According to By-Law 3628-2023, residents who live on private roads within the Township of Augusta may apply for a grant of financial assistance pursuant to Section 107 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, for the purpose of assisting the land owners with the cost of maintaining the private roads.
Here are a few other keys points of the By-Law:
- The private road must be maintained by an Association in order to be awarded a grant. It must be comprised of the owners of the property that benefit from a registered right of way over the lands occupied by the private road and they must represent two-thirds (2/3) of the property owners.
An application must be submitted to the Township Treasurer and signed by the authorized representative of the Association. The Treasurer will have the responsibility of determining grant eligibility.
This is an annual grant for the past year’s eligible cost. The past year is the period from October 1st prior to the current year through to September 30th of the current year in which the application is submitted.
Grant applications must be received by September 30th each year.
Eligible costs for road maintenance may include snow plowing, road grading, tree removal and trimming, noxious weed control, gravel, dust control, roadside grass cutting, road drainage including ditches and catch basins, road construction and road resurfacing.
Grants will be paid out in one lump sum and will be calculated on a per-linear metre basis (one-way) and the amount of the grant (if any) will be at the discretion of the Township. They are not guaranteed and may be modified or eliminated at any time by resolution of Council.
Private Road Grant Application
Private Road Grant Termination Request Form