Augusta Township Council approves $85,000 to repair Champion Grader model 740A used for winter maintenance and road building and road maintenance
Augusta Matters by Mayor Doug Malanka
(As published in the South Grenville Journal – Thursday, August 6, 2020)
Augusta Council met on Monday, July 27, 2020, and authorized staff to proceed with the repair of the Township’s 1998 Champion grader, model 740A at an upset limit of $85,000 (inclusive of tax) for necessary repairs. Public Works Manager, Brad Thake advised Council that Augusta Public Works has two graders which are key to Township’s winter maintenance and road building and road maintenance. The 1998 grader (#2) started showing signs of mechanical issues this Spring and was subsequently inspected by an experienced grader mechanic/expert. Necessary repairs were estimated at approximately $75,000 and Mr. Thake asked Council to approve an additional $10 000 for unexpected repairs/parts/labour, should repairs move forward. Alternative options to repairing the grader included renting a grader at a cost of approximately $30,000 per year or purchasing a replacement grader at a cost of approximately $450,000. Mr. Thake recommended that the best option is to repair the Champion grader as it is recognized in the industry as a quality grader and the repairs should prolong the use of this piece of equipment, with minimal expected repairs, for 10 years, upon which time the grader will reach a general use maturity age of approximately 30 years. The need to repair of the grader was not foreseen and so not included in the 2020 budget. Mr. Thake noted that the repair was single‑sourced to JADE EQUIPMENT as Graders are a specialized piece of equipment and Jade Equipment is the leading expert in grader repairs in Ontario.
At the same July 27th, 2020 meeting, Council received a Recreation Activity Report that was prepared by Nicole Walker, Township’s Comm. Dev & Rec Coordinator. The following are excerpts from her report:
All indoor recreational facilities are currently closed, and the Township is working toward opening at decreased capacity and modified protocol. There is some reluctance to opening the facilities as volunteers and staff remain concerned that COVID-19 still poses a liability risk.
The Rothesay Dive Site has been used well since reopening on June 26th, most site users have respected the regional guidelines posted in French and English on the site change rooms. A Port‑a‑poty will be returned to the site and cleaning will be completed on a daily basis, in a co‑operative arrangement with the Town of Prescott who have hired a student full time to disinfect for COVID-19.
North Augusta Farmer’s Market has been a huge success with approximately 10-12 weekly vendors who provide the community with farm fresh produce, amazing baked goods, award winning jams and preserves, handmade bath and body works, all natural products, handmade art and crafts and clothing. North Augusta Farmer’s Market runs rain or shine on Saturday from 9‑12 pm at the Old Masonic Hall. Visitors are encouraged to wear face masks and social distancing is monitored by staff. Each vendor has sanitizer at their stand.