The Township of Augusta Public Works Department maintains approximately 206 km of roads and sidewalks and 6 bridges.
The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville maintains all of the County roads within the Township. These include:
County Road 2 (Brockville to Prescott, a.k.a. Highway 2)
County Road 6 (Brockville to North Augusta)
County Road 15 (Maitland to Merrickville, a.k.a. the Maitland/Merrickville Rd.)
County Road 18 (Prescott to Oxford Mills)
County Road 21 (North Augusta to Spencerville)
County Road 26 (a.k.a. 3rd Concession)
County Road 31 (County Road 2 to County Road 26, a.k.a. Blue Church Road)
County Road 45 (a.k.a. Brockchem Road)
Should you have questions or concerns regarding these roads, please contact the County at (613) 342-3840 ext. 2413.
Plowing/Winter Road Conditions
During the winter season, Public Works staff monitor weather conditions through road patrols and local forecasts to strategically dispatch crews to clear roads and ensure safety for our community.
Residents need to be aware when plowing/shoveling their driveways/mailbox area that according to By-Law 3678-2024 and the Highway Traffic Act, it is illegal to deposit snow on ANY roadway as it poses a hazard for drivers/pedestrians.
The By-Law states: “No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited any snow or ice upon or across any portion of any highway, sidewalk, or bridge located within the territorial limits of the Township.”
Please visit our Winter Road Maintenance FAQ page for more information.
Winter Parking Restrictions
Also according to By-Law 3679-2024 “No person shall park a vehicle between the hours of 2300 hours (11:00 p.m.) to 0700 hours (7:00 a.m.) during the period from November 15 to March 31 inclusive upon any highway or boulevard under the jurisdiction of the Township of Augusta.”
Entrances & Culverts
As per Township By-Law 3711-2024, ALL entrance ways must be approved by the Township BEFORE installation. If your property requires an entranceway, please complete the Entranceway Application form and submit it at the Township office. A $125 permit fee will be required upon application.
Entrances onto county roads will require the applicant to acquire approval from the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville’s Roads Department prior to receiving a building permit. You can find their Entranceway Application on their website.
Civic Numbers
All properties are to have a civic number (911#) to assist Emergency Services and Utility Companies in finding you. If you do not already have a civic number, please complete the 911 Application and return it (along with your payment of $125) to the township office.
If your sign or post is damaged/stolen you can apply for a new one. Replacement signs are $30 each and replacement posts are $30 each. The same 911 Application form is required.
The Township encourages agricultural landowners to have civic addresses assigned to vacant land entrances. For landowners applying for 911#’s for vacant farm fields, the fee is $60.
If you have questions regarding 911/Civic numbers, please call the Fire Department Coordinator at 613-925-4231 ext. 202 or email
Rural Mailboxes
Mailboxes are not to be located closer than 5 m (16.5 ft.) from the center of the road. This set-back is required to allow the snowplow wing to pass the post without the truck being forced to cross the centerline of the road.
The bottom of the box is not to be less than 105 cm (3.5 ft.) above the level of the shoulder to permit the passage of the plow wing below the box.
It’s important for residents to ensure that their rural mailbox meet the requirements set out in By-Law 3184-2015 to help snow removal staff do their job safely and efficiently.
Mailboxes need to be sufficiently sturdy to withstand normal snowplowing operations. This means that the mailbox must be capable of withstanding the force of snow, packed snow and ice thrown up by the snowplow during normal operations.
The Township will not be responsible for replacing mailboxes:
- constructed contrary to the By-Law
- struck by snow or ice during normal snowplowing operations
- struck by a snow plow where the mailbox was buried in a snow bank
- that aren’t sufficiently sturdy/in a condition to withstand normal snowplowing operations
If you believe that your mailbox has been hit by a Township plow, give us a call 613-925-4231 ext. 301.
Check out By-Law 3184-2015 for all mailbox regulations. Canada Post also has requirements for mailboxes: Rural Mailbox Guidelines Pamphlet.
If you live on a County road, the County plows your road and they have their own requirements for mailboxes. You can read about these requirements on their website. If you think your mailbox has been hit by a County plow, you can give them a call at 613-342-3840 ext, 2413.
Gravel Roads & Dust Suppressant
Of the approximate 200 km of roads this Department maintains, 86 km of that is gravel. In the late spring – once the 1/2 load restrictions are lifted – the Township posts a tender and contracts out the laying of new gravel for these roads. Once the fresh gravel has been laid, trucks follow and spray dust suppressant (calcium).
Pitch In Day 
A volunteer road side clean-up program is held every spring. On Pitch In Day, volunteers start as early as they wish and finish by noon. Lunch is then provided at the Grenville Fish & Game Club. Bag pick up starts at 1 pm. Keep watch on our website and on our Facebook page for when Pitch In Day will be. Thank you again to all of our volunteers for their continued dedication to keeping Augusta Clean & Green.
Noxious Weeds (Wild Parsnip & Hogweed)
Every spring, the Township contracts the County of Leeds & Grenville to spray our ditches for noxious weeds – particularly wild parsnip and now hogweed. While wild parsnip has been in the are for a while now, hogweed has recently been spotted in the Township and surrounding areas.

Wild parsnip & hogweed have a chemical that causes phytophotodermatitis (inflammation [itis] of the skin [derm] induced by a plant [phyto] with the help of sunlight [photo]). The skin feels like it has being scalded. It reddens and then a day or two later after sun exposure it blisters. More sensitive areas like the face, neck, arms, torso and legs are most vulnerable. The blister then rupture and the skin begins to heal. The discolouration of the skin where the burn occurred however can last for as long as two years.
For more information on wild parsnip & hogweed, how to identify them, roadside spraying and the MSDS for the spray being used please follow the links below:

Herbicide Material Safety Data Sheet
Public Health Ontario ClearView Herbicide Report
If you spot wild parsnip/hogweed on your property or have questions or concerns please contact the County’s Noxious & Nuisance Weed Control Office at 613-342-3840 ext. 2425.
If you spot wild parsnip/hogweed on Township property/ditches we want to hear from you. Please call 613-925-4231 ext. 301 .
If you have any questions regarding Public Works, call 613-925-4231 ext. 301 or email