Home > By-Laws > 3413-2019 Building By-Law

3413-2019 Building By-Law

3413-2019 Building By-Law


Passed by Council April 23, 2019

Read more about building permits on our Building Information and Applications page.

AMENDED March 11, 2024 by By-Law 3696-2024


BY-LAW NUMBER 3413-2019

WHEREAS Section 7 of the Building Code Act, R.S.O. 1992, Chapter 23, empowers Council to pass certain By-Laws respecting construction, demolition and change of use permits and inspections.

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Augusta enacts as follows:


1.1 This By-Law may be cited as the “Building By-Law’


2.1 In this By-Law:

Act” means the Building Code Act, 1992, Chapter 23 as amended.

Applicant” means the owner of a building or property who applies for a permit on the owner’s behalf, or any person or corporation empowered by statute to cause the construction, demolition or change of use of a building or buildings and anyone acting under the authority of such person or corporation.

As constructed plans” means as constructed plans as defined in the Building Code.

Basement Living Space” means a heated space that is directly accessible from the main living area and has a ceiling height of 2 100 mm (6’1 0.66″) over at least 75% of the basement area except that under beams and ducts the  clearance is permitted to be reduced to 1 950 mm (6’4. 75″), and where the exterior walls are finished with any of the materials listed in Subsection 9.29.4 to 9.29.9. of the Ontario Building Code but does not include a mechanical room or a
building service area.

Building” means building as defined in Section 1 ( 1) of the Act and as described in Division A, Article of the Ontario Building Code.

Chief Building Official” means the Chief Building Official (CBO) appointed by the ByLaw of the Corporation of the Township of Augusta for the purposes of enforcement of
the Act.

Permit” means written permission or written authorization from the Chief Building Official to perform work regulated by this by-law and the Act, or to change the use of building or parts of a building or parts thereof as regulated by the Act, or to occupy a building or part thereof.

Minimum Charge for Any Construction” means in Schedule A, under “Building Permits, Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional or Post Disaster”, the
construction fees will be a minimum of $95.00.

Building Code” means the regulations made under Section 34 of the Act.

Corporation” means The Corporation of the Township of Augusta.

Designer” mean persons who hold valid building code identification number as issued by the Province of Ontario.
“Farm building” means a farm building as defined in the Building Code.

Partially finished basement” means a basement that does not have a finished floor or finished ceiling. A concrete floor with an in-floor heating system is a finished floor if any
kind of a protective coating is applied.

Plumbing” means plumbing as defined in section 1 (1) of the Act.

Professional Engineer” means a person who holds a valid license or a temporary license under the Professional Engineer’s Act, as defined in the Building Code.


3.1 Classes of permits with respect to the construction, demolition and change of use of
buildings and permit fees shall be as set out in Schedule “A” to this By-Law.


4.1 To obtain a permit the owner(s) or an agent authorized shall file an application in
writing on a prescribed form available at the Township office or it may be printed off the
website at www.augusta.ca.

4.2 It is the responsibility of the owner(s) or authorized agent to ensure compliance with
setback regulations from various stakeholders.

4.3 The construction, including, for greater certainty, enlargement or alteration, of every
building or part of it described in Division C, Table shall be reviewed by an
architect, professional engineer or both.


5.1 Except as otherwise allowed by the CBO, every application shall:

(a) identify and describe in detail the work, use and occupancy to be covered by
permit for which application is made;

(b) identify and describe in detail the existing uses and the proposed use(s) for which
the premises are intended;

(c) describe the land on which the work is to be done, by a description that will
readily identify and locate the site on which the building or demolition is to occur;

(d) be accompanied by plans and specifications as described in Schedule “B” of this

(e) be accompanied by the required fees as calculated in accordance with Schedule

(f) state the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner, applicant,
architect, engineer or other designer, and the constructor or person hired to carry out
the construction or demolition, as the case may be;

(g) when Division C, Article of the Building Code applies, be accompanied by
a signed acknowledgement (Schedule “D”) of the owner on a form prescribed by the
CBO than an architect or professional engineer, or both, have been retained to carry
out the general review of the construction, including, for greater certainty, enlargement, alteration or demolition of every building or part of it described in Division C, Table;

(h) when Division C, Article of the Building Code applies, be accompanied by
a signed statement (Schedule “D”) of the architect or professional engineer, or both,
on a form prescribed by the CBO, undertaking to provide a general review of
construction or demolition of the building;

(i) include, where applicable, the registration number of the builder or vendor as
provided in the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act;

j) state estimated valuation of the proposed work including material and labor (includes professional fees);

(k) be signed by the applicant who shall certify as to the truth of the contents of the application.

5.2 In addition to 5.1 , where application is made for a construction permit under subsection 8 (1) of the Act, the application shall:

(a) use the provincial application form, “Application for Permit to Construct Demolish”; and

(b) include complete plans and specifications, documents and other information as required by “as constructed plans” in Division A, Article of the Building Code and as described in this by-law for the work to be covered by the permit; and

(c) where construction is to commence in zones designated as “Residential Village” or ‘Waterfront Residential,” a drainage plan ensuring compliance with Division B,
Sentence 1) shall accompany the submitted plans required in Schedule “B”
of this By-Law; and

(d) to protect existing and future sources of drinking water by stopping contaminants from entering sources of drinking water (lakes, rivers, aquifers), where construction is to commence in zones designated as Intake Protection Zones (IPZ), a lot grade and drainage plan shall accompany the submitted plans required in Schedule “B” of this By-Law for new septic systems, where there are no municipal services.


6.1 In addition to 5.1, where application is made for demolition permit under Subsection 8 (1) the Act, the application shall:

(a) use the provincial application form, “Application for Permit to Construct Demolish”;

(b) include complete plans and specifications, documents and other information as required by Division C, Article the Building Code and as described in Schedule B in this by-law for the work to be covered by the permit.

(c) when Division C, Article of the Building Code applies, be accompanied by structural design of the building, letters of undertaking from the professionals responsible for the field review, and the method and time schedule of the demolition;

(d) be accompanied with satisfactory proof the arrangements have been made with the proper authorities for the termination and capping of all water, sewer, gas, electric, telephone or other utilities and services;

(e) confirmation that the building is not a designated “Heritage Building” within the meaning of the Ontario Heritage Act;

(f) the demolition or dismantling of a building or structure shall be commenced or continued only when all steps necessary to prevent injury to the public on or near the project have been taken;

(g) where the building or structure being demolished is located within 15 feet of a public way, the relevant Sections of the Occupational Health and Safety Act supersede this By-Law;

(h) where a building or structure being demolished is located beyond 15 feet of a public way or does not about a public way, a barrier fence of at least 4 feet in height shall be erected around the perimeter of the entire building or structure except where the site in under constant supervision;

(i) where the person undertaking the demolition of a building or structure fails to comply with the requirements of this section, the Township of Augusta may carry out the necessary work to provide compliance. The cost of such work shall be billed to the applicant. Failure to pay will result in prioritory lien against the property;

j) where work on a building or structure being demolished or dismantled is suspended or discontinued prior to completion, access to the part of the building or structure that remains to be demolished or dismantled shall be prevented by installing and maintaining barriers to prevent entry. The property shall also be posted with “No Trespassing” signs, along the perimeter, spaced no more than 25 feet apart;

(k) a basement, cellar or excavation left after the demolition of a building or structure shall remain adequately fenced along its open sides or be backfilled to grade level. Backfill must happen within 30 days of the demolition.


7.1 In addition to 5.1, where applications are made for a conditional permit under subsection 8(3) of the Act, the application shall:

(a) use the provincial application form, “Application for Permit to Construct Demolish”;

(b) include complete plans and specifications, documents and other information as described in Schedule B in this by-law for the work to be covered by the permit;

(c) state the reason the applicant believes that unreasonable delays in construction would occur if a conditional permit is not granted;

(d) state the necessary approvals which must be obtained in respect of the proposed building and the time in which such approvals will be obtained;

(e) state the time in which plans and specifications of the complete building will be filed with the CBO;

(f) The CBO may, where conditions in subsection 8 (3) of the Act and section of this By-Law have been fulfilled, issue a conditional permit for a building subject to compliance with the Act, the Building Code and any applicable law;

(g) The CBO shall not, by reason of the issuance of a permit or permits for a part of the building issued under section (5) of this by-law be under any obligation to grant any further permit or permits therefore;

(h) “Provided that where application is made for a conditional permit”, applicable fees shall be paid for the entire project; and

(i) The CBO has the authority to enter into an agreement on behalf of the municipality for conditional permits.


8.1 In addition to 5.1, every application for a change of use permit issued under subsection 10 (1) of the Act shall be submitted to the CBO, and shall:

(a) adequately describe the building which is the subject of occupancy change;

(b) identify and describe in detail the current and proposed occupancies of the building or part of a building for which the application is made which shall be in compliance with Division C, Article of the Ontario Building Code;

(c) include plans and specifications showing the current and proposed occupancy of all parts of the building, and with sufficient information to establish compliance with
all the requirements of the Building Code, including: floor plans, details of walls, ceiling and roof assemblies; identifying required fire resistance ratings and load bearing capacities; details of the existing “sewage system”, if any, and be accompanied by the required fee;

(d) state the name, address and telephone number of the owner, and other information on forms prescribed in schedule “C”; and

(e) be signed by the owner or his or her authorized agent who shall verify the truth of the contents of the application.


9.1 Where an application for permit or for authorization to make a material change to a plan, specification, document or other information on the basis of which a permit was issued, contains an equivalent material, system or building design for which authorization under section 9 of the Act is requested, the following information shall be provided:

(a) a description of the proposed material, system or building design for which authorization under section 9 of the Act is requested;

(b) any applicable provisions of the Building Code;

(c) evidence that the proposed material, system or building design will provide the level of performance required by the Building Code.

9.2 After the issuance of a permit under the Act, any material change to a plan, specification, document or other information, shall be authorized in writing by the CBO.


10.1 Every applicant for a building permit shall furnish:

(a) sufficient plans, specifications, documents and other information to enable the CBO to determine whether the proposed construction, demolition or change of use conforms to the act and the Building Code; and

(b) a site plan, which may include a Building Location Survey prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor, sufficient to allow the CBO to determine of the proposed work conforms to the act, the Building Code, and other applicable law. Site plans, except
those subject to the Site Plan Control by-law, shall include:

i) lot size and dimensions of property lines and setbacks to any existing or proposed buildings.

ii) dimensions of existing and proposed building including building height; (Underground home measured as the horizontal area between the exterior walls of the building.)

iii) setbacks to any existing buildings on the abutting properties;

iv) existing and finished ground levels or grades;

v) existing right of ways, easements, municipal services and parking facilities; and

vi) proposed fire access routes and existing fire hydrant locations.

(c) a deed of the subject property.

10.2 Plans submitted shall be legible and be drawn to scale upon paper.

10.3 Two (2) sets of plans and specifications are required as set out in schedule “B” of this By-Law unless otherwise stated.

10.4 In addition, the CSO may determine that additional plans, number, specification, documents and other information are required to be furnished with an application for a permit, also having regard for the requirements of any Act, regulation or By-Law respecting the examination of the application.

10.5 The CBO may require that a set of plans of a building or any class of buildings as constructed be filed with the CBO on completion of construction under such conditions as may be prescribed in the Building Code.

10.6 Plans and specifications furnished according to this by-law or otherwise required by the Act become the property of the municipality and will be disposed of or retained in accordance with relevant legislation and by-laws.

11 . FEES

11.1 Fees for required permits shall be set out in Schedule “A” of this By-Law and are due and payable at the time of filing a building permit application. Note; The CBO may elect to accept complete applications without requiring the building permit fee to be paid when filing the application, and may decide that fee be paid to the municipality upon receipt of an approved permit.


(1) The CBO shall determine the required fees calculated in accordance with Schedule “A” for work proposed and the applicant shall pay such fees; and
(2) An application fee must be submitted upon issuance of any permit and is nonrefundable. Six (6) months after the application or renewal thereof has been made, a new application fee will be required.

11 .3 Upon written request to the CBO, within six (6) months of the date of issue of the permit, a refund may be granted in accordance with the rates as set out in Schedule “A” of this By-Law.

11.4 Where the fees payable in respect of an application for a construction or demolition permit issued under subsection 8(1) of the Act or a conditional permit issued under subsection 8(3) of the Act are based on the total floor space of all storeys· above grade and any floor space below grade used as a living space or intended to be used as future living space.

11.5 Where fees payable in respect of an application for a change of use permit issued under subsection 1 0( 1) of the Act are based on the total floor space of all storeys subject to change of use.

11 .6 Where the fees payable in respect of an application for a construction or demolition permit issued under subsection 8(1) of the Act or a conditional permit under subsection 8(3) of the Act are based on the fee prescribed in Schedule “A”.

11.7 The CBO may place a valuation on the cost of the  proposed work for the purposes of establishing the permit fee. If the applicant disputes the fee, the applicant shall pay the required fee under protest and, within six months of completion of the project, shall submit an audited statement of the actual costs, and where the audited costs are determined to be less than the valuation, the CBO shall issue a refund.

11.8 In case of withdrawal of an application or under the Building Code Act 8(10), abandonment of all or a portion of the work or the non-commencement of any project, the CBO shall determine the amount of paid permit fees that may be refunded to the applicant, if any, in accordance with Schedule “A” attached to and forming part of this By-Law.

11.9 The Building Code Act, 7(8.1) recognizes that fees established by a municipality under section 398 of the Municipal Act may be added to the tax roll.


11.10 ( 1) The amount of fees that may be refunded shall be a percentage of the fees payable under this by-law, as follows:

(a) 80% of the fees if administrative functions only have been performed;

(b) 70% of the fees if administrative and zoning functions only have been performed;

(c) 45% of the fees if administrative, zoning and plan examination functions have been performed;

(d) 35% of the fees if the permit had been issued and no field inspections have been performed subsequent to permit issuance;

(e) 5% of the fees shall additionally be deducted for each field inspections have been performed after the permit has been issued;

(f) Notwithstanding Section 1 above, no refund shall be made of an amount less than $25.00;

(g) Refunds shall not be granted unless the owner requests a refund in writing to the CBO within six (6) months of issue of the permit; and

(h) Requests for partial refunds due to changes in the estimated construction values must be submitted in writing to the CBO within six (6) months of substantial completion of the project.


12.1 Definition “Residential Site” means a construction or demolition site for a building that is used only for residential purposes and that is not more than three storeys in building height and not more than one level below grade.

12.2 An applicant issued a construction or demolition permit under the Building Code Act, 1992, for any work in the Township of Augusta shall erect and maintain a fence to enclose the construction or demolition site, including equipment or material is stored.

12.3 The CBO is authorized to grant an exemption from the requirement in this subsection to erect a fence if the CBO is satisfied that the conditions at a site would not present a particular hazard to the public after having regard for:

(a) the proximity of the site to occupied dwellings;

(b) the proximity of the site to places frequented by the public, including streets, parks, businesses and workplaces;

(c) the effectiveness of any existing fencing adjacent to the site;

(d) the feasibility and effectiveness of fencing the site;

(e) any hazard presented by the activity occurring and materials used on the site;

(f) any proposed security measures to deter entry to the site;

(g) the expected duration of the hazard ; and

(h) any other safety considerations.

12.4 Where work on a construction or demolition site is substantially suspended or abandoned, the CBO may revoke an exemption granted under this subsection by serving written notice of the revocation on the permit holder.

12.5 Every fence required by article 12.2 shall:

(a) be erected at the perimeter of the site to fully enclose the site;

(b) be built to deter entry by unauthorized persons or vehicles;

(c) have no rails, other horizontal or diagonal bracing, attachments or pattern of opening on the outside that would facilitate climbing;

(d) contain no opening more than 150 millimeters (6″) wide or less than 900 millimeters (35.5″) above the bottom of the fence except where required for access to and from the site;

(e) if the fence is of the snow fence or plastic mesh type, the fencing shall be securely fastened to t-bar posts at not over 1Oft. on center and embedded into the ground to provide rigid support;

(f) the fence may provide for openings sufficient to accommodate construction vehicles, machines, and other equipment providing services to the demolition site provided that all openings are closed off with gates when the demolition site is shut down for the day. Gates shall comply with the following:

(i) contain wire mesh or similar material sufficient to provide visibility for traffic entering or exiting the site;

(ii) be built to specifications that provide performance and safety at least equivalent to the fence;

(iii) be built to deter entry by unauthorized persons.

(g) Be maintained:

(i) in good repair with no gaps larger than 100 millimeters ( 4″) below the fencing, and be free of graffiti and poster;

(ii) free from health, fire, and accident hazards;

(iii) so that any access opening is closed and locked or securely reinstalled when the site is unattended.

(h) be removed not later than 30 days after completion of the construction or demolition work.

(i) If erected on a residential site between an excavation on the site and a public sidewalk or lane that is within 3.0 meters (9’1 0″) of the excavation, have a height of not less than 1.8 meters (5’11”) above the grade outside the enclosed area;

j) If erected on any other residential site, have a height of not less than 1.2 meters (3’11”) above the grade outside the enclosed area;

(k) If erected on any other construction or demolition site, have a height of not less than 1.8 meters (5’11”) above the grade outside the enclosed area;

(I) If erected between an excavation and a public sidewalk or lane that is within 3.0 meters (9’1 0″) of the excavation, the fence shall be built of wood;

(m) If built of wood, the outside face shall be smooth exterior grade plywood or wafer board 12.5 millimeters (1/2″) thick that is closed-boarded, securely nailed or screwed to 89 millimeter by 89 millimeter (4″X4″) vertical posts spaced at 2.4 meter (7’1 0.5″) centers and embedded sufficiently deep into the ground to provide a rigid support, and securely nailed or screwed to 39 millimeter (1.5″) horizontal rails secured to the vertical posts at the top, bottom and intermediate locations at 600 millimeter (2′) center;

(n) If built with plastic mesh, the fencing shall be fastened securely at 200 millimeter (8″) center to steel T or 50 millimeter (2″) wide U posts, spaced at not more than 1.2
meter (3’11 “) centers and embedded at least 600 millimeters (24”) into the ground with the top and bottom of the plastic mesh secured horizontally by an 11 gauge lacing cable threaded through the mesh and looped and fastened to each post;

(o) If built with chain link, the mesh shall have openings not larger than 50 millimeters (2″) and shall be fastened securely both to vertical steel posts, spaced at not more than 2.4 meter (8′) centers and embedded at least 600 millimeters (24″)
into the ground, and to top and bottom horizontal steel rail or 9-gauge steel wire;

(p) Any hoarding, canopy or similar protective barrier required under provincial law may form part of the fence; and

( q) The fence may be a combination of the fence types specified in this article or may be built of other materials if the fence can be shown to provide performance and safety equivalent to fence types specified and the CBO authorizes its use.




(a) Prior to revoking a permit under Clauses 8(10)(b) and (c) of the Act, the CBO shall give written notice of his/her intention to revoke the permit to the applicant at his/her last known address and shall state the reasons for revocation, if on the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of such notice, the grounds for revocation continues to exist, the permit may be revoked without further notice and all submitted plans and other information may be disposed of; and

(b) Where an application for permit remains incomplete and/or is inactive for six months after the application date the application may be deemed by the CBO to have been abandoned and notice thereof shall be given to the applicant. In this case the applicant will be required to re-submit a new complete application as required by this By-Law.



(a) On receipt of a notice of intention to revoke a permit, an applicant may request in writing within thirty (30) days from the date thereof a date of deferral of the revocation of such permit;

(b) a request for deferral shall set out the reasons why the permit should not be revoked and the date by which the work will be commenced or resumed, and if in his/her opinion, the CBO allows a deferral it shall be to a prescribed date and the
applicant shall be notified.

(c) the new request for deferral of revocation is subject to a fee in accordance with Schedule “A’ of this By-Law.



(a) Permits are transferable only upon completing a new permit application pursuant to section 5;

(b) a fee, as prescribed in Schedule “A” shall be payable on a transfer of permit; and

(c) the new applicant shall thenceforth be the permit holder for the purpose of the Act and the Building Code.


(a) When, in the opinion of the CBO, a material change has occurred to a plan, specification or other document on the basis of which a permit was issued, an administrative fee shall be payable in accordance with Schedule “A” of this By-Law.



(a) Notice, either oral or written, for inspections respecting stages of construction required by the Building Code and required inspections shall be given by the applicant to the CBO at least 48 hours (2 business days) in advance of each stage of construction ready for inspection as prescribed in Division C, Article of the regulations;

(b) With respect to “additional notices” under Division C, Article of the Building Code, the applicant shall notify the CBO at least 120 hours (5 business days) prior to each stage of construction for which notice in advance is required
under the Building Code Division C, Article;

(c) All stages of construction requiring notices shall be pursuant to Division C, Subsection 1.3.5. of the Building Code; and

(d) When, in the opinion of the CBO, re-inspections are required as a result of improper notification, re-inspection fees shall be payable in accordance with
Schedule “A” prior to the re-inspections being carried out.


15.1 Fees for compliance certificates are set out in Schedule “A” of this By-Law.

15.2 When re-inspections are requested for compliance certificates due to outstanding work orders on file for more than one year, re-inspection fees shall be payable in accordance with Schedule “A”.


16.1 If Registered Code Agencies are necessary (RCA’s), the authority to appoint RCA’s under subsection 4.1 (3) of the Act shall be delegated to the CBO.

16.2 Agreements for Registered Code Agencies shall be in writing and contain all prescribed requirements to meet the Act and Building Code, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing: those related to plan review facility, inspections, issue of order, termination of appointments, record keeping, information sharing and operational policies.

16.3 Fees of Registered Code Agencies Fees for RCA’s shall be in written agreement and shall be based on a cost for service of each project and the RCA shall detail the list of the services in the agreement. RCA’s shall carry the necessary insurance prescribed in any agreement.

16.4 RCA’s shall provide any/or other necessary documents and/or service as determined by the CBO.

16.5 Fees shall be 10% of Building Permit Fees for Plan Examination functions. Fees shall be 10% of Building Permit Fees for Inspections.


17.1 The annual report prescribed in the Act shall be completed and available pursuant to the provisions of the Building Code.


18.1 Should any section, subsection, clause or provision of this by-law be declared by court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this By-Law as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid.


19.1 A person is guilty of an offence if the person,

(a) knowingly furnishes false information in any application under the Building Code Act, in any certificate required to be issued or in any statement or return required to be furnished under the Act or the regulations;

(b) fails to comply with an order, direction or other requirement make under the Act; or

(c) contravenes the Act, the regulations or a by-law passed under section 7 of the Act.

19.2 A person who is convicted of an offence is liable to a fine of not more than $50,000.00 for a first offence and to a fine of not more than $100,000.00 for a subsequent offence.

By-Law Number 3055 is hereby repealed.

READ a first and second time this 23rd day of April, 2019

READ a third time and passed this 23rd day of April, 2019

Signed by the Mayor & Clerk





A permit fee or fees shall be made payable to the Corporation of the Township of Augusta at the time of making application for a building permit.



DESCRIPTION/FEE NAME                                                FEE EFFECTIVE April 23, 2019

Refundable Deposit Fee, new residential
Refundable after final inspection                                         $500.00

Non-refundable deposit fee, all other permits                     $95.00
except pools and wood stoves,
applied to permit cost.,

Minimum Charge for any Construction                               $95.00

Building Without a Permit                                                    Double the cost of the permit.
Two (2) week grace period from
the date of infraction letter.

Occupancy Permit, new construction                                 $95.00
Payable with building permit

Building Permits

Residential Buildings                                                           $1.00/sq. ft.
Renovation/ Additions/
Attached garages
3 season rooms, sunrooms
Living space, Future living space

Partially finished basement,
Non living space
Not including building services
mechanical area                                                                  $0.85 I sq. ft.

Accessory Buildings
Detached garages, Sheds
No living space                                                                   $0.50/sq. ft. of gross floor area

Decks, pool decks, porches, gazebos                                $0.50/sq. ft.

Solar Panels mounted on a building                                  $0.30/sq. ft. of panel surface plus
engineering report on structural
adequacy of building

Designated Structures under Division A,              $10.00 per $1,000.00 of evaluation cost


New Construction                                                               $0.25/sq. ft. to a max of $750.00
Accessory Building                                                              with valid farm number
Renovation/Alterations                                                       Does not include building without a permit

Institutional/ Post Disaster

New construction/Renovations                                            $0.40/sq. ft. Occ. Space
Does not include building without a
Additions/Ace. Buildings

Demolition Permit                                                                $110.00

Swimming Pool Permits, pool only                                      $75.00

Re-lnspections/Pian re-examinations/                                 $85.00
2nd + inspections/2nd + examinations

Change of Use Permit                                                        $0.35/sq. ft. Occ. Space
$100.00 minimum

Building/Zoning Compliance Letters                                   $100.00

Woodstove Permits                                                             $75.00 (does not include WETT)

Plumbing                                                                             $11.00 / fixture

Conditional Permit                                                               $110.00 plus signed agreement

Transfer or Renewal Permit                                                 $95.00 with no changes

Revision Permit                                                                   $as above minimum of $95.00
(no credit for reductions)

Insulation/Vapour Barrier retrofit                                          $95.00

Hydronic Heating                                                                 $95.00

Replacing finish roofing material,                                        No Charge
siding, a window and minor repairs
which do not involve structural change,
or do not involve vapour barrier and

Miscellaneous Site Inspections                                            $85.00

Deferral of Revocation



List of Plans or Working Drawings (2 sets required) to accompany application for permits.

1) The Site Plan

2) Floor Plans

3) Foundation Plans

4) Framing Plans

5) Roof Plans/Truss Plans

6) Energy Efficiency Design Summary

7) Reflected Ceiling Plans

8) Sections and Details

9) Building Elevations

10) Electrical Drawings

11) Heating, Ventilations and Air Conditioning Drawings

12) Plumbing Drawings

NOTE: The Chief Building Official may specify that not all the above mentioned plans are required to accompany an application for permit.



Application for Change of Use Permit

Application for 911 Number

Application for Entrances

Application for Septic

Application for Conditional Permit

Detailed Plumbing Fixture/Drain Count Form



RE: Design and Field Review of the Building by an Architect or Professional Engineer during the course of Construction

“The owner hereby warrants that:
a) The building has been designed by an architect or professional engineer.
b) The building during construction will be under the field review of the architect or professional engineer named herein.
c) If the architect or professional engineer named herein ceases to provide the field review, another architect or professional engineer will be retained immediately so that the filed review will continue uninterrupted, and the name of the new architect or professional engineer will be submitted to the Chief Building Official.”


Structural Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering

THE OWNER also hereby warrants that he/she has retained the constructor named below to construct the work in accordance with the permit plans and specifications and to be responsible therefore.

The Constructor is: _____________________________

Signature of Constructor’s Representative: _____________________________

Signature of Registered Owner: _____________________________

Address: _____________________________

Authorized Signature: _____________________________     Title:_____________________________

Building Permit Number: _____________________________ Telephone: _____________________________

Project Location: _____________________________

Signature of Owner: _____________________________



This form was developed by the Engineers, Architects, and Building Official (EABO) Liaison Committee and is endorsed by the:

Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario
Ontario Association of Architects
Ontario Building Officials Association

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