gavel, bible and chain of office

Augusta Township strives to provide the services and support to its residents necessary to enhance the experience of living, working and playing in such a beautiful community.

For more information on Township governance and administration, you can access the following links:

ACCESSIBILITY – this page outlines the Township’s plan and commitment to be fully accessible.

AGENDAS & MINUTES – links to all the agendas and minutes for Council, Committee & Board meetings.

BY-LAWS – the Township’s active (not rescinded) By-Laws.  Please note, this page is currently under construction.

COMMITTEES & BOARDS – learn more about the Committees the Township has in place to assist in making decisions, shape policy and represent Augusta’s best interest.

COUNCIL & DELEGATION REQUESTS – meet our current Council and review the delegation protocol should you wish to address Council.

FAQ – questions that Township staff are frequently asked.

IMPORTANT DATES & COMMUNITY EVENTS CALENDAR – a monthly view of Township meetings and events, community events, holidays and other important dates within the Township.  The link to join electronic council meetings is posted in the event link.

JOB OPPORTUNITIES – when the municipality is hiring, information on the position will be posted here.

MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION – information on the CAO position and the services provided by the Clerk’s office.

MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS – information on the previous election or the upcoming election, depending on if it is an election year or not.

PLANS, POLICIES, REPORTS & STUDIES – a list of public documents that may be of some interest.

SOURCE WATER PROTECTION – information on how the Township protects our drinking water.

TAXES & FINANCE – features a list of FAQ’s regarding taxes, links to current and past tax rates, links for various forms.

TENDERS – when the municipality has a request for tender, request for proposal or request for quote they will be posted here.

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