The attached photo has a complete list of rules regarding the use of the new

pickleball/tennis courts located at 14 Robert Road, Maynard. These regulations will be posted on site for all to review.
Here are a few key points:
- The courts are open to the general public, as are all of our outdoor recreational areas.
- 8am-11am will be open play time where players must rotate out after each game if there is someone waiting.
- 11am–8pm they are available on a 1st come, 1st serve basis and players are limited to 1 hour of play if others are waiting to play.
- Temporary courts may be used if players provide their own temporary nets. The temporary nets must be removed after play.
- The courts may become unavailable due to special events or other activities. These times will be posted on the Township website’s Community Calendar. Players should check this calendar before heading to the courts.
The pickleball courts are scheduled to open for the season on Friday, May 17, 2024. We thank everyone for their patience and look forward to seeing you on the courts!