Site Plan Approval

Guide to Site Plan Approval

Site Plan Approval Overviewtop half of the site plan control by-law

Site plan approval, under section 41 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, is intended to implement the objectives of the Official Plan, ensure conformity to the Zoning By-Law and other applicable regulations, ensure sufficient services and onsite facilities and minimize impacts on adjacent land uses.

Site plan control is commonly used for commercial, industrial and institutional  uses, as per By-Law 2778-2009.  Through the site plan process the Township can ensure compliance with all the Township and/or agency requirements for a proposed development are met and maintained (i.e. parking, access, setbacks, emergency  vehicle access   provisions, landscaping/hedges, lighting, stormwater management etc.).


Site Plan Approval Steps

Step 1 – Pre-Consultation with the Township

Applicant consults with the Township staff and relevant agencies to discuss the proposed site plan and local requirements.

Step 2 – Fill Out The Application

Applicant fills out an application.

Step 3 – Submit Application

Applicant submits application to the Township office with the applicable fees. Note: Fees to commenting agencies may apply.

Step 4 – Staff Review & Circulate Notice to Township Departments & Agencies

Township planning staff review the site plan against the Zoning By-Law provisions and any Official Plan policies and circulate the site plan to Township departments (Building, Fire, Roads, Drainage Superintendent), the Health Unit, the County Clerk and any applicable conservation authority.

Step 5 – Comments Received & Reported to the Township’s Chief Administrative Officer

The Township’s CAO has been delegated site plan approval authority by Council.  Township planning staff prepare a Report to the CAO on the site plan and detail any recommended conditions for the CAO’s consideration.

Step 6 – Site Plan Decision

The CAO considers the Report and makes a decision on the site plan, noting any conditions of approval.

Step 7 – Site Plan Agreement

A written agreement between the applicant and Township is entered into and may be registered on title.  The agreement is authorized by the CAO and Mayor.

Step 8 – Timeline/Appeal Opportunities to the Ontario Land Tribunal

If the Township fails to approve the site plan within 60 days after submission, the property owner may appeal the failure to approve the site plan to the Tribunal by filing with the Township Clerk the applicable appeal form and fee.  If the owner is not satisfied with any requirement by the Township or the County, the owner may appeal to the Tribunal by filing a notice of appeal (in the format required by the Tribunal) with the fee charged by the Tribunal.

Step 9 – Development May Proceed

Upon completion of Site Plan approval and the signed agreement, development may proceed.  Required building permits must then be obtained.



  • A fee of $750.00 (minor) or $1,500 (major) is required upon submission of a site plan application made payable to the Township of Augusta.  Applicants are also responsible for any peer review costs incurred by the Township and any legal fees.
  • Other fees to the applicable Conservation Authority and related to environmental considerations and/or septic system functioning may also be required.

 *Fees are subject to change without prior notice.


If you have questions regarding site plan approval, please contact the Township’s Planner, Melissa Banford by email or by phone 613-925-4231 ext. 104 

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