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Building Permit Application – Party Tent



When a building permit is required, an application must be filed with the Building Department using the following forms. Once submitted with all the necessary documentation, a permit may be issued after the application has been reviewed to ensure compliance with the Ontario Building Code, the Township Zoning By-law and any other applicable regulation. A plans review document, detailing the deficiencies of your submission, if any, may form part of your building permit. The Chief Building Official is responsible for the issuance of all building permits.

Other Land Use Approval permits may be required from such agencies as AGCO and the Ministry of Transportation, depending on the nature of the project and the specific location of the site.

Building permit fees are listed in Schedule “A” of By-Law 3759-2025.  All required fees must be paid before the permit can be issued.

Please follow each of the steps below.  Should you feel that one of the steps is not required, please contact the Chief Building Official for confirmation.

Step 1: Review the Requirements

Tents larger than or equal to 646 sq. ft. require a permit. The fee for the permit is the minimum permit fee of $95.00.

The applicant’s timeline for notifying local authorities is 90 days before the event takes place.

Please notify the municipal clerk’s department, local police and fire department and the local health unit if you are going to erect a tent for events where groups of people will assemble to ensure that they are aware of the location and date of the event.

The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) oversees the administration of the Special Occasion Permit (SOP) program, which allows for the sale and/or service of alcohol on special occasions, such as cash bars at weddings or private receptions, as well as larger scale events that are open to the public, such as charity fundraisers.  A SOP (for Private Events, Public Events and Industry Events) is required any time alcohol is offered for sale or served anywhere other than in a licensed establishment (such as a bar or restaurant).  You will need to contact the AGCO for this permit should you wish to serve alcohol.  (https://www.agco.ca)

You should retain copies of all letters sent to authorities, as you may be required to include them with your application or make them available upon request.

There may be additional requirements from each local agency.

Tent Regulations According to the Ontario Building Code 2012

Division C, .3.1.  Permits  Requirement for Permits

   (5)  A tent or group of tents is exempt from the requirement to obtain a permit under section 8 of the Act and is exempt from compliance with the Code provided that the tent or group of tents are,
(a)  not more than 60 m2 in aggregate ground area,   (645.84 sq ft)
(b)  not attached to a building, and
(c)  constructed more than 3 m from other structures.    (9.84 ft)

Division B,  General

   (1)  Except as provided in Sentence (2), the requirements of this Subsection shall apply to all tents.
   (2)  Articles, and do not apply to tents that,
(a)  do not exceed 225 m2 in ground area,    (2422 sq ft)
(b)  do not exceed 225 m2 in aggregate ground area and are closer than 3 m apart,
(c)  do not contain bleachers, and
(d)  are not enclosed with sidewalls.  Means of Egress

   (1)  Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), tents shall conform to Sections 3.3. and 3.4.
   (2)  A tent need not conform to Article except where swing type doors are provided.
   (3)  Where the area between adjacent tents or a tent and the property line is used as a means of egress, the minimum width between stake lines shall be the width necessary for means of egress, but not less than 3 m.  Clearance to Other Structures

   (1)  Tents shall not be erected closer than 3 m to the property line.
   (2)  Except as provided in Sentences (3), (4) and (5), tents shall not be erected closer than 3 m to other tents or structures on the same property.
   (3)  A walkway between a building and a tent occupied by the public is permitted provided,
(a)  the tent is not closer than 3 m from the building, and
(b)  the walkway conforms to Article
   (4)  Tents not occupied by the public need not be separated from one another, and are permitted to be erected less than 3 m from other structures on the same property, where such closer spacing does not create a hazard to the public.
Tents located on fair grounds or similar open spaces, need not be separated from one another provided such closer spacing does not create a hazard to the public.  Clearances to Flammable Material

   (1)  The ground enclosed by a tent and for not less than 3 m outside of such structure shall be cleared of all flammable or combustible material or vegetation that will carry fire.  Flame Resistance

   (1)  Every tent, and tarpaulins, decorative materials, fabrics and films used in connection with tents, shall be certified to CAN/ULC-S109, “Flame Tests of Flame-Resistant Fabrics and Films”, or NFPA 701, “Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films”.  Bleachers

   (1)  Where bleachers are provided in tents, they shall be designed in conformance with Articles, and Subsection 4.1.5.  Sanitary Facilities

   (1)  Except as provided in Sentence (3), the minimum number of water closets for tents shall be determined in accordance with Table
   (2)  Article applies to sanitary facilities in Sentence (1).
   (3)  Sanitary privies, chemical closets or other means for the disposal of human waste may be provided in lieu of toilet fixtures.  Provision for Firefighting

   (1)  Access shall be provided to all tents for the purpose of firefighting.  Electrical Systems

(1)  The electrical system and equipment in a tent, including electrical fuses and switches, shall be inaccessible to the public.
(2)  Cables on the ground in areas used by the public in a tent shall be placed in trenches or protected by covers to prevent damage from traffic.

Step 2: Authorization for Applicant to Act as Agent

If someone else is applying for a building permit on your behalf or will be discussing your project with the Chief Building Official on your behalf, the following form will need to be signed by you – the landowner – and submitted with your application.

Agent for Registered Landowner

Step 3: Building Permit Application

All applicants must complete, sign and date the Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish as well as the Roles & Responsibilities Declaration Form, and the Site & Drainage Plan Form.

The completed application form must be accompanied by the following:

    1. A site plan showing the location of all existing and proposed buildings or additions, any hydro lines, water courses, pipelines, railway tracks and wells or septic systems and leaching beds on the lot in relation to the property boundaries.


If you have any questions regarding any part of this process, please call or email the Chief Building Official, Karen Morrell at 613-925-4231 ext. 106, kmorrell@augusta.ca. 

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