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Augusta Secondary Plan/Land Use Strategy (West of Prescott)

In April of 2022, as a result of discussions with the Town of Prescott, and the recommendations included in the Land Needs Study, Council directed Staff to proceed with the required planning studies and amendments to align the Augusta Official Plan with the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville Official Plan, and the Town of Prescott Official Plan, west and north of Prescott to allow for higher density development as well as the required implementing zoning by-law amendments.

What is a Secondary Plan?

A secondary plan is a part of an official plan, added by way of an amendment, that contains policies and land use designations in defined areas of a municipality where major physical changes are expected and desired. They are developed for parts of the municipality that include large areas of underutilized land that would benefit from suitable redevelopment; areas targeted for major public or private investment; and areas where development is occurring, or proposed, at a scale, intensity or character which necessitates a reconsideration or reconfiguration of local streets, blocks, public works, open spaces or other public services or facilities.

A Secondary Plan:

  • Adapts and implements the objectives, policies, land use designations and overall planning approach of the municipality’s Official Plan to fit with local contexts.
  • Establishes local development policies unique to an area that will guide growth and change in that area.
  • Promotes a desired type and form of physical development in a specific area.
  • Guides public and private investment.
  • Applies to areas where significant redevelopment is expected.

What should not happen in an area such as the focus area is for the Township to approve all new development on a site-by-site basis without a comprehensive understanding of how all development parcels fit together as a cohesive whole, with the appropriate pre-determined massing, density, built form, public realm, and public services, among others. A Secondary Plan for this area will express the details of the plan for the neighbourhood in a ‘statutory’ document that is legal and defensible when challenged in front of Township Council or appeal bodies such as the Ontario Land Tribunal.

Study Area

Augusta Township is undertaking a Secondary Plan Study for the lands immediately west of the Town of Prescott, bounded by Highway 401 to the north, County Road 2 to the South, Merwin Lane to the west and the Town of Prescott municipal boundary to the east. The Secondary Plan Study will provide a detailed analysis of the Study area which reviews and integrates planning, urban design, engineering due diligence (water, sewer, storm), transportation, and ecological due diligence of the study area.                                          

The goal of the Secondary Plan Study is to ensure that new development will promote and support high-quality design, and establish an appropriate mix of new land uses and that all new projects, in both the public and private realm, reinforce the need for a healthy, vibrant, complete, and sustainable community. The Study is intended to provide a range and mix of land use options within the Study area which will contribute to the overall planning vision for Augusta Township, helping to meet Official Plan (OP) objectives, and ensuring an integrated approach is taken with the Town of Prescott.

secondary plan study area map

Project Timeline

The Secondary Plan study is anticipated to be completed in five phases.

Phase 1 – Project Commencement and Background Review (September 2022 – November 2022) – Complete

Township Staff will meet with the consultant team to confirm the study area and provide data or relevant background information for the Study area. The consultant team will review the current conditions of the Study area by reviewing the data provided and conducting a site visit of the area in order to summarize their findings regarding the area and prepare for engagement workshops with stakeholders, agencies, and community members.


Phase 2 – 2 Day Workshop (November 2022) – Complete

The Township and consultant team will hold a two day workshop and engagement sessions in the community to prepare a preferred concept which will be the basis of the draft Secondary Plan. The workshops will provide opportunities for stakeholders, agencies, and community members to provide input and feedback to develop ideas which will inform the framework for key elements such as land uses, open space, circulation, connectivity, public realm, and built form. The workshops will help define the guiding principles for the Study area which will result in the development of a preferred land use plan and associated policies and guidelines for the lands.

    • Visioning Workshop

A Visioning Workshop will be held on Wednesday November 23, 2022, from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M at the Augusta Fire Hall in Maitland. The Visioning Workshop will focus on opportunities and constraints of the study area, development potential of these lands, and how these lands may be best planned to integrate within the existing community and address future needs of Prescott and Augusta.

    • Land Use Options Workshop

A Community Design Workshop will be held on Thursday, November 24, 2022, from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M at the Augusta Fire Hall in Maitland. The Community Design Workshop will provide an overview of what we heard during the visioning session and will discuss emerging community design ideas based on the feedback received.


Phase 3 – Preparation of the Augusta Land Use Strategy (West of Prescott) (Final Concept Report – June 2023) – Complete

The consultant initially intended to draft a Secondary Plan Concept Report based on the preferred land use plan to include recommended land use, open space, circulation, connectivity, public realm and built form frameworks with recommended supporting policies and guidelines to implement the overall vision and goals for the Study area. The Concept Report will be refined based on feedback and direction from the Township and finalized into a Secondary Plan.

As a result of agency consultation, including the Unities Counties of Leeds and Grenville, given the project lands and identified needs in the Land Needs Study (jointly undertaken with the Town of Prescott and the Township of Augusta) only two areas immediately abutting Prescott were identified as an immediate need.  One of these areas is for commercial/light industrial use being a 4.85 ha (12 ac.) area and the second being a 1 ha (2.47 ac.) area for higher density settlement area for residential use.  Both areas would be serviced by municipal water and sewer.  As a result, a full Secondary Plan was not deemed to be supported/necessary at this time.  A Land Use Strategy (West of Prescott) Report resulted, which speaks to the immediate need to redesignate these two areas abutting Prescott (Phase I) and defers other lands in the area (Phase II) to a future time.  This Report was formally received by Augusta Council at their August 14, 2023 meeting via staff report 2023-081.  Council directed staff to initiate the Official Plan Amendment process for Phase I and defer consideration / implementation of the Augusta Land Use Strategy to the Township’s comprehensive Official Plan review.


Phase 4 – Information Session – Complete

Augusta Township will be holding an Information Session on Monday, September 11, 2023 between 4-5 p.m. at the Municipal Office at 3560 County Road 26, Maynard on the Augusta Land Use Strategy (West of Prescott).

INFORMATION SESSION: Augusta Land Use Strategy (West of Prescott)

August Land Use Strategy (West of Prescott) Final Concept Report June – 2023 *Please note: this document is not in an accessible format.  For alternative options, please contact the Township office. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Following the Information Session, an Official Plan Amendment related to Phase I is anticipated and will be the subject of a Public Meeting under the Planning Act.


Phase 5 – Official Plan Amendment – Complete

On January 29, 2024, Council passed By-Law 3682-2024, Official Plan Amendment No. 4.  This Amendment is related to the Phase I areas identified under Schedule A1 of the By-Law.

Notice of Adoption

The Official Plan Amendment has been approved by the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. Notice of Decision



Fotenn Planning + Design have been awarded the contract to undertake the Augusta Secondary Plan Study, which resulted in the Augusta Land Use Strategy (West of Prescott).



For further information, please email Melissa Banford at mbanford@augusta.ca.

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