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Building Permit Application – Pool



As per By-law 2537-2004 any pool in which the depth of water at any point can exceed 12” (1 foot) requires a building permit.  The minimum distance from grade to the top of a pool wall is required to be 4ft.  Anything below 4ft requires a fence.

When a building permit is required, an application must be filed with the Building Department using the following forms. Once submitted with all the necessary documentation, a permit may be issued after the application has been reviewed to ensure compliance with the Ontario Building Code, the Township Zoning By-law and any other applicable regulation. A plans review document, detailing the deficiencies of your submission, if any, may form part of your building permit. The Chief Building Official is responsible for the issuance of all building permits.

Other Land Use Approval permits may be required from such agencies as the Ministry of Transportation, depending on the nature of the project and the specific location of the site.

Building permit fees are listed in Schedule “A” of By-Law 3696-2024.  All required fees must be paid before the permit can be issued.

Please follow each of the steps below.  Should you feel that one of the steps is not required, please contact the Chief Building Official for confirmation.

Step 1: Determine what you require a permit for and where you plan to put your pool


Where to install your pool?

The pool must be a minimum of 1 (one) meter or 3 feet (‘) 3 inches (“) from your back line, 1 (one) meter or 3’ 3” from either side lines, (when there is a close neighbour) and cannot be in front of your house.

If you live on a corner of two roads, then the pool must be situated a minimum of 6 (six) meter or 20’ away from both roads.

The pool must be 3 (three) meters or 10 (ten) feet  from your house, 1.52 meters or   5’ +- from the well, and 4.57 meters or 15’ (fifteen) from your septic.

The Electrical Safety Code, Section 68 has restrictions for the minimum clearances for Ontario Hydro and Bell conductors over swimming pools.

Phone and cable lines must have a minimum vertical clearance above the pool of 4.5 m. (14.75’). Hydro lines must have a minimum vertical clearance above the pool of 7.5 m. (24’8”) and hydro poles must be 5 m.(16’) away from the pool.

What to bring in to get a building permit?

You will need a plot plan, hand drawn is acceptable, indicating where you will be installing the pool and how far away your house, septic, septic bed and well are from your pool (see Site & Draining Plan form below).  Also indicate how far the pool will be from your back line and side lines.

You will need to bring in a description (brochure) of the pool from the company that you are purchasing from. If you are buying second-hand, please let us know the description of the pool (wall height and size of foot print).

All pools must follow the Township of Augusta’s Swimming Pool/Fencing By-Law 2537-2004, and the Building Code Act, 1992 S.O. 1992, Chapter 23.


When do inspections take place?

Our Chief Building Official will inspect the pool prior to putting the pool into use. The inspection cost is covered in the permit. Please call when it is complete and the CBO will be there as soon as possible.


POOLS AND DECKS & FENCESpools need fences. it's the law. these all require a fence (shows photos of pools that need fences).

Plans and information shall be submitted with application for a building permit to be reviewed for compliance with the minimum requirements of the Ontario Building Code. (OBC)

Decks, balconies, verandas and similar platforms that are attached to a building or that have an area greater than 10 square meters (107.64 sq. ft.) are, by definition, considered as buildings or parts of buildings. Consequently, they are subject to the requirements of 9.15.

At least no.1 & no.2 grade, pressure treated, spruce-pine-fir lumber is to be used for the proposed construction of the deck.  The owner and contractor shall notify the Building Department if any different type of lumber, other than that outlined above, will be used.

Columns shall be securely fastened to the supported member to prevent lateral movement as outlined in article of the OBC. Where the length of the column is not more than 600mm (23 5/8″) from finished ground to the underside of the supported member and the columns support a deck with no superstructure, columns do not require lateral support described above.

Treads and risers shall have uniform rise and run in any one flight as a requirement of sentence of the Code.

Exterior stairs serving dwelling units shall have a maximum rise of 200 mm (7 7/8″), a minimum run of 210 mm (8 1/4″) and a minimum tread width of 235 mm (9 1/4″) as required by article

Handrails are not required for exterior stairs having not more than 3 risers as outlined in sentence} of the Code.

Handrails on stairs shall be not less than 865 mm (34″) and not more than 965 mm (38″) in height, measured vertically from a line drawn through the outside edges of the stair nosing, as outlined in article

The guards around the deck must meet the requirements of subsection 9.8.8. of the Code. That is, they must be designed by a professional engineer or constructed as outlined in the SB-7 to the 2006 Ontario Building Code.

Every exterior landing, porch, deck balcony and roof to which access is provided for other than maintenance purposes shall be protected by guards on all open sides where the difference in elevation between adjacent levels exceeds 600 mm (23 5/8″) as outlined in article of the Code.

Guards for porches, decks, landings and balconies serving not more than one dwelling unit and which are not more than 1.8 m (5’11”) above the finished ground level are permitted to be a minimum of 900 mm (2’11”) high as outlined in sentence of the Code.

Openings in guards shall be of a size so as to prevent the passage of a sphere having a diameter of 100 mm (4″) and no member, attachment or opening located between 140 mm (5.5″) and 900 mm (35.5″) above the floor that will facilitate climbing as required in articles and

Openings through any guard which is not required shall be of a size which will prevent the passage of spherical object of more than 100mm (4 in), or will permit the passage of a spherical object having a diameter of more than 200 mm (7  7/8 in) as outlined in sentence of the OBC.

Wood supports shall be separated from concrete in contact with the ground by not less than

0.05 mm (0.002″) polyethylene film or Type S roll roofing, as outlined in article of the Code.

The deck must not be supported by an existing structure if deck blocks are to be used as foundations.  Frost action may compromise the integrity of a permanent joint attaching the proposed deck to the existing deck and house.

Sod, top soil and any organic matter shall be removed to allow for the concrete deck blocks to bear directly on undisturbed soil, rock or compacted granular fill as outlined in article of the Code.

Piers for the support of deck columns shall extend not less than 150 mm (5 7/8″) above ground level, project not less than 25 mm (1″) beyond the base of the column, but in no case be less than 190 x 190 mm (7 1/2 x 7 1/2″) in size or 200 mm (8″) in diameter as required by article of the Code.

Piers and columns supporting decks shall extend not less than 150 mm (5 7/8″) above ground level as outlined in articles  The diameter of the concrete columns shall be not less than 230 mm (9 in) diameter or a minimum of 200mm X 200mm (8”x8”) as described in and shall rest on an appropriately sized footing. These measurements are for unreinforced poured concrete.

Concrete piers shall rest on undisturbed soil, rock or compacted granular fill and extend a minimum depth of 1.2 m (4’) below grade. (below frost penetration)

Beams supporting the joists above the columns must consist of not less than 2 pieces of 38 mm (2″) lumber nailed together with a double row of nails not less than 89mm (3.5″) in length, spaced not more than 450mm (17.7″) apart in each row with end nails located 100mm (4″) to 150mm (5,7/8″) from the end of each piece. The bearing area under the beams and joists shall be sufficient to carry the supported load. Articles,

Proposed ledger board at the house must be securely anchored to the framing structure of the house and provide sufficient support for all loads.

Lumber decking shall be fully supported at the ends on solid bearing and shall be of uniform thickness and not more than 184 mm (7 1/4″).

No part of an outdoor pool including an associated apron or platform which is in a front or side yard shall be constructed closer to a street line than the requirements for the main building in the zone within which it is located nor closer to the lot line in a rear yard than the minimum distance required for an accessory use or structure. S.6.35.1. Zoning

Pool fences act as a barrier to prevent small children and pets from drowning by accessing your pool when adult supervision is not present.

Every above ground pool with a pool wall that is less than 1.2 meters (4 feet) high shall be enclosed by a fence of at least 1.2 meters (4 feet) in height. Most pools manufactured today have a height of 52″. Any steps or supports to the pool will need to be fenced. If the above ground pool is a stand alone pool with no deck or fence, it must have a removable ladder that is locked in place at a location away from the pool. Any in-ground pool requires a fence.

The fence shall have a minimum vertical height of 1.2 meters (4′) and shall have no horizontal structural members between 140mm (5.5″) and 900mm (2’11”) that would allow easy climbing.

No person shall place or store materials against the outside of a swimming pool fence unless the height of the fence is increased by the height of the object against the fence. The height of the fence, including any gates, shall be measured from the ground level or from any climbable fixture or feature on the exterior side of the fence.

The gate shall be self-closing and have a self-latching device. The self-latching device on the gate that can be opened without a key from the outside shall be not less than 1.22 meters (4′) above ground level on the pool side of the gate. The clearance between the ground and the underside of the fence shall be a maximum of 100mm (4″). Openings in the fence or gate shall be no larger than what would allow a 100mm (4″) diameter spherical object to pass through.

No person shall place water in a swimming pool or permit water to remain in the swimming pool if the required swimming pool fence is not erected.

The issuance of a building permit does not relieve the owner, builder or designer from complying with the Ontario Building Code Act and the regulations made there under, or with any other applicable Federal or Provincial Legislation or Regulations or Municipal Bylaws and municipal agreements which may apply.


Step 2: Authorization for Applicant to Act as Agent

If someone else is applying for a building permit on your behalf or will be discussing your project with the Chief Building Official on your behalf, the following form will need to be signed by you – the landowner – and submitted with your application.

Agent for Registered Landowner

Step 3: Building Permit Application

All applicants must complete, sign and date the Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish as well as the Roles & Responsibilities Declaration Form, and the Site & Drainage Plan Form.  PLEASE NOTE: Schedule 1 (Designer Information) and Schedule 2 (Sewage System Installer Information) are not required for Pool Permits.

The completed application form must be accompanied by the following:

    1. A deed may be required indicating the name of the current registered owner of the property for which the permit is to be issued.
    2. A site plan showing the location of all existing and proposed buildings or additions, any hydro lines, water courses, pipelines, railway tracks and wells or septic systems and leaching beds on the lot in relation to the property
    3. Provide a reasonable and clear plan showing water drainage and run off, satisfactory to the Municipal Drainage Superintendent or Designate.
    4. Details about the pool (manufacturer, installer, dimensions)
    5. Conservation Authority approval may be required prior to building permit issuance or in areas with significant wildlife habitat or significant woodlands.  Construction is not permitted within areas of the 100 year flood plan.



If you have any questions regarding any part of this process, please call or email the Chief Building Official, Karen Morrell at 613-925-4231 ext. 106, kmorrell@augusta.ca. 


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