augusta township open for business logo

Augusta Township is strategically located in eastern Ontario along the shores of the St. Lawrence River. With Highway 401 traversing our southern edge, we’re within easy driving distance to Ottawa, Montreal and Kingston. Local communities just minutes away include Prescott, Brockville and Kemptville.

Agri-business and manufacturing continue to thrive in Augusta. An increasing number of small businesses are calling Augusta Township home. Entrepreneurs in a number of business sectors are drawn to the quiet country ambiance of our area, while being located in close proximity to larger centres.

For more information on business and property development growth within the township, you can access the following links:

AUGUSTA SECONDARY PLAN/LAND USE STRATEGY (WEST OF PRESCOTT) – information on the Secondary Plan Study for the lands immediately west of the Town of Prescott, bounded by Highway 401 to the north, County Road 2 to the South, Merwin Lane to the west and the Town of Prescott municipal boundary to the east.

BUILDING INFORMATION & APPLICATIONS – lists what needs a building permit and what doesn’t, links to the applications.

BUSINESS DIRECTORY – The businesses listed in this directory are part of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville overall directory. Business registration is managed through the County’s website.  If you would like to add your Augusta Township business to our directory, register on the site and add you information.  Once verified by the County, your business will be added.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – details the plans in place to encourage development in Augusta.

INVESTING IN AUGUSTA – infrastructure and demographic information for the Township.

OPERATING SHORT TERM RENTALS – information on the By-Law that regulates short term rentals and application forms for short term rental licenses.

PIPELINES – features information on the 3 pipelines that run through our Township.

PLANNING (SEVERANCES, ZONING, MINOR VARIANCES ETC.) – applications and information on zoning, severances, minor variances, site plan control agreements and other planning matters.

RECOMMENDED LINKS – a list of links that may be helpful to businesses.

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