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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When are the tax bills coming out/due?

A. Tax bills are mailed out the beginning of March and September and are due on the last business day of that month.


Q. Who do I contact when I see a problem on a road within the Township (i.e. a tree down, a dead animal, ditching issues etc.)?

A.  If it is a road maintained by the Township you can call the Public Works Department at 613-925-4231 ext. 301 or you can visit our Contact Us page and send an email with all the details.

If it is a road maintained by the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville (see list below), please contact them at (613) 342-3840 x 2413 with all the details.

County Roads within the Township of Augusta:

  • County Road 2 (a.k.a. highway 2)
  • County Road 6
  • County Road 15 (a.k.a. the Maitland/Merrickville Rd.)
  • County Road 18
  • County Road 21
  • County Road 26
  • County Road 31 (a.k.a. Blue Church Rd. from County Road 2 to County Road 26)
  • County Road 45 (a.k.a. Brockchem Road)


Q. Why aren’t you picking up my garbage/recycling when I put it on the curb?

A. The Township of Augusta does not have curbside waste/recycling pick up.  Residents are responsible for getting their own waste/recycling to either of our two waste transfer sites.  Visit our Waste Management/Recycling page for more information on our transfer sites.


Q. When is the transfer station open?

A. The Maynard Transfer station’s hours of operation are Mon-Fri from 9am to 5pm and Saturday from 8am to 4pm. The North Augusta Transfer Station hours of operation are Tuesday and Thursday 9am to 5pm and Saturday 8am to 4pm.


Q. I’m having trouble with my water, did the Township shut it off?
Q. Where is the nearest fire hydrant to my house?

A. We do not have a township water system (and therefore NO fire hydrants) in Augusta.  Each property has individual septic and well water systems which is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain.


Q. When do I need to get a building permit?

A. You need to get a permit to demolish or build anything over 10 m² (108 sq. ft.).  This includes pools deeper than 1′ deep, party tents and portable sheds.  For more information, please see our Building Information and Applications page.


Q. I just moved to an area where there are no mailboxes at the end of the driveways.  Where can I get a post office/mail box?

A. While the large majority of Augusta residents receive their mail via a mailbox at the end of their driveway, there are pockets of residents who are required to collect their mail from a central mailbox/post office.  If you’re not sure how to get one of these mailboxes, please visit one of the Canada Post offices that service the area or visit their website.

Local Post Offices:
Brockville – 34 Buell Street
Maitland – 13 George Street
North Augusta – 8117 Main Street (Riopelle’s)
Prescott – 292 Centre Street
Spencerville – 9 Centre Street


Q. What are the rules for putting up a fence on my property?

A. While a building permit is NOT required, there are requirements under the Zoning By-Law  that must be followed.  Visit our Fences, Fence Viewers & Livestock Evaluators page for more information.


Q. I live in Maitland, I’ve been told my address is Brockville, but my neighbour across the road’s address is Maitland.  Why?

A. Due to the way the postal service is set up, some addresses within the Township are listed rather unusually.  It’s all based on what post office has been assigned to that area and some of our roads are boundary lines.

Other addresses in the Township include Prescott, North Augusta, Oxford Mills and Spencerville.  NOTE: There is no ‘Augusta’ address.


Q. Where can I get a police check/vulnerable sector check done for work?
Q. Does Augusta have a police force?

A. Augusta Township receives its police services from the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) – Grenville County (Prescott) Detachment.  You would need to visit their station located at 200 Development Drive in Prescott (just off County Road 18) to apply for your checks.


Q. Can you give me a map/survey of my property?

A. Please contact the Planning Department to confirm if the Township can assist with providing any survey or mapping of your property (613-925-4231 x104, mbanford@augusta.ca).  You can also submit an inquiry using the Planning Inquiry Request Form.


Q. The streetlight is out on my street/road.  How do I get it fixed?

A. Send us an email at mmoore@augusta.ca or call us 613-925-4231 x 301 and give us the location of the light along with your contact information in case we need to follow up.  We’ll then contact our contractors and they’ll come out and fix it as soon as possible.


Q. There’s a beaver building a dam on my property and it’s causing flooding.  What do I do?

A. If the beaver is building in a municipal drain then please contact the Public Works Department (613-925-4231 ext. 301, mmoore@augusta.ca) and we’ll have someone come and take a look at the issue.

Unfortunately, if it is building on your property, the Township is not responsible for its removal.  We suggest calling a nuisance wildlife company to see if they can help you remove it.


Q. There is a fox/rabbit/skunk/coyote/fisher/porcupine/raccoon/cat/other small animal on my property.  Can you come and get rid of it?

A. Unfortunately, the Township is not responsible for the removal of nuisance wildlife such as this.  If necessary, we suggest calling a nuisance wildlife company to see if they can help you remove it safely.


Q. I am interested in buying a property in Augusta Township.  Can I build [insert structure here] on this property?  

A. You will need to contact the Planning Department (613-925-4231 ext. 104, mbanford@augusta.ca) with the address for the property so we can investigate what can/cannot be built on that property based on the Zoning By-Law. You can also submit a request through the Planning Inquiry Request Form.


Q. Can I have horses, cattle, chickens etc. on my property?

A. A hobby farm, which is what this would be considered, requires a minimum of 2 hectares or 4.94 acres.  Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) regulations as governed by OMAFRA must be adhered to as well.  Please contact the Planning Department (613-925-4231 ext. 104, mbanford@augusta.ca) or submit a Planning Inquiry Request Form to assist you in determining if this is allowed on your particular property.  


Q. I want to run a business out of my home.  Am I allowed?  What do I need to do?

A. You will need to contact the Planning Department (613-925-4231 ext. 104, mbanford@augusta.ca) or submit a Planning Inquiry Request Form with the address for the property so we can investigate what the property can/cannot be used for based on the Zoning By-Law.


Q. Am I allowed to have a sea-can/storage container on my property?

A. According to our Zoning By-Law, sea-cans/storage containers are not permitted on residential properties within the township boundaries.  Certain exceptions apply for temporary use during construction with a valid building permit.  Contact the Chief Building Official, Karen Morrell (613-925-4231 ext. 106 or by email kmorrell@augusta.ca) for more information.


Q. Can I have a mobile home on my property? 

A. No.  Mobile homes can no longer be placed in areas other than in the approved mobile home park within the township.


Q. I’m interested in buying/bought a house in Augusta.  Can you tell me if there are any outstanding permits or issues with it that I should be aware of?

A.  A building compliance letter can be requested in writing for a $100 fee.  If you are considering buying the property, your lawyer must request the letter however, if you own the property you can request the letter yourself.  The Chief Building Official will then provide the information contained in the building file.


Q. How can I purchase township owned property? How can I purchase property the township has taken for taxes? When will the township be selling a house they took for taxes? When will the township be taking a specific house for taxes?

A. The Township never wants to take someone’s home for lack of payment of taxes and considers this matter very sensitive.  For privacy reasons, we do not give out information on whether or not a property is behind on their taxes.  Only the property owner can request that information.  IF the Township is interested in selling a property, however they have received it, we will post on our website, Facebook page and in the local newspapers that the property is up for sale.  The process of taking and then selling a property for taxes can take a considerable amount of time.


Q. Where can I get information about my well?

A. Well Records are regulated by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment.  They can be contacted at 1-888-396-9355 (Well Help Desk).  Alternatively, records are available online by visiting Well records | ontario.ca (there is an interactive map which has many of the wells in Augusta Township).


Q. Where can I get information about my septic system?

A. South Nation Conservation approves and issues septic permits in the Township of Augusta.  They also hold the records formerly processed for the township by the Leeds & Grenville District Health Unit.  They can be contacted at 613-984-2948.  Privately owned sewage systems, including septic tanks and leaching beds, require a permit for installation or alteration under the Ontario Building Code. Please visit South Nation Conservation’s website for septic permit applications.


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