province’s website for more information.


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