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Accessibility Plan

The Township of Augusta has a 5 Year Plan for Accessibility which is available for review and comment.  The municipality is working toward preventing and removing barriers for persons with disabilities in all of our facilities and for services we provide.  We strive at all times to provide goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of all people.

As plans develop and change, updates will be provided here.

The municipality will provide a document, or information contained in a document, in a format that takes into account the person’s disability, upon request.

Any questions or concerns regarding accessibility should be directed to the Deputy Clerk, Vikki Werner-Mackeler at (613) 925-4231 ext. 100.

Accessible Customer Service Policy

Accessible Customer Service Feedback Form

OPP Self Reporting and Text to 911


Accessibility Status Report 2023

Accessibility Status Report 2022

Accessibility Status Report 2021

Accessibility Status Report 2020

Accessibility Status Report 2018


Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation & Multi-Year Accessibility Plan By-Law (3466-2020)

Amendment to By-Law 3466-2020 (IASR & Multi-Year Accessibility Plan)


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